
Ye Qiu suddenly turned his head to look at the King of Hell, and saw that the King of Hell immediately showed an apologetic expression,"Sorry, my hand slipped."

King of Hell!

This guy is really the same as in his previous life!

As he said that, the King of Hell waved his hand and took out the Great Sword of Natural Disaster,"Shixuan, what's with that expression on your face?"

"Are you the only one allowed to get the first kill? Have all the boss rewards been booked in advance by your guild?"

"You've already gotten the first kill of the Guardian once, and no one objected at the time. Do you want to get another one now?"

"What do you think other players think? I think players should be equal."

"We should also have the right to take the first hand, right, President of Holy Light?"

"Or are you so arrogant that you think you are superior to others and don't care about us ordinary players anymore?

Fang Ze frowned, and he immediately felt something was wrong!

The King of Hell was turning the tide and directing the conflict towards them!

As expected, the other players were instantly unhappy when they heard what the King of Hell said.

"Yes, you guys took the reward from the boss on the previous level!"

"This game is not made by your company, so why should all the boss rewards be given to you?"

"Can't we get the first kill?"

"Oh, why don’t you say that I can be T1? All the good things are taken by others, so why can’t I be T1?"

"that is"

"If we share the rewards with us, we can still be T1, don’t you think?"

"That’s right. It’s because they have a direct monopoly on boss rewards that they are getting stronger and stronger, and we are increasingly unable to keep up with them!"

"I used to think that the Holy Light leader was a nice person, but now it seems that in his eyes we are just useful tools, right?"

"Yes, we have always been the ones who put in the effort, money and life, but in the end, they get all the benefits!"

"This kind of person is so disgusting!"


A group of players began to blame Fang Ze and his group.

The King of Hell showed a playful smile.

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth. He knew that the King of Hell had already dug a trap for him. It would be useless for him to say anything now.

No matter what he said, he would just jump into the trap!

Contradictions and conflicts are difficult to resolve once they occur!

Does he want to explain?

Of course he has to explain.

But how to explain?

There is no way to explain.

The King of Hell's words are heartbreaking. What he said is indeed the truth, but it is the truth that he distorted!

Ye Qiu naturally wants to take the first kill, but don't others want it?

Obviously, everyone wants the first kill!

The King of Hell also wants it, but if he openly grabs it, it will naturally be difficult to get a good reputation.

But he turned the situation around and directly threw the contradictions and conflicts to Ye Qiu and their entire guild!

The King of Hell had been pretending for so long that Ye Qiu subconsciously forgot what this guy was like!

This shameless bastard!

Now there are only two ways for Ye Qiu.

The first way is to refute the King of Hell with all his strength and play a debate with him to win the approval of the majority.

If they win, they won't get anything, but there is a certain probability that they can get their reputation back.

If they lose, their guild and his name will be completely stinky, and all players will exclude them together.

This stain will remain in their names forever.

Maybe this is nothing, the first kill, everyone wants it, but since someone has pointed out the spearhead.

Then everyone has a direction to attack. It may not be good for them to step on a top guild.

But it won't be bad either.

Jealousy in people's hearts is the most difficult to calm down.

This road is obviously a pit deliberately dug for him by the King of Hell. If he refutes it, then there is a high probability that the King of Hell will make things worse!

And their situation will become worse.

The worst case scenario is that no one will trade with them, members of the guild will quit one after another, and no new people will join the guild!

No matter where they go, they will be excluded. This feeling is similar to being cyberbullied.

This is the first way, and it is also the first pit dug for him by the King of Hell.

The second way is to admit a mistake to everyone and claim that it has nothing to do with their guild!

Such a public apology is nothing more than acknowledging the King of Hell's point of view, and it is a kind of compromise to the King of Hell.

At the same time, it also confirms their reputation of being selfish.

Although some people may forgive them, the stain will definitely remain.

This is the second pit that the King of Hell dug for Ye Qiu and others.

No matter which path Ye Qiu takes, he will fall into the pit that the King of Hell dug for him.

Fang Ze naturally thought of this, but he chose to compromise,"We did something wrong this time. I apologize to everyone on behalf of Shi Xuan."

"Boss first kill? We have made it very clear from the beginning, whoever kills it will own it. The first kill belongs to the King of Hell. We don't want to say anything."

"Let's just leave this matter alone, everyone.……"

Before Fang Ze could finish, Yan Wang interrupted him and said,"President Shengguang is very righteous. I admire you, but who can't say what's on the surface?"

"The last time you got the first kill, we didn't have any hostility towards you, but what about you?"

"Once the first kill doesn't fall into your hands, you will be the kind of person who wants to kill others"

"I think the most important thing between players is trust. We trust you, but it is obvious that you are not worthy of our trust."

"But it's just a game after all, and everyone is just having fun."

"Your guild……"

Before Yan Wang could finish, Ye Qiu suddenly sneered,"Shut your stinky mouth, weren't you the one who got the first kill? You bunch of idiots, think about it carefully.""

"What good is it for you to join in the fun? They are the ones who have taken all the benefits, and you still want to stand on the moral high ground and point fingers."

"You haven't even realized that you've been used as a tool. You idiots are so easy to fool."

"The same goes for Holy Light. It’s none of your business. Why are you wasting your time talking about it? He’s right. I just want to be the first to kill. What’s wrong with that?"

"I'm stronger than all of you, and my damage output is higher than all of you, so why can't I get the first kill?"

"Now that it has come to this, I don't want to act anymore."

"President, I'm really sorry for taking advantage of you for so long, and for you guys who are just my tools."

"I've gotten enough benefits, and I'm too lazy to act anymore. From now on, I will quit the random guild."

"You want to kill me, hate me, exclude me, go ahead, whatever you like, if you have the ability"

"Excuse me for being blunt, but everyone here is just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimp."Everyone present was stunned after hearing this!

And after being stunned, what surged up was an endless anger!

"I used to think this guy was a nice guy!"

"What the hell are you? You are just a bunch of scumbags. It's just two first kills. Why are you pretending?"Du Yuan was also angry."Shixuan, do you think so? I always treated you as a brother!"

Fang Ze suddenly patted Du Yuan's shoulder. He didn't say a word because he knew what Ye Qiu meant.

He didn't follow the trap that the King of Hell dug for him.

Instead, he took a rebellious path.

He turned all the spearheads on himself and tried his best to distance himself from the guild so that this matter would not involve the guild.

Ye Qiu took a step forward with a sword in hand, and several players instantly blocked him!

Ye Qiu's eyes turned cold,"Get out of the way."

Several players had no intention of moving their bodies. They seemed to want to say something.

But Ye Qiu didn't give them a chance. He directly raised his knife and killed several people!


"A good dog does not take the lead, and the next one who blocks the road will suffer the same fate."

Everyone looked at each other, Ye Qiu was indeed strong, so what would happen if they killed him once? The other party would lose some soul life, and so would they, there was no need to let themselves suffer losses.

So everyone made way for him, and Ye Qiu came directly to the side of the skeleton dragon Balzac with a sword.

Nocturne, whose ID was hidden, was seen chopping the dragon bones one by one with an axe.

He was thinking in his heart, keep quarreling, keep quarreling, don't stop!


Nocturne chopped off a dragon bone with an axe, and a pitch-black sword suddenly appeared in front of him,"Sword of the Death Eater!


"Got it!"

Nocturne was about to reach out to take it, but Ye Qiu suddenly appeared and directly grabbed the Death Eater's sword!

Ye Qiu:"Thank you for helping me find this weapon."



Today is the third update, a little late, I stayed up late yesterday and got up late(ー ー゛)

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