After Chen Ye selected a certain soul, the Hall of Echo began to evolve crazily at a time rate of one day and one year!

The system gradually completed the settings here and gave it a new concept.

In the original concept, souls would gradually be born in the Hall of Echo.

This is the origin of all souls.

The souls in the Hall of Echo will become stronger with the passage of time, and will devour each other's origins.

The concept given by the system refers to the simulation and deduction of countless eras for all souls.

They have all been living creatures, have experienced several reincarnations, and will return here after each reincarnation.

In reincarnation, they will forget everything in the Hall of Echo and all the reincarnations of the previous lives.

Only when the carrier of the soul dies and the soul returns to the Hall of Echo through death can it recall all the things in the previous life.

And take back all its own memories.

Therefore, some souls choose to stay here forever and not enter reincarnation.

Some souls have obtained immortal bodies and wandered outside the Hall of Echo forever, becoming another person.

It is impossible for ordinary people to enter the Hall of Echo.

The only one who can open the door of the Echo Hall is the Grandmother of the Spirits who wanders in the Echo Corridor.

Even Malthus can only enter here through the Grandmother of the Spirits.

"If I remember correctly, Cam, in your previous life, you were killed by that guy Ogurd, right?"

"He is still wandering in the material plane. I will help you send him back. Just pretend you didn't see what happened today."

Kam squinted his eyes,"I am the Eye of Truth. Everything I see is the truth, and everything I say is the fact. I only have one eye. Do you want me to turn a blind eye?"

"Oh, okay, you got me."

"Malthus never came here, I saw nothing, everything is as usual, the echo land is still running as usual"

"Remember to tear Ogurd's soul in half for me."

After saying this, Cam slowly closed his eyes.

"I will."

After saying that, Malthus dragged Nocturne's soul into the crack.

He held up the crack with one of his big hands, never letting it close.

When he left, the crack disappeared in an instant.

It was as if it had never appeared.



As a ball of blue soul fire ignited, Nocturne felt his weakening body gradually stabilize.

He looked around,"Where is this... that?" Malthus still looked down at Nocturne,"The Echo Gallery, or in other words, the spiritual world covering the material world"

"The relationship between the two is quite complicated. You can simply understand it as two worlds superimposed on each other."

"The same tree exists in both the material world and the spiritual world."

"Only the soul can enter the spiritual world. Do you remember our previous meeting?"

"It is the result of my soul crossing the spiritual world and descending into the material world."

Looking at the giant Malthus in front of him, Nocturne's heart is like a roller coaster.

Constantly experiencing ups and downs

"Where is the Hall of Echoes?"

Malthus slowly put down the nocturne,"That is not what you should care about. It is a realm that you cannot observe yet."

"You must find a body as soon as possible."

"If not, your soul will soon dissipate."

Soul dissipates?

Nocturne:"What will happen if the soul dissipates? Will the account be deleted or will it be forced to log out of the game?"

Malthus suddenly fell silent.

"You are a Faded One, your soul was not born in the Hall of Echoes, so you cannot go to the Hall of Echoes after you die."

"Souls that cannot reach the Hall of Echoes will become targets of attack by the Soul Eater or become dinner for the Grandmother of the Spirit Worship."

"This may be difficult for you to understand?"

"Let me put it another way. You are not people from this world. You are just a body that has invested its soul and consciousness into this world."

"And now, your path back to your other body is cut off."

"Your consciousness will remain here forever. If your consciousness dies, you will be truly dead."

Death of consciousness?

Brain death!

" Nocturne's pupils shrank."Does that mean that I in reality have become a vegetable?""

"If I die here now, will I really die?!"

"What about my body in this world? What about my body in the game world? Can’t I go back?!"

Hearing this, Malthus waved his hand to clear away the black fog, and the eyeliner directly presented a material world!

Still in the underground of the ice prison, Nocturne’s body actually moved on its own!

There is already a soul in this body!

"I was possessed by someone?!"

Nocturne couldn't believe it. He was possessed by an NPC!

Malthus shook his head,"It's worse than possession. He has taken over your body. In other words, all your former abilities now belong to him."

"Including the abilities of the players you mentioned"

"The worst case scenario is that he can enter your world through your body in another world."

That is to say, the NPC not only took over my body in the game!

But also can use the player privileges, and can exit the game and control my real body?!

Import the consciousness of the NPC in the game into reality?

Is this really still a game?!

At this moment, Nocturne felt that his three views were shattered!

"Do I still have a chance to get my body back?!"

Malthus nodded,"Yes, Ogurd's soul was born in the Hall of Echoes, which means that if he dies in your body, his soul will be ejected from the body."

"But I can't help you with this matter, you can only rely on yourself."

Nocturne was a little confused,"Relying on myself, what else can I do now?"

Upon hearing this, Malsas directly pushed away the fog and pointed to the sealed tower,"You only have one choice now."

"That is to go to the tower and occupy the body of a monster, and use the monster's ability to take back your original body."

Nocturne was stunned for a moment,"Occupy the body of a monster?"

"Yes, little monster……"

Before the nocturne was finished, a dense sound of bells suddenly came from the black fog!

Malthus frowned and said,"It's too late, they are coming!"

"I will take you to the third floor first. No Faded One has ever set foot there. I can only help you up to this point. You can handle what happens next by yourself!"



No one knows what happened in the spiritual world, but a big storm broke out in the material world!

"Have you heard that someone found a legendary magic wand in the ice prison of the Water Divination School?"

"Who is it?"


"That midnight music?"

"It's him!"

Inside the sealed tower, a figure wearing a black robe and holding a scepter of death slowly stepped out.

Looking at the oncoming monster, his right palm slowly condensed into a black mist.

"The Palm of Hades!"


An invisible black giant hand rushed out instantly and crushed the oncoming monster in front of it!

The man in black robe looked at his right hand and sneered,"This body is pretty good."


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