Zhou Li was also helpless about all the pranks on the Internet.

He had thought of many ways to become famous, but he had never thought of becoming famous through pranks!

This was too much!

Now he didn't dare to tell people in real life that his game ID was Shan Gui!

Otherwise, people would say to him,"I'm giving you a favor today!"

"Remember this, you only have face!"

Zhou Li sighed.

No more words, it's all tears.

After that, the water master came forward and directly split the sea, exposing the temple under the sea!

The King of Hell picked up the key to open the temple, and saw that the temple suddenly rose and floated directly to the surface of the water, and a wide road emerged by itself!

And when the door of the temple opened, all the players received a message!

【The seal of apocalypse has been lifted】

【The third level of the Tower of Seals is opened.

I saw the Lamb open the first seal of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say:


Then I saw a man sitting on a white horse with a bow. He was given a crown and he fought and conquered and continued to conquer.

When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say:


Then I saw a man sitting on a red horse with a huge sword. He had power to take peace away from the earth and make people kill each other.

When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say:


Then I saw a man riding on a black horse, holding a scale, and saying,"A measure of wheat for a denarius and three measures of barley for a denarius. Do not harm the oil and wine."

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature say,


Then I saw a man coming on a pale green horse, bringing plague and death, and Hades was following him.

They were given power to kill a quarter of the earth with sword, famine, plague and wild beasts.


A voice like a god's oath resounded across the land, and all the players were stunned after hearing it.

"What does it mean?"

"So, there’s a new boss?"

"Or four?"

"I heard that this boss is not that strong."

Yan Wang led the way directly into the temple.

Since there is a god's inheritance on the first floor, there is no reason why there is no god's inheritance on the second floor!

So it is very likely that there is also a god's inheritance on the second floor!

As expected, there are many murals in the temple.

And the number of murals is very large, a hundred times the number of murals in the first floor of Loki Temple, and the records are particularly complete!

"Old Testament, New Testament?"


"I am special?"

"What country’s mythology is this? Why does it look so familiar to me?"

Cheng Haixing was also in the crowd. He looked at the murals in the temple and fell into deep thought,"Isn't this... the Bible?"

"But the Bible only has a few fragments, and those people keep them in museums as historical relics. How can there be such detailed records here?"

Is it really as he guessed? This is really another world?

A world that has not been abandoned by God?

Theologians nowadays have always believed that their world should have been abandoned by God.

So all the records of myths have been buried in the torrent of history.

"God created the world in seven days, and used the last day for rest."Master, isn't this the part of their museum that was burned?"

Jiang Quan looked at the stone wall in front of him and twitched his mouth. When they went abroad to perform a recycling mission before... they happened to see those remaining pages of the Bible.

One corner of the first page was burned by fire, and on the seventh day of God's creation, it was burned up.

Cheng Haixing shook his head,"Let's see if we can destroy the mural, otherwise those people will cause trouble again." Upon hearing this, Jiang Quan took out a hammer and smashed it against the wall!


But his hammer bounced back directly, and the mural was still intact.

"This... Master, it seems that it can't be dismantled."

Cheng Haixing sighed,"Forget it, if it can't be dismantled, just ignore it, and prepare for an information war."

"Then those people will say that this game contains the myths of their country, so it must be their country's property."

Jiang Quan looked at the mural in front of him and shrugged,"Isn't it the same? They argue about it every year anyway. Even if they don't argue about this, they will argue about something else."

"Anyway, they always have something to fight over and argue about."

At this moment, a foreign player suddenly knelt down!

The foreign player looked a bit old, and now he was kneeling in front of the mural, unconsciously shedding two lines of tears!

"This, this is!"

"Oh God, you actually put the entire text of the Bible here. Unfortunately, we have been searching for a lifetime and haven’t been able to find even a few copies!"

"This is the myth of our country. I want to copy all of them. Please get out of the way!"

Jiang Quan glanced at Cheng Haixing,"Look, they have started."

Cheng Haixing shook his head,"Okay, this is not our business. Go out and tell your superiors about this matter and let them handle it themselves."

Last time, there were very few records of Loki in the temple. Various countries just regarded it as a fictional myth and ignored it.

But this time is different. This time the story is very complete!

And it exists in reality, which cannot be explained by a fictional myth!

Because there are traces to follow!

Jiang Quan expressed his helplessness,"Two layers, they are all myths of other countries, is there nothing related to us?"

Cheng Haixing smiled,"Whether a thing has anything to do with us has never been determined by the content of the matter, but by whether we can argue with other countries."

"If we have argued, it has something to do with us."

"It’s just like Qin Shi Huang, didn’t he also have a quarrel before?"

"They insist that Qin Shi Huang is their ancestor. This is a cultural war. Whoever wins will own this piece of history."

"Of course, it’s hard to win if the content itself is not on our side."

"Let's go, the portal to the third floor is open, let's go to the third floor"


In the deepest part of the temple, the King of Hell fell into deep thought as he looked at the two stone statues in front of him.

These two stone statues were very unique. One of them was in the sky, and the other was on the ground. They were all naked.

One stretched out his right hand toward the sky, and the other stretched out his right hand toward the ground.

This was probably also a legacy of a god.

But... the King of Hell stared at the two stone statues for a long time without any reaction.

When he stretched out his hand to touch the stone statues, a message suddenly popped up!

【You are a little too greedy】

【You already have a god's inheritance, are you still trying to get the favor of other gods?

Seeing this, the King of Hell slowly withdrew his right hand,"Okay, okay, great God of Fire, Lord Loki, you don't have to remind me, I'm just curious."

It seems that this god's inheritance is destined to be out of my reach.

The King of Hell shook his head when he thought of this.

Let's go to the third floor and take a look


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