As time went by, the crusade against Hades gradually subsided. During this period, no player saw the players of the Blasphemy Temple.

But this is only temporary, and they will come back sooner or later.

Ye Qiu knew it.

In the following period of time, Ye Qiu went to the Water Divination School.

But unfortunately, he was stopped by the NPC and could not enter the ice prison. After that, he sneaked in again.

Then he was caught by the NPC on the spot and chased by the NPC for a whole night.

After so many twists and turns, Ye Qiu still couldn't enter the ice prison.

Helplessly, he could only look for other clues.

He found Hobbit and asked about Ogurd in detail.

As a result, he got very little information.

It was just heard that tens of thousands of years ago, several major schools had joined forces with the Taboo School to fight against a tyrant.

This tyrant was not Brax Rex, but a tyrant with a longer history and power comparable to that of a god!

This battle is known as the Ancient War.

Countless strong men fell, and the earth was charred.

This was a war that took place on the mainland of the Green Dragon Continent, but it involved many forces from overseas.

The Hobbit didn't know the details, but he knew that the final result of this battle was that the tyrant disappeared and countless strong men died.

Among them were several well-known strong men, such as the Eye of Truth, Som.

The Hades Walker, Ogurd.

The Ghost Commander, N'Ozu.

The Sufferer, Malthus.

And so on.

All these strong men from the Holy Land perished in that battle.

In fact, no player had ever seen these strong men.

They were first jokingly called legendary figures living in the background by the players.

Ye Qiu thought so too, and most of the characters had never appeared until the game came out.

"That’s all.

There are too few levels now.

Except for the first level which is related to the Green Dragon, the remaining two levels have nothing to do with the Green Dragon Continent.

Let’s go to the second level first.

"The second level of the War School also has three paths.

They are Unyielding, Strength and Courage.

The Unyielding Path is an extension of the Breath of Steel, focusing on defense.

The Strength Path is the most basic extension of the Breath of Power, and the emphasis is still on strength.

The Courage Path is an extension of the Breath of the Hunter, and it mainly pursues speed.

These three correspond to three different potions, and players can only choose one of them.

But to be honest, the materials of these three potions are basically the same.

Only a few of the materials have been changed.

Different schools of transfer can be adapted to other schools at the same time to produce a unique effect.

For example, if Ye Qiu chooses the Courage Path for the second level, then he can match it with the Hunter Path of the Archery School.

There is an adaptability between the two , and taking these two potions is relatively stable.

Moreover, the effects of the two schools are linked together, which can produce an effect of one plus one being greater than two.

There are many similar ones.

For example, the School of War and the School of Fire, there were players who realized a set of Fire Sword School and a set of Frost Sword School by themselves.

It is indeed very strong, but the process is also very sad.

After they succeeded, they shared their own path selection and matching.

Other players tried it, but they failed several times in each link.

So those players were puzzled, why do we always fail several times? Then the player who created the new school stood up and said,"It's okay, I always die suddenly, but after many failures, I will always succeed once!

" This made most of the players who chose this path speechless.

Logically speaking, the school combination idea shared by the players must be relatively stable and powerful.

As a result, some people just want to do something weird.

What magic swordsman, what melee mage? It seems that the damage is high and the skills are gorgeous, but in fact the compatibility between the two is very poor, and it is easy to die suddenly!

But because of this, the two are stronger when combined!

For example, the fire sword school of war plus raging fire, the linkage among them allows the war school to use fire breathing in an angry state.

This feeling is like integrating fighting spirit and magic power!

It is indeed exquisite.

But Ye Qiu does not plan to match other schools.

He plans to continue to follow the path of hidden schools in his previous life!

"There are two more levels. I'll do the second level first and then get the mask. It won't take much time anyway."

Theoretically, taking a hundred years of life as an example, players can at least reach the third level.

In other words, as long as the materials are complete, most players can now reach the third level.

But it's hard to say what will happen next.


Xianyang City.

As the Ghost Corps was cleared, the players searched around and found no bosses, so they all evacuated.

Zhao Gao sneaked back when he saw this.

He summoned the Ghost Corps again, secretly feeling his own wisdom,"Haha, if you want to catch me, I will run away. If you have the guts, come and catch me in the shadows?"

Looking at Zhao Gao's subtle expression, Jiang Chen was filled with thoughts.

Zhao Gao was so incompetent that it was impossible to expect him to deal with the players.

He had no idea how to use his abilities, and even his Soul Devouring Corps was used up by him.

If that was the case...……

"Why can't I swallow Zhao Gao and let me be the boss of this Soul Devouring Group?"

Since the king is incompetent and has no ambition to make progress, then he can replace him!

Jiang Chen is different from other ghost soldiers. He has self-awareness and does not have the concept of absolute loyalty to the master.

In other words, he can theoretically bite back Zhao Gao!

However, it is not safe enough to do it now.

He must be stronger and kill him with one blow!

With this idea, Jiang Chen began to kill his colleagues crazily in the following days!

One thing to be thankful for is that even if he becomes a monster, he can still increase the lifespan of his soul!

But he does not absorb as much as the players.

After a life dies, he can only devour a small part of the soul lifespan.

But a little makes a lot. After several days of hard work, Jiang Chen still increased the soul lifespan to 310 years!

But such a large-scale killing of ghost soldiers naturally attracted Zhao Gao's attention!

And Jiang Chen was waiting for this moment!

In the palace of Xianyang City.

Zhao Gao felt a sense of fear when he saw Jiang Chen, who was gradually becoming stronger and had surpassed him too much.

"You, what did you do?"

Jiang Chen couldn't speak, otherwise he really wanted to say: A real man is born in this world, how can he be depressed and inferior to others for a long time!

Jiang Chen didn't move, showing a stupid attitude.

Seeing this, Zhao Gao thought for a moment,"Did I get the wrong method? Maybe, this is the real ability of my Ghost Corps?"

"Only by devouring each other can my ghost army become stronger?"

"Come forward, let me examine you carefully."

Jiang Chen stepped forward at a moderate pace, without any intention of attacking.

But the moment Jiang Chen arrived in front of Zhao Gao, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed out directly!

At the same time, he took out a scimitar and stabbed it into Zhao Gao's chest!


A ball of inky black soul mist spread out, and Zhao Gao's pupils shrank suddenly,"You... rebelled, come, come, ghost army!"


Jiang Chen tore Zhao Gao's body apart with his force, and then immediately turned into a monster and swallowed it!

"The incompetent general is complacent and weak, so I will take his place!"


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