"I want the third one." Let

's briefly summarize the contents of these three branches.

It can be understood in this way.

The first potion will not give you a new curse, but let you meet the conditions for releasing most curses.

You can release most curses by yourself.

But these curses are generally not permanent. Some of them require rituals or can only last for a period of time.

Of course, there are permanent ones.

Brax Rex said.

His teacher is a full-time curse master. Once a king despised her, she directly turned the king into a frog.

It was a permanent frog.

But this kind of permanent curse must have a formula to solve it.

And the formula to remove the frog curse is to ask a girl to kiss the cursed person.

Unfortunately, most of these curses are imposed on others. What

Zhou Li needs is a permanent curse imposed on himself.

The content of the second one is to strengthen the curse that he already has, which is similar to a line of development.

Only focus on this curse.

Unfortunately, no matter how Zhou Li develops this curse, it is useless!

It really has no actual combat power!

Therefore, he can only choose the third one!

That is to add another permanent curse to himself!

This time he has thought it through!

He wanted to be weak!

He wanted a curse that would make him extremely weak!

In this way, the reverse curse could play the greatest role!

Brax Rex looked at Zhou Li and smiled mysteriously,"Okay, but I want you to help me find something."

"Help me find a Zayik who still has a soul, that is, an undead with a soul strength of more than 100 years, and bring him here."

Zayik... the uneaten wise man of the Black Emperor camp.

I remember...

I don't think the players killed them all, right?

Among them, several Zayik were left behind by the players, after all, they are NPCs with practical uses.

Zhou Li thought about it and wanted to catch a living one...

Although it is not impossible, it is a bit troublesome.



At night, in the Paladin Guild.

After the guild version was updated, many guilds have enclosed a large area of land.

Fang Ze and others are no exception.

Those who enclosed it earlier are inside the first circle of city walls, and those who enclosed it later can only be outside the first circle of city walls.

However, the second circle of city walls is about to be built. Now there are hundreds of millions of people in the wall construction team, so the construction efficiency is not to be underestimated.

And the Paladin Guild is inside the second circle of city walls.

That night.

The members of the Paladin Guild gathered at night as usual, discussed the strategy for the third floor, and then dispersed.

Qianluo and Qianxia lived in the same room, and they had another strange dream today.


In a dark room, there was an old man wearing a red robe with golden sun patterns on it. He frowned as he looked at Qian Luo.

"Young man, have you really thought it through? If you miss this opportunity, you won't have a next time."

Qian Luo heard this and slowly said,"I give up the inheritance. Don't drag me into this dream again."

"If you have to step on others to get a legacy, then this legacy is really not good."

"What's more, you've got the wrong person."

The old man sneered,"You think so, but what about her? If she wants to challenge you, you must fight her."

"In the end, there is only one ending for you: she gets the inheritance and soars to the sky, while you……"

"Can only be a stepping stone in her life"


On the other side, in the same dark room, an old man in a blue robe with a silver moon pattern on it was repeating the same thing.

Qianxia and Qianluo both smiled indifferently at the same time.

"If he (she) is willing, then I am willing to be his (her) stepping stone."x2

Hearing the answers of the two, the two old men were silent.

The answers of these two people were always the same, as if they were two copies.

After a while, the appearance of the two old men suddenly changed.

The old man in the silver moon robe turned into a young woman.

The old man in the scorching sun robe turned into a young man.

"Congratulations." x2

"Passed our test." x2

"I am Artorius, the sixteenth generation inheritor of the Sun School."

"I am the sixteenth generation inheritor of the Silver Moon School, Isabel"

"The sun and the moon are divided into day and night, just like the Sun and Moon School, they will eventually separate, but they will also eventually meet at a certain moment."x2

"We wanted to merge the Sun and Moon schools, but we couldn't resist the trend of the times. Therefore, our union became a taboo, and no offspring would be born." x2

"But even so, we still want to do something." x2

"If one of you were able to betray the other for power, or both of you, you would never have a chance to be here again." x2

"I am glad that you were not blinded by power, which proves that our choice was right."x2

"We two will give you the inheritance of the sun and moon, and hope that you will be as steadfast as you are today."x2 said this, and the walls on one side of the two rooms suddenly disappeared.

The two looked over and saw each other directly.

It turned out that they were separated by a room.

Qianluo and Qianxia looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

"I knew you would say that."

"Me too, darling."

The two walked together, intertwining their fingers and clasping them tightly.

Seeing this, Artorius and Isabel also held each other's hands.

"The sun and the moon are divided into two parts, day and night, and finally……"

"One Yuan"


When Qianluo and Qianxia woke up from their dreams, the rings on their hands flashed a light.

Two scrolls instantly emerged from the rings.

One of them was a scroll of the Lieyang School, and the other was a scroll of the Silver Moon School.

The two took the scrolls and saw a message pop up in front of them.

The specific message was a bit long, but it roughly meant that they had received a common task, and only by completing this task together could they get the rewards for the next stage.

The rewards were already in the rings.

It can be said that these two rings are the biggest treasures of the cave.

The two were very surprised. They didn't think so much at first, just as a couple's jewelry.

But they didn't expect that this pair of ordinary rings actually had a mystery.

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably be difficult to complete this test.

Not to mention two men, just a couple, they normally wouldn't have this level of tacit understanding.

Qianxia and Qianluo are already married in reality, and even their friends say that they are the most tacit couple.

It's a pity that neither of them is just.

One likes to play games, and the other likes to play games with him.

The two of them can easily complete various two-player cooperative games. They often post some videos to the Internet and are quite famous.

And the two of them did not miss the game Sealed Land.

One of them got a place in the fourth test, and the other got a place in the sixth test.

Now they have mixed into the T1 team.

But only when the two of them are together.

It's not because they have any special equipment.

It's because they can guess the other's next move without much trouble in communication.

So as to cooperate with each other in advance.

Simply put, the two of them together have the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

These two are also nicknamed conjoined twins, dog food distributors, and... double heroes by many players.


Four more


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