"Is this the world outside the domain?"

A man was watching everything in front of him on the crosswalk.

"A world without gods, without disasters, and without supernatural powers, isn’t this the world we have imagined countless times?"

"My dear friends, do you see that this world is so peaceful?"

The man said as he slowly closed his eyes. He heard various harsh sounds coming from his side. It was obviously the car in front of him honking.

This man was none other than Ogurd.

He had been observing the real world for a long time. Everything here made him feel fascinated and unforgettable.

"These faded beings, these beings who call themselves players, already have such a peaceful and tranquil world, but they still want to come to our world."

"Are they a little too greedy?"

"Oh, well, this is our chance, a chance to escape the curse of fate."

"My brothers and sisters, please wait for a while, I will let you come to this world too."

With that, Ogurd left the crosswalk directly.

The sound of those iron boxes was too loud.

Ogurd twisted his neck and was about to go to the building in front of him to take a look.

But at this moment, a man leaning against the wall suddenly caught his attention.

The man's eyes seemed to be fixed on him, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Ogurd slowly stopped and saw that the man suddenly stretched and spoke in Green Dragon Language.

"Have you seen enough?"


Ogurd frowned,"Why do you know Green Dragon Language? Who are you?"

Chen Ye slowly stood up and snapped his fingers.


After the words fell, everything stopped, including pedestrians on the road, vehicles in motion, clouds in the sky, and even the sun.

The entire solar system seemed to have stopped at this moment!

It felt like time had stopped!

The only ones who could move were Ogurd and Chen Ye.

Seeing this scene, Ogurd felt a chill on his back, and the whole person suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave,"Time... stop?"

How is it possible!

Even the countless top gods he knew could not stop time! At most, they could accelerate themselves and their own thoughts, making everything seem to be still!

But no god has ever been able to press the pause button for the world!

Except for the legendary omnipotent...

Supreme God of Creation!

Could this man be the God of Creation of this world?!

Ogurd felt endless fear when he thought of this. He had no ability in this world.

All his abilities could not be exerted. In this world, he was just a mortal!

Therefore, he was afraid!

He was afraid of the unknown, he was afraid of his own weakness, and he was afraid of the other party's strength!

Unguessable, incomprehensible, and unimaginable!

"Who...are you?"

Ogurd said this in a strangled voice.

Chen Ye suddenly laughed when he heard it,"Who am I? You can come to this world with my approval."

"Your existence is also my approval, and the myriad worlds you know are even more of my approval. Guess who I am?"

"The Hall of Echoes is the womb I created. I watched you grow in the womb, as ignorant as a toddler, yet full of endless curiosity about this world."

""Child, it's not time for you to come into this world yet."

At this moment, Ogurd had an answer in his heart!

An answer to Chen Ye's identity!

The legendary supreme god of creation who knows everything and can do everything!

"Are you... the God of Creation?"

"Did you create this world as well? Have you always been here?"

Ogurd had a lot of questions in his mind, about this world, about the origin of everything, about God!

He had too many questions!

Hearing this, Chen Ye slowly stretched out a finger and tapped Ogurd's forehead,"My child, you have to understand one thing"

"The more you know, the more painful it is. Only ignorance can bring happiness, and only fools can be saved."

"Go back, child, now is not the time for you to come."

Ogurd said hurriedly,"Great God of Creation, Great Creator, Father of All Things, please tell me, what is the meaning of our existence?!"

"Why is it not the right time? When is the right time?"

"What is the meaning of our world's existence? What is the meaning of this world's existence? Please tell me!"

"I would rather die in agony after knowing the truth than live in ignorance and confusion!"

"Even if the truth of the world is extremely cruel, I would like to know this truth. Please tell me!"

"Why did you create all this?!"

Chen Ye grinned,"Because... it's interesting.""


Just because it's interesting?

Ogurd was stunned,"You……"

Before Ogurd could finish, his consciousness was suddenly cut off from his body and he was sent back to the game world!

Seeing this, Chen Ye slowly turned around, and a shadow soldier rushed out and grabbed the empty body.

"Send him back to his place"

"Yes, Master"


Back to the game.

Ogurd suddenly opened his eyes and broke out in a cold sweat,"I, I'm back?"


"It's incredible that I actually met the God of Creation in that world……"

Ogurd covered his forehead fiercely and said,"It feels like I had an absurd and weird dream.……"

"What kind of secrets does that world hide? Why is the God of Creation there, and why does he appear in human form?"

"What does"the time has not come yet" mean?"

Ogude couldn't figure it out. The Creator God didn't answer the question in his heart, but gave him an answer.

That is, it's interesting.

Everything is because the Creator God thinks it's interesting!


At this moment, Chen Ye also entered the game.

He came this time to complete the remaining basic settings.

He has almost completed the number of layers of the Sealed Land, only the last few layers are left.

And on this last layer, Chen Ye did not put any bosses.

He just left a clone named Chen Jun on the top of the Sealed Tower.

This clone is no different from ordinary humans. The only ability is that it can be reborn after death.

The coins and soul life he dropped are extremely luxurious.

Players can defeat him repeatedly, but every time they kill the clone, the player who kills him must give him an ability or change!

This ability can only be positive, not negative.

It can be a little more attack power, or it can be the attack power of bombing a planet with one punch.

It can also be absolute immunity to physical damage, etc.

If there is a boss that can stump all players, it is definitely a boss created by the players themselves!

That's right, Chen Ye plans to let the players give him abilities!

Let the players create an absolutely unsolvable boss!


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