Seeing that soul being selected as an elite monster, the other souls showed extremely envious eyes.

Reincarnation as a boss is out of reach for them.

Therefore, being able to reincarnate as an elite monster is the supreme honor!

So enviable!

Chen Ye quickly waved his hand and took the soul out of the Echo Hall, and at the same time selected the next soul.

Countless souls knelt on the ground humbly and prayed that the Creator would choose them.

Soon, a soul with a golden light all over his body was dragged up by him.

That soul was very calm, or it could be said that he had a different kind of pride.

"Thank you for your kindness, please let me show you my ability."

"I am proficient in stealth, clones, illusions, traps, assassinations, ambushes, and all kinds of weapon magic."

"Whether it's air combat, land combat, naval combat, or horseback combat, I can fully utilize my advantages!"

"I am best at terrain killing, backstabbing, and crouching for a long time at corners, behind doors, in corners, sewers, everywhere!"

"I can fight in a team battle, never in a one-on-one fight. I will call my brothers first at the beginning of the game. If the player dares to kill one, I will recruit a bunch of more!"

"As soon as the battle starts, rush towards the nurse and never let anyone in the back row of the opponent get a chance to breathe!"

"No nonsense, I can finish off the opponent with a delayed sword technique, I have reached the pinnacle of combat, I can switch between melee and ranged combat at any time!"

"High toughness, high health, high attack, high attack speed, a lot of boffs, invincible inside the tower and outside the tower!"

"Excuse me, great Creator, which level of boss can I become?"

Chen Ye was silent for a moment,"Well... the fifth level of Axe City seems to be missing a small monster that looks after the big tree, so you can reincarnate as a big tree knight."

The golden soul was stunned when he heard this,"I... great Creator, is this……"

Before the soul could finish, Chen Ye interrupted him.

"Are you denying my decision?"

"No, I don't dare……"


As the golden soul was taken out of the Echo Hall, Lu Qing was stunned,"Player...boss?"

"I, is this really hell? Have I actually traveled to the world of the game?"

A green soul sighed,"Alas, even a legendary gold soul can only devote himself to a small monster. When will weak souls like us be able to survive?"

"No one knows when the Creator will appear next time. Will it be more than ten years later?"More than ten years later


Lu Qing made up his mind instantly after hearing this number,"No, I must go up and say it. I don't want to wait here for more than ten years!"

Lu Qing stood up from his kneeling position instantly, raised his arms high and shouted to Chen Ye:"Great Creator, can you give me a chance!" Seeing

Lu Qing suddenly stand up, all the souls were surprised!

Why is this little white soul so presumptuous that it dares to stand and face the Creator?!



"You are a colorless soul, who gave you the courage!"

Seeing that the souls started to scold, Chen Ye raised his palm to interrupt them, and then lifted up Lu Qing.

He had actually been looking for Lu Qing for a long time, but because there were too many souls present, he had never found him.

And those souls kept shouting, so Chen Ye got annoyed and just stuffed the golden soul into the monster.

In fact, he didn't listen to what they said at all, and his attention was all on the ordinary Lu Qing.

But Chen Ye would never have thought that his casual move would stop so many players from going under the big tree outside the city of Axe!

And the big tree knight would become the nightmare of so many people, that's all for later.

At this moment, Lu Qing was extremely excited and was about to introduce himself, but Chen Ye interrupted him directly.

"Soul from the outside world, you don't seem to belong here, you come from a world called Earth, right?"

Lu Qing was shocked when he heard this, the other party actually saw through his whereabouts at a glance!

"Don't be nervous, our world will sooner or later merge with the world you originally lived in, and that day will not be too far away, and then you can return to your world."Chen Ye continued.

Return to... my world?

Lu Qing was a little confused,"Can I... still go back, go back as a human being?"

Chen Ye smiled,"Of course, but before that, you need to help me complete a few things."

"If you can do this, I will let you return to your original world. This is a deal and also a contract."

Lu Qing answered without hesitation:"I do!"

"As long as you can let me return to my original world, I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

Chen Ye showed a relieved smile,"Yes, since you agreed so readily, I won't waste any more words."

"Remember, in your future journey, you will meet people from the same world as you."

"They don't know what kind of world this is, or they think everything here is an illusion."

"I think this is just a game."

"As an insider, I have three requests for you, and you must comply."

"One is that you cannot reveal your true identity to anyone."

"The second is that you cannot tell anyone the truth here, let alone this deal between you and me."

"The third is to obey my orders unconditionally, even if my orders are death."

"Remember, if you violate the above three points, you will never be able to return to your original world."

"This is a contract, are you still willing?"

Lu Qing still answered without hesitation:"I do!"

Chen Ye nodded,"Then from today on, you will be my agent, you will be reborn with your knowledge and memory, and walk the world for me"

"At the same time, you will inherit one ten-thousandth of my authority."

"The first mission I give you is to assist those who call themselves players, your fellow"

"I will grant you an immortal body and an eternal soul to help you complete this important mission. Agent, don't let me down."

Turning around with memories?

Plus an immortal body?!

And one ten-thousandth of the authority of the God of Creation?!

This is really a standard time-travel golden finger!

Lu Qing followed suit, lowered his head quickly, and then said respectfully:"I respect your will!"

"Go ahead."Chen Ye waved his hand, and Lu Qing's soul instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the Echo Hall.

At this time, someone might ask, what is the use of Lu Qing?

Or, what is the meaning of choosing Lu Qing?

In fact, there is no meaning.

Chen Ye just did a small experiment, and the result of the experiment would not affect anything.

In other words,

Chen Ye might just think it's fun, or interesting, so he gave Lu Qing such an identity.

As for the so-called mission, that kind of thing is actually irrelevant from the beginning.

Even if Lu Qing does nothing, he can still return to the real world after the game comes. As for the agent, completing the mission is purely Chen Ye's personal bad taste.


Once a person enjoys the feeling of dominating the fate of others, it will be difficult to quit the pleasure of playing with everything.

What's more, it is a person who is determined to play with the whole world in his hands from the beginning?



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