"Hello, we want to visit the ice prison."

"No, this is a restricted area, no one is allowed in."

"My name is Shan Gui"

"Please come in.

Jiang Chen:"……"

Ye Qiu:"……"

Look, what is called differential treatment, this is called differential treatment!

Relying on the favorability of the mountain ghost, Ye Qiu and others successfully entered the ice prison.

And reached the level of the Death Wand in the fastest time.

"No... seen?"

Jiang Chen frowned as he looked at the empty ice prison in front of him."The ice prison showed no signs of being damaged, and there were no bodies.……"

"How did he escape?"

Ye Qiu looked at the empty ice prison in front of him and slowly squatted down. He saw a wisp of short hair on the ground of the ice prison.

"This doesn't look like... human hair."

Ye Qiu looked at the door of the ice prison again, and saw a few strands of the same short hair in the cracks of the ice prison.

Jiang Chen picked up a handful of short hair and smelled it,"It has a fishy smell, it's animal hair."

Ye Qiu's mouth twitched,"It's really amazing that you went out of your way to smell it, this should be the hair of mammals."

Shan Gui scratched his hair as he looked at the short hair in front of him,"It looks a bit like my cat's hair."

Jiang Chen sighed,"It seems that this trip was in vain."

Hearing this, Ye Qiu gently rubbed the hair,"It's not a wasted trip."

Through this strand of hair, Ye Qiu gradually had a guess in his mind.

This hair should not have been left a few months ago, but was left recently, probably about a day ago.

It just matched the time when Ogurd died.

So it was obvious that this body was not dead. Ogurd knew that they would definitely come back, so he took this body and ran away in advance.

And the way he escaped... should be transfiguration.

That is, the ability of the Transfiguration School.

He should have used the ability of the Transfiguration School to turn into some small animal and run through the ice prison.

But there is a doubt.

That is, why does Ogurd have the ability of the Transfiguration School?

Ye Qiu didn't figure it out at first, but he soon figured it out.

If a person can use skills that are not from his own school, There is only one explanation.

The other party used a disposable magic scroll.

Although it is not clear where Ogurd got the scroll, this guess should not be wrong.

Ogurd took out a scroll before to seal the Lord of Elements, and it was obvious that he had prepared it long ago.

But he still underestimated the Lord of Elements.

Or even if he didn't underestimate it, it would be useless.

The magic scroll is a disposable item. The creator can make a certain skill of his own into a scroll.

When using it, you only need to tear the scroll, which is very convenient. It does not require any conditions for use and there is no consumption.

But it is very troublesome to make a scroll, and it is hard to say for the time being.

Ye Qiu can't make scrolls, but many players in his previous life could make scrolls.

This is considered a secondary job, called a scroll master.

I heard from them that making scrolls is quite troublesome, and only a few can be made in a day, so the unit price of scrolls is very expensive.

The same is true when buying from NPCs, the prices of the two are almost the same.

Scrolls are also divided into levels, the highest is level eight, and the lowest is level one.

The higher the level, the more expensive the scroll is, but there are always people buying it.

And it is almost always in short supply.

There is no way, the role of scrolls is too great.

Suppose you are a mage, you don't know defensive magic, you don't know displacement magic, and you don't have a meat shield to protect you.

Then how do you protect yourself?

It's very simple, just bring a few scrolls of Teleport, Earth Armor, Ice Armor, or some tactical displacement.

Then come back here.

Look at the hair in the ice prison.

If Ogurd escaped by using the Transfiguration scroll, so Ye Qiu had to consider one thing.

The Transfiguration School can transform into animals, and even some monsters.

But these are only secondary.

The Transfiguration School has a skill called Change Your Appearance.

It can change the player ID, and even re-create the character, completely turning into another person, and it is permanent!

Ye Qiu had suspected before, whether Ogurd was from the Transfiguration School?

But after thinking about it, the Transfiguration School has not been opened yet.

NPCs related to the Transfiguration School should not appear at this time, so no matter how you think about it, it cannot be the Transfiguration School.

But the Transfiguration School NPC does not exist now, but it does not mean that the Transfiguration School skill scroll does not exist now!

This should only be a second-level Transfiguration.

And it is of the Beast system.

"If it's just this level, it's fine, but if he also has the ability to transform himself, it will be troublesome."

Ye Qiu thought of this and threw away the short hair,"Ogurd's body must not be dead, and it must be hidden somewhere."

"But if we look for it, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, so I suggest we just leave it alone."

"Jiang Chen, you should be more careful. Ogurd said he left something on you. He might be trying to scare you."

"But it is also possible that it is true.

Jiang Chen turned his eyes and said,"Don't worry, I won't fall into the same trap twice."

"Anyway, Ye Qiu, thanks to you this time. If you have any difficulties in the future, just call me."

"Even in reality."

Ye Qiu was a little surprised,"If it was in reality, what could you do?"

Jiang Chen grinned,"If you need my help to kill someone, I can dig up his ancestral grave."

"Then he crazily stole his ancestors' tributes!"

Ye Qiu quickly pushed his hand away to signal him to stop,"That's unnecessary. Besides, digging up someone's ancestral grave seems to be illegal, right?"

"Setting fire to a mountain is against the law." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"But the prerequisite is that there must be evidence. Without evidence, wouldn’t that be slander?"

"Remember, as long as I have no morals, morality cannot restrain me."

Ye Qiu:"6."

Looking at the two people in front of him who were talking more and more wrong, Shan Gui didn't know what to say, he could only say"Xing! It

's too cruel.

This life is getting more and more chaotic!


After a period of development, the situation of the game began to stabilize gradually.

The number of online players per day has almost stabilized at 2 billion.

Most of the players without land have found a place that is more suitable for them, that is, living directly in the tower.

Don't say how close you are to the Sealed Tower, we live in the tower!

Of course, there are many players who think this way. A long time ago, some players have moved into the Sealed Tower.

It's just that there are more now, almost accounting for 60% of the total number of players.

Among them, the players are mainly distributed on the first and second floors.

Because the third floor has not been pushed yet, no players have moved in yet.

According to the current known information, the third floor is particularly large, almost ten times the size of the second floor!

There are twelve cities, corresponding to the twelve ghost generals.

Players initially thought they were bosses.

But as the progress continued, the information gradually increased, and the players suddenly discovered that these twelve did not seem to be bosses!


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