"Hey, is the good president afraid?"

"No way, Good Guy is a player on the list, he won’t be scared by just one word, right?"

"But he is Jiang Chen"

"I just killed Zhao Gao alone a while ago!"

"That’s not right. I didn’t see him wearing a mask. Where did he hide his mask?"

"They don’t have any equipment, so what?"

"Tsk, if you ask me, there’s no need for a mask at all. With the second-level hidden necromancy school, wouldn’t it be easy to beat the good guy?"

"It's hard to say. PVP is PVP, PVE is PVE. A strong PVE doesn't mean a strong PVP."

"We don't need to donate our brains, that's the Ghost General's mask, pvp can be turned into pve!"

"Damn, that makes sense."

"Is this the legendary duel of justice?"

"We are picking you alone!"

"Didn’t you see the video of the fly killing Johnson alone? He was crushed to death by a large number of people!"

"Then let's see what kind of mask it is."

"The mask of the fly boss is Li Xin's Shadow Killing Group, which has a very powerful single-target burst. What is Zhao Gao's Soul Devouring Group?"

"Uh... Zhao Gao's mask, uh……"

"Okay, okay, stop washing, Zhao Gao is garbage!"

"How about opening a deal and I'll give you a vote?"

"I think it's OK"

"Ahem, the Chinese Internet Police remind you again that the Internet is not a place without law."

"Damn, here they come again, the ubiquitous Internet police!"

"Legend has it that in the sealed land, there is one policeman for every 100 people."

"There is no one left in reality, right? Have the police come to enforce the law in the game?"


As the crowd of onlookers gradually spread, this incident was directly posted online by enthusiastic players.

The leader of the Paladin Guild vs. the top lone wolf player played music in the middle of the night! It's worth watching!

Eat melons!

The good leader felt that he was riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off the mountain. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to put forward such an excessive condition.

He really didn't give him any chance to survive!

"Leave a way out for others so that we can meet again in the future.……"

Jiang Chen interrupted the good guy president before he could finish."I'm busy now. I don't have time to argue with you. If you want to fight, fight. If you don't want to fight, get out of here.""

"Don't waste your time talking to me about these useless things. You are not worthy of seeing each other in the future?"

Ye Qiu said this more or less.

At this moment, the good guy president was completely embarrassed.

He originally wanted to sell a favor to Jiang Chen. If he lost, he lost. Even if he lost 10 years of soul life, he would accept it.

But these 100 years really left no way for people to survive!

Since Jiang Chen was not going to give him any face, he could only bite the bullet and fight this battle!

As other players said, since the fight has not started yet, the outcome is undecided! It is really hard to say who will win or lose!

The good guy president took a deep breath. He was just stopped by Jiang Chen.

When he heard such a huge penalty for failure, he would subconsciously think about what to do if he lost?

In fact, it was not just him, almost everyone was like this.

Unless he was the kind of person with a bad temper and no brains, he would explode at the slightest provocation and go crazy directly.

"Well, since you've said so much, it would be a bit unreasonable for me not to fight."

The good president said, turning around and stepping onto the stage behind him,"A hundred years of soul life, and a gold coin. Dare to take it? I'll be waiting for you on the stage!"

Regardless of winning or losing, you must not lose in momentum!

This is the way to lose the battle but not the battle!

Seeing this scene, countless people followed suit.

Some of them were players from the Paladin Guild.

Seeing this, Qianluo narrowed his eyes,"The president is going to make a fool of himself again. Why does he have to use a gold coin to buy his own face?"

Qianxia smiled,"What's wrong with that? Maybe after a while, he won't be able to make it?"


"Let's be the president!" x2Qianluo

:"I suddenly have a good idea!"

Qianxia:"Me too, dear!"

"Let's rebel!" x2Qianluo

:"First, let him lose his reputation and make him stink forever!"

Qianxia:"Then let him lose face and be ashamed to see people!" Qianluo

:"Then we will rise up in rebellion, stir up public anger, and overthrow the president!" Qianxia

:"Then we will set up our own faction, win the hearts of the people, and replace him!"



The two of them hit it off and immediately figured out how to pull the president down and take the opportunity to take over.

The man next to him, Wen Yan, couldn't help but shudder,"What an evil couple, you feel sorry for the good president for a second."


Jiang Chen raised his head and looked towards the arena, suddenly revealing a strange smile

"As you wish."

As he said, Jiang Chen took a step forward and instantly activated the Shadow Step to walk onto the stage in three or two steps!

This is a common skill of the Ghost Generals. Like the Ghost Shadow Corps, almost every Ghost General has it.

The principle of this skill is very simple.

It is probably to slide directly over by stepping on the shadow, similar to sliding on the shadow.

It seems that one step can go a long way, but only three or two steps can walk a distance of more than ten steps of others.

The purpose of this move is to confuse the enemy, so that the enemy cannot see through your position, and thus cannot figure out what you are going to do next.

Although... it may not have any practical effect, this move is really cool.

As Jiang Chen and the Good Man President both took their positions, more and more players began to watch from the stage.

For a time, various openings directly occupied major forums.

"I bet 1 copper coin, the president will definitely win!"

"Do you dare to be more confident?"

"I bet a silver coin on Nocturne to win!"

"The odds are too low!"

"I also press Nocturne!"

"High risk, high reward, I bet on the good guy president!"

"Come on, buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it"

"Let me make a prediction. If the president dares to bet so big, he must have a bottom line!"

"I think so too. Most people don't dare to play such a big game."

"Then think about it from another perspective, isn’t that what a nocturne is?"

"I would rather believe that he underestimated the enemy."

"Same as above"

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and start!"


Just one second before the game started, suddenly, an arm broke through the rocks on the ground and emerged!

All the players were shocked to see a huge monster with goat horns, a black body, and bat wings suddenly descended!

They thought it was a boss.

But the message that popped up afterwards shocked them greatly!

【Satan, the Lord of Hell, has awakened!】

【This match is under the watchful eyes of Satan!

The victorious party will receive a reward from the Demon King, Lord Satan, the Lord of Hell. Please him as much as you can!


"Me special?!"


"Is this an Easter egg left by the game officials?"

"No, no, didn’t I say it at the beginning? Just do your best to please that adult."

"In other words, this adult is Satan?"


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