The first floor.

Molten Armory.

Hobbit took out a mask and handed it to Ye Qiu,"How should I put it... Well, the effect after forging may be stronger than we originally thought!"

Ye Qiu took the mask and saw that the appearance of Bai Qi's mask had changed slightly.

There were originally two holes on the mask, revealing the eyes, but now the two holes are gone, replaced by a pair of blood-red eyes. The expression of the entire mask looks a little hideous because of this. The word"Wu" on the top also disappeared directly, turning into a slightly hideous half wolf head.

Ye Qiu took a simple look,"What are the specific differences?"

Hobbit pulled his beard,"To put it simply, the power of this mask comes from the soul sealed in it."

"Now that the soul in this mask has undergone a qualitative change, the ability of this mask has naturally also undergone a qualitative change"

"In addition, due to the absorption of the magic essence of the Wolf Ring, this mask also gained a new ability."

"You need to experience this yourself."

"Give this mask a name, it should have a new name now."

Name it?

Free name?

Ye Qiu thought about it, how about calling it...

Landry's Torment?

Thousand Changes Jia Xiu?

Demon's Embrace?


"What do you think it should be called?"Ye Qiu directly asked the question to Hobbit.

He was terrible at naming and hated naming the most.

Hearing Ye Qiu's words, Hobbit scratched his head and said,"Call it... Ghost Face?"

That's it.

【Ghostly Mask·Bai Qi]

Type: Equipment/Helmet.

Quality: Legend (Gold)

Description: ???


It's a pity that it didn't reach the ancient level.

And the introduction directly turned into a question mark, which Ye Qiu had been prepared for.

This means that this equipment is a brand new equipment, and the new introduction needs to be added by the player himself.

But Ye Qiu is not so idle.

Putting on the mask, Ye Qiu's figure suddenly increased, and his height directly grew to two meters!

Even his hair grew rapidly, and turned into a full head of long hair!

Ye Qiu felt it a little bit, and the improvement given by the mask seemed to be a fixed value improvement.

This is very good in the early stage, but very lame in the later stage.

Because this numerical improvement is not strong, it is about equivalent to the physical fitness of seven or eight adults.

It's hard to say more in detail, because the bonus provided by each mask is different.

Some focus on speed, some on strength, some are more balanced, and some come with more special abilities.

And Bai Qi's mask belongs to the more balanced category.

When Ye Qiu put on Bai Qi's mask before, he could feel that the bonus was almost similar to the physical fitness of five adults.

Now it has increased by about 60% to 70%.

Ye Qiu tried to throw a punch, and saw the fist wind whistling and making a sound!

"Not bad."

This value is almost comparable to the third-level war school.

However, as the only twelve equipment in the whole server, it is still a little bit lacking.

The increase given by the hatred of the wolf master before was at least a percentage increase.

This is simply a pure value, which is a bit tasteless.


There seems to be something wrong.

Ye Qiu felt a subtle change, and then quickly left the Molten Armory and walked outside.

At this moment, a moon was rising!

And Ye Qiu's strength was gradually increasing!

"This feels like... the passive ability that Wolf Lord gained through the moon phases was retained?!"

"No, this amplification is not for me, but for the mask?"

"Moonlight is amplifying the power of the mask?!"

Ye Qiu only felt itchy all over, as if the power was too much and was about to overflow!

"It’s still improving!"

"This improvement has almost reached 100%!"


Ye Qiu suddenly hugged his body, and saw that the violet gold armor on his body suddenly broke, revealing his pale skin!

Every inch of his skin was trembling, and it kept emitting bursts of buzzing!

It seemed that a terrible energy was venting out of his body!

"The armor can't hold up... I thought I could use it for a while, but it seems I have to change it in advance."

Ye Qiu put all the broken pieces of armor on his body into his backpack, and then took out a brand new set of armor.

This set of armor is white and gold, and under the moonlight, the armor appears to be a bright silver-white.

This is armor forged from the fusion of sun essence and moon essence, and it has a high resistance to fire and ice attacks! It can also adapt to day and night, thus bringing different defenses.

The armor will become hot during the day, and the defensive performance will decrease, but it will become lighter.

The armor will become cold at night, and the defensive performance will increase, but it will become very heavy.

Ye Qiu put on the new armor, which he specially made a little bigger to adapt to his body after being amplified by the mask.

Now it seems to be just right

"The Death Eater Sword is almost epic. With this set of equipment, it should be enough to fight the fifth level secret realm."

"Solo Chaos Watcher shouldn't be a problem"

"You can call one out to try your hand."


The other side.

The third floor.

In Xianyang City.

Jiang Chen walked slowly into the palace. He had no house or land outside and had lived in the tower almost all the time.

Convenience is one thing, but what else can he do with the money to buy the land?

He was alone and didn't build a guild, so there was no need to compete with those people for land.

In addition, after the death of the Ghost General, there were no more Ghost Corps in these cities. Wouldn't it be perfect to use this ready-made house as a home?

Of course, you can't put anything in it.

After all, there is no territory protection here. If you really want to store something here, it will be gone when you come back after going out.

Jiang Chen found a bed and lay down slowly, and at the same time summoned the Ghost Corps to patrol and guard around.

It's not to prevent monsters, but to prevent players.

You have to be careful when sleeping outside. If a thief comes and steals everything from your backpack, where can you complain?

You know, that group of thieves really like to pick on those who sleep in the tower.

Jiang Chen yawned and was about to close his eyes, but he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, when I defeated that guy in the arena, he seemed to have given me something.

Jiang Chen said as he took out a sheepskin scroll.

【Satan's Gift】

【[Sulphur Fire Scroll]

Type: Skill Book/Contract Scroll.

Quality: Epic (Purple)

Description: After signing the contract, you will gain the authority to use sulfur fire. The sulfur fire can burn on flesh and blood, using flesh and blood as fuel, and it will never stop. It can only be released by the soul's lifespan.

Can it only be released by the soul's lifespan?

"What a waste."

Why not do anything with that soul lifespan? It's not like there are no other skills to use.

Having said that, it's better not to waste a skill that comes for free.

Jiang Chen wrote his name with blood, and then the parchment scroll burned directly.

This was considered a contract.

Jiang Chen's mind immediately emerged with the method of using sulfur fire, as well as a special message...

Devil Reincarnation!


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