The Tower of Sealing, first floor.

Outside the guide's hut next to the Molten Weaponry.

Lu Qing was swinging his sword as usual, practicing only three moves every day, vertical chopping, horizontal slashing, and straight stabbing.

Many players have become accustomed to this.

The guide only swings his sword and talks to himself every day.

Because of the increase in the number of NPCs, many NPCs can identify some items, and it's free!

For example, if you ask some instructors of the corresponding school, the patient ones will tell you what these materials are used for. The impatient ones can also tell you roughly, and the ones who don't talk to you are another story.

So, the guide has been completely replaced!

Who still asks the guide to identify items now?

What else can't you do with that money?

Faced with this situation, Lu Qing is also helpless, because he can't do anything except identification.

As an NPC, its existence is a failure.

It is a worthless NPC.

But from another perspective, his existence is successful.

He has successfully become the standard for measuring whether NPCs are useful or not in the game.

If an NPC is less useful than him, then it is useless!

If an NPC is more useful than him, then it is useful!

It can be said that he is a passing line!

More useful than him means passing the passing line, and less useful than him means failing the passing line!

Perhaps, this is the meaning of its existence.

Lu Qing put down the sword in his hand and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle."The immortal body will also be hungry. This is really unbearable. I have no money. How about I also go and rob monsters from them?"

"No, I think we should start from the source of the problem."

"The reason why I can't afford to eat is because the food sold by those players is too expensive"

"Then why don't I just farm on my own?"

"But with the nature of those players, they would probably steal all the fruits overnight before they are grown, right?"

Don't tell me, don't tell me.

Players are really capable of doing this.

Who doesn't like to pick up some things from NPCs when they pass by?

"What can I do as an NPC?!"

"I don’t have a void treasury that can create money out of thin air. It’s even a problem for me to feed myself!"

"What is the purpose of my existence after all? Did the Creator God create me just to be a decoration?"

"God's agent, it sounds good, but what can I do?"

"And help the players, how can I help the players?"

"Release point task?"

"Who will take over if you don’t pay?"

"Being a functional NPC, now anyone can replace me!"

"Who can't identify something?"

"If this continues, I guess retirement won’t be far away."

Lu Qing also thought about killing the boss by himself.

In fact, he did try.

But what can I say? He was just pinned to the ground by the boss.

He didn't change his job, and all his stats were the stats of an ordinary person.

Even if he had an immortal body, what's the use? After resurrection, wouldn't he still be slapped to death?

Besides, once those bosses noticed something, they would not fight Lu Qing, but would persuade him to stay where it was cool.

This was too discouraging.

Lu Qing's days passed like this, and when he had nothing to do, he would go to Hobbit for a meal.

That guy was really rich, and every day there were players who spent a lot of money to find him to customize equipment.

In the end, Lu Qing didn't have any skills, and the convenience brought by the Eye of Truth was about to end.

Lu Qing first thought of a way out for himself. No one needed him, so he would find a place to retire quietly.

He specially built his hut next to a fruit tree.

On the first day, the fruit tree was full of fruits.

On the second day, there was nothing on the fruit tree, and the players picked them all!

"I didn't make any money, I didn't use my abilities, and I didn't find out the identity of this body. Oh, life is so tiring.……"

"Just die."

No, it seems that he can't die.

Just when Lu Qing was giving up on himself, a group of people suddenly found him.

"Guide, don't die yet, we have something to ask you!"

Lu Qing turned around and saw that the visitors were several players wearing masks, and the leader was the president of the Paladin Guild.


Lu Qing put down his weapon and sat on the wooden chair.

This was made by himself and embedded directly into the ground.

Don't ask why. The reason is that the previous chairs were moved away by the players.

"Well, this matter is complicated. Anyway, it is related to our mask. There is a boss on the third floor named Qin Shi Huang."

"He has been hiding in a shadow world. Guide, do you have any way to get it out?"

Qin Shi Huang?

Qin Shi Huang... get it out?


You ask me, what's the use? How should I know?!

I'm an appraiser, not an encyclopedia!

"Why don't you hold hands and shout his name to see if you can summon him out?"

Lu Qing said casually, adhering to the principle of talking nonsense if you can't cure the disease.

As a result, they really believed it.

Twelve people ran directly to the third floor and held hands to summon the boss.

Lu Qing didn't know about this, let alone that he had guessed the method to summon the boss.

This group of people really summoned Qin Shihuang from the Shadow Empire!

This time they directly gathered a lot of players to participate in the boss battle!

But just when the players and the boss were fighting fiercely, Qin Shihuang suddenly released a skill, which directly caused the players' own ghost army to rebel!

Oh my!

That scene was too scary.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being backstabbed by your own little brother?

Because of this incident, this boss battle failed.

The players in the back row were all stabbed to death by their own people.

It was also because of this incident that this group of people did not dare to summon the ghost army.

Then another boss battle began.

This time���Someone summoned the Ghost Corps, and there was no more Ghost Corps backstabs.

But the player wearing the mask betrayed!

"How long do my soldiers have to sleep?"

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he saw eleven players wearing masks being possessed on the spot and directly attacking their teammates!

They all turned into ghost generals!

The only one who escaped death was Jiang Chen, after all, he didn't have a mask, and he killed Zhao Gao directly.

But don't tell me, after they turned into ghost generals, killing teammates was like cutting vegetables!

It was equivalent to directly inheriting the abilities of the original ghost generals, plus their own equipment and abilities!

Especially Ye Qiu, after being possessed by Bai Qi, he swung his weapon to madly combo his teammates, and killed eight hundred teammates by himself. He directly made the Death Eater Sword epic!

And those who were killed by Ye Qiu were so angry that they vomited blood.

It's okay to be killed by others, at most ten years of soul life will be lost.

But being killed by Ye Qiu, that's twenty years at once!

The Death Eater Sword can devour the player's soul life to upgrade, this time it really made Ye Qiu suck a wave of experience.

In the end, as expected, this Boss battle ended in failure again!


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