"My profession is omniscience, or you can also understand it as an appraiser. I can appraise any item, but I will charge a portion of the fee."

Lu Qing thought hard for a long time, and finally made up such an identity for himself.

Undoubtedly, this is the most suitable identity for him.

Because he has the ability of the true eye, all the information of the items will be directly presented in front of his eyes.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that he is an appraiser.

Moreover, his true eye has a level system.

Lu Qing had tried it before, as long as he used the true eye to identify unknown items, he could gain experience points.

In other words.

As long as he keeps appraising unknown items, he can upgrade the level of the true eye.

Although he doesn't know what changes will occur after the upgrade, this is the only thing he can do at present.

When Chengxian heard the three words"appraiser", he was immediately overjoyed,"That's great, I happen to have a few plants here, can you please help me see what these plants are?"

"Sure." Lu Qing nodded,"But I will charge a portion of the fee for the appraisal.���Fees."

Lu Qing also basically understood the situation in the Sealed Land. The biggest problem for players in the novice period is eating and drinking.

As the players' progress deepens, copper coins have become a universal trading currency among players.

In order to obtain copper coins, some life-related players will make some items and sell them to combat-related players.

Over time, an area in the game was directly planned as a trading area by them.

Players can set up stalls freely, including those selling food, weapons and protective gear, and the types are very complicated.

Chengxian makes a living by selling herbs. Hemostatic grass has a good market in the current version, which has also allowed him to accumulate a considerable fortune.

Although Lu Qing has never played the Sealed Land, he still understands some basic situations in the game.

He also needs to eat and drink. Although the God of Creation said that he is immortal, he doesn't want to try it easily.

So Lu Qing chose to charge players some copper coins as a reward to ensure that he would not starve to death.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as assisting the players, right?

Chengxian didn't hesitate and directly took out three kinds of plants from his backpack and placed them in front of Lu Qing.

"Take a look at how much it would cost to identify these three plants."

After hearing this, Lu Qing looked at the three plants.

Eye of Truth, activate!

【Swallowtail Grass]

Type: Plant.

Grade: Excellent.

Introduction: This plant is shaped like a bird's tail. Its smell is offensive to mosquitoes. Applying the plant liquid on the body can repel mosquitoes.

Oral swallowtail grass can speed up the metabolic function of organisms. A scholar praised its magic and named it swallowtail grass after the word swallow.

The swallow symbolizes spring, vitality, and the revival of all things.


Lu Qing picked up the swallowtail grass and shook it twice,"Pay 100 copper coins, and I can identify a plant for you."



Chengxian was stunned for a moment, and he looked at the number of copper coins in his backpack and couldn't help but feel a little painful.

Although he could afford 300 copper coins, these were all the money he saved to buy land!

Chengxian hesitated for a moment,"I don't have so much money, I only have 100 copper coins, can you see if it's cheaper?"

Lu Qing reflected on it after hearing this, is he asking for too much?

But looking at the effect of these three herbs, if Chengxian sells them later, he will definitely get a profit far exceeding 300 copper coins.

Unless he is a fool, he will definitely not lose money.

However, asking for 300 copper coins at a time may be a bit too much, and few normal players carry 300 copper coins on their bodies.

The copper coins here are all heavy, and carrying too many copper coins will affect the player's actions.

Unless they are players who don't have territories, they will choose to carry all their belongings on their bodies.

As for veteran players like Chengxian, they all have one or two pieces of land, and they usually don’t carry too much money when they go out.

Lu Qing thought for a while,"Forget it, I’m a newcomer, and I don’t know much about the situation here, so I’ll give you a bargain this time."

Upon hearing this, Chengxian hurriedly thanked Lu Qing. You know, it’s not easy to get an advantage from NPCs.

It’s like the gravekeeper has never given players a discount in buying land. Even though those players frantically knelt down to lick the gravekeeper and hugged his thighs and called him grandpa, it was useless.

Chengxian, who thought he had taken a big advantage, took the money decisively.

Lu Qing also has the same backpack, map and information interface as the players, but it only has these three functions.

After receiving 100 copper coins, Lu Qing directly grabbed the swallowtail grass and put it to his nose and sniffed,"This smell should not be wrong, this is swallowtail grass"

"Note that it is called swallowtail grass not because it looks like a swallowtail, but because of its medicinal effect."

"Oral swallowtail has the ability to restore vitality, just as the swallow represents spring, recovery"

"At the same time, its own smell can also repel mosquitoes."

Life, recovery...

Chengxian seemed to have thought of something,"Then isn't this the raw material for the healing potion?!"

"Guide, do you know how to make a healing potion?"

Healing potion?

This player has a really rich imagination...

Lu Qing shook his head,"I'm sorry, I'm an appraiser, not a pharmacist."

A sense of regret came over him,"Okay, then what about the remaining two plants?"

Lu Qing picked up another light blue plant with purple spots, leaves and flowers,"Purple Star Orchid, taking it can improve eyesight and clear the liver, and taking a small amount can nourish the eyes."

"But remember, the purple star orchid itself is highly toxic. Taking too large a dose at a time can irritate the eyes and produce night vision effects in a short period of time, but the side effect is permanent blindness."

"But it's okay to take a small amount, because this poison will be naturally excreted as the body metabolizes it."

It's highly toxic... but it can nourish the eyes, and taking too much can have a short-term night vision effect.

Got it, this is the raw material for the night vision potion!

Chengxian became more and more excited as he listened. Now that he knew the effects of these two plants, he would have a way to make a healing potion and a night vision potion!

"What about the last plant?"

Lu Qing picked up the last plant. It was a pale white flower without leaves, shaped like a red spider lily.

"Bone Spirit Flower, where did you find this flower?"

Lu Qing was very surprised to see the introduction of this plant, because in the introduction, the environment where this flower can grow is extremely rare!

Chengxian thought about it after hearing it,"It seems to be at the foot of the mountain in the southern forest, I can't remember it clearly."

Lu Qing did not smell the plant this time, because in the description, the smell of this flower is very unique.

It is a kind of, the smell of ashes

"This plant is called Bone Spirit Flower. Its growth environment is very unique and it usually blooms only under one condition."

"That is the cemetery environment. In the case of a large number of skeletons buried underground, this plant can be found almost everywhere."

"It doesn't have any special effects, but it has a kind of poison called withering death. If a creature eats it by mistake, it will age rapidly."

Chengxian seemed to realize something when he heard it,"A cemetery environment, doesn't that mean that the area where I collected the bone spirit flower before is full of dead people?"

Lu Qing nodded,"Yes, so I'd better stay away from it as much as possible.……"

"Master, I understand!"

Chengxian waved his hand and opened the communication,"Brothers, hurry up and find some diggers, get ready to dig the grave!"

Lu Qing:"???"


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