Inside the second circle of the city wall, inside the university of the Water Divination School.

A blue-haired woman was sitting in front of the pool, controlling the water flow in front of her to transform into tiny water men.

But soon, these water men all broke apart one after another!

At this moment, the bright moonlight suddenly turned blood-red, shining on the pool, as if turning the water in the pool into blood!

Then, a huge eye suddenly emerged in the pool!

The blue-haired woman's pupils shrank when she saw this,"This is it!" The blue-haired woman stood up abruptly, and saw an old lady suddenly walking over with a cane.

The blue-haired woman turned her head and looked at the old lady,"Grandma Mesqi!"

"I was just using water divination to deduce what was behind the invisible wall, but the ritual failed.……"

Before the blue-haired woman could finish, Granny Mesqi interrupted her,"It's the blood moon. What was supposed to come has finally come. The blood tyrant is back." The blue-haired woman was stunned for a moment,"You mean, the king of the Holy Land thousands of years ago?"

Granny Mesqi nodded,"Ah, Brax Rex, I thought this day would come a little later."

"It seems that I am too fanciful."

"Go and inform the seventh-order ancient strongmen of other schools. I am the only seventh-order strongman left in the Shuizhan school, and I can't do anything."

Upon hearing this, the blue-haired woman hurriedly set off for other schools.

Granny Mesqi walked to the scarlet pool alone and slowly stretched out her right hand,"Let me see how much of his strength has recovered."

As Granny Mesqi stretched out her right hand, the eyes in the pool shattered instantly, and the water in the pool returned to its bright blue color.

Then, the face of Brax Rex suddenly emerged in the pool!

Granny Mesqi frowned immediately,"It's only 30%, he shouldn't have gotten his real body back yet."

"And... the other half of the soul"

"There is still a chance. If we use the power of our twelve seventh-order ancients, there is still hope for a fight."


The next day.

Inside the second circle of the players' walls, all the players came to the university of the Holy School.

They saw twelve old men looking at each other in the high tower of the Holy School.

"Brax Rex is back"

"Already know"

"Given his personality, we overthrew his rule, and he will inevitably launch a crazy revenge on us."

"All our old friends are dead, and there are only twelve of us left. How can we fight against Brax Rex?"

"There is no point in saying such depressing words."

"Mesqi, can you tell me some useful information?"

"In my opinion, Brax Rex's strength has only recovered less than 30%, far from the holy realm."

"I, old man, have also noticed this. I have deduced it using divination techniques and found that Brax Rex's power is only one tenth of what it was in the past!"

"But only one out of ten of us ancient warriors are left, right?"

Everyone was silent.

At this moment, a group of players suddenly broke into the tower hall.

"We need intelligence"

"What kind of species is Brax Rex, and what are the monsters under him, and why can't they be killed?"

Hearing the player's words, a blond old man in platinum armor suddenly frowned,"What can you do even if you know?"

"A bunch of second-level brats, what can you do?!"

Granny Mesqi turned around slowly,"Matthew, don’t take your anger out on the children, they are innocent."

The man named Matthew suddenly slapped his palm on the table and stood up,"Children?!""

"It was they who unlocked the seal of this forgotten land. If it weren't for them, Brax Rex wouldn't have been resurrected!"

A man with green curly hair suddenly interrupted him,"To some extent, if it weren't for them, we would have been trapped here all our lives."

"Matthew, there are two sides to everything. Don't think too much. If we can seal him once, we can seal him a second time."

Mother-in-law Mesqi nodded,"Tils is right, Matthew, the ancient seal will always be opened by someone, this is inevitable."

"Even if it's not them, there are others. We are just people trying to survive in the cracks of the seal. No matter how much we say, it won't change anything."

"Brax Rex's return is destined."

Matthew clenched his fists instantly,"Destined, I don't think so?"

"As long as we take action now and kill all these faded ones, we will kill them one by one. Who dares to approach the sealed tower?!"

"As long as the seal of the Sealed Tower is not further lifted, this world will not return to that era!"

Granny Mesqi was about to say something, but Matthew said first:"Don't forget why the ancient sages chose this place as the seal."

"Not in other worlds."

A bald man in a brown robe frowned,"Isn't it because the seeds of the world tree were planted in this land?"

Matthew turned around and said,"Haha, the seeds of the world tree can be planted in any world."

"The Sealed Tower is built on the World Tree, connecting countless worlds, but can only be entered in the world where it grows."

"But why did the ancient sages choose our world?"

"Isn’t it because we are the first disobedient ones?"

"The first human who disobeyed the gods was born here, and the banner of counterattack was also raised here."

"Our ancestors stole the power of the gods and overthrew the gods. Everything started from this!"

"Isn’t the magic potion the result of us stealing the power of the gods? It is the fastest way to grow in the entire starry sky!"

"As rebels, we can overthrow the gods for mankind, so why can't we destroy these faded ones for mankind!"


There was a loud noise, and a white-bearded old man wearing white and red armor suddenly punched the table.

The metal tabletop suddenly sank, leaving a fist mark!

"That's enough, Matthew!"

"Put away your extreme and ridiculous ideas. My school of war has always adhered to not worrying out of fear!"

"But the more fear we have, the more we must face it. If the enemy comes, we will fight. If the gods wake up, we will fight. It is that simple!"

"Now that Brax Rex is back, let's push him back!"

"Faded ones over there, don’t you want to know the intelligence? Come, I will tell you how to deal with those vampires!"

"They are the product of the Scarlet School, a race of undead transformed from humans by stealing the power of the ancient vampires!"


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