In the Royal Palace of Corruption

, Brax Rex sat on the throne and looked down at the vampires below.

"A few bugs came in, get rid of them."

Several vampires left the hall immediately after hearing this, and Brax Rex stood up and left the throne.

He walked into a room behind the palace hall.

"I feel like they must have hidden another part of my soul underneath this, and it's hidden really deep."

"When I complete my soul, open the blood gate and take back my body, it will be your end."


The Royal City has sewers, and there are many secret passages extending outward from the sewers.

Groups of people walking in the secret passages can be encountered from time to time.

Ye Qiu and Jiang Chen walked side by side, chopping down several large rats along the way.

"The Wolf Pack Guild should be going for the thing behind the Greedy Red Wolf portrait. We can get there faster if we take this road."

Jiang Chen turned around and asked,"What is behind the Greedy Red Wolf portrait?"

"Who knows?"Ye Qiu said as his eyes began to wander.

Of course he knew what was behind the portrait of the Greedy Red Wolf.

That thing was quite bad.


In the Corrupt Palace, Ye Qiu and Jiang Chen came out from a corner and saw the people from the Wolf Pack Guild.

At this moment, they were trying to move the huge portrait of the Greedy Red Wolf, but it was useless no matter how they tried.

The portrait seemed to be stuck there.

Ye Qiu patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and stretched out three fingers at the same time.

Then two.

Then one.


The two of them instantly turned into a shadow and rushed out, jumping directly into the portrait!

The huge portrait flipped over, and the two of them got in directly. The people from the Wolf Pack Guild were dumbfounded when they saw this.

" seems like he was pushed in."

"You say it, come in!"

Ten people followed suit and entered the portrait.

As soon as they entered, they saw Ye Qiu and Jiang Chen pushing a wall, and the wall flipped over, and the two disappeared in an instant. The people of the Wolf Pack Guild could only follow them.

The road was winding and almost all of them were secret doors, but everyone could feel that they were moving downwards.

Finally, Ye Qiu and the people of the Wolf Pack Guild met in front of a huge elevator.

""How did you know the route?"

The leader of the Wolf Pack Guild looked at Ye Qiu in disbelief.

At this moment, Ye Qiu and Jiang Chen were leaning on the elevator with their arms folded, waiting for them,"Is that what you should care about?"

""Are you going or not? If not, wait for the next bus."

Everyone from the Wolf Pack Guild hurried forward and walked onto the elevator.

This elevator was a huge round stone platform with countless patterns on it. Ye Qiu stepped on the stone pedal in the center.

The round stone platform dropped instantly, and the speed of the drop was very fast!

After a while, everyone descended to a depth of 100 meters underground!

Because they were descending too fast, everyone couldn't help but feel nauseous.

"Why do I feel like you've been here before?"

The leader of the Wolf Pack Guild looked at Ye Qiu with a question mark on his face.

Ye Qiu walked down the elevator without saying anything and headed towards the two big doors in front of him.

After getting off the elevator, there were only two big doors in front of him.

"What do you think is behind this door?"

Ye Qiu turned his head to look at everyone, then smiled,"I guess it has something to do with Brax Rex."

Isn't this nonsense!

In this royal city, how can there be anything that has nothing to do with Brax Rex?

Pure bullshit!

Jiang Chen didn't really understand. He wanted to run before, just to get rid of these people from the Wolf Pack Guild.

But in the end he had to stop and wait for them. What was Ye Qiu thinking?

The people from the Wolf Pack Guild didn't understand either. This guy was really a bit hard to see through.

So why did Ye Qiu do this?

At first, he did want to get rid of the Wolf Pack Guild, but when he got to the elevator, he suddenly remembered something.

"Let me share some information. In fact, I have also collected information about this place, as well as a complete map."

"According to the information I have collected, this place contains the secret to dealing with Brax Rex."

"Well, that's all I know."

The leader of the Wolf Pack Guild frowned,"We know even less, only what secrets may be hidden behind the Greedy Red Wolf."

"But we don't know what it is. In other words, we just got the information not long ago."

Ye Qiu shrugged,"Then let's take a look at what kind of secrets are hidden here."

As he said that, Ye Qiu turned around and pushed the two heavy iron doors, but the iron doors did not move at all.

"Um... help me."


Everyone stepped forward and pushed the door together. The door was very heavy. Everyone pushed it with all their strength to barely push it open.


The door opened, and an ancient and heavy breath suddenly rushed in!

What they saw was darkness.

The room was dead and lifeless, and there seemed to be no life, and... no monsters.

Everyone showed their weapons and walked forward, walking on a dusty red carpet, surrounded by countless huge stone pillars.

On the stone pillars were gargoyle heads, which looked extremely eerie and made people shudder.

A player swallowed his saliva secretly and lit a torch to illuminate the surroundings.

They continued to walk until they came to the end of the room, where they saw a huge black throne.

Sitting on the throne was an old man with skin and bones, wearing a gorgeous black robe.

A ruby necklace hung on his chest, a golden crown on his head, and a golden ring on each of his ten fingers.

Like a... king.

As they walked forward, they saw this skinny man, his hands and feet were tied up with chains.

Is this the secret behind the portrait of the Greedy Red Wolf?

The members of the Wolf Pack Guild walked forward and saw the skinny man suddenly stretch out his right hand.

""Who allowed you to stand and meet me, Brax Hadros?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the player's body suddenly twisted and burst into a burst of black smoke!

The next second, he suddenly turned into a frog!!!

All the players were stunned when they saw this scene

"What kind of skill is this?"

Everyone retreated when they saw this, and no player dared to step forward.

But Ye Qiu was still standing there,"Brax Hadros, can I ask what is your relationship with Rex?"

Hearing this, Hadros' eyes suddenly showed a fierce look!

"You, dare to mention the name of that rebellious son in front of me, tell me, choose a way to die, I will grant you your wish!"

Ye Qiu smiled.

Sure enough, his memory was not wrong.

The biggest secret of Brax Rex was his imprisoned father, the former king of this country.

The Black Curse Emperor Hadros!


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