Fang Ze is a game blogger.

The most popular video he broadcasts is horror games.

Fans say that he may not know what fear is since he was a child, and he has become famous over time.

But only Fang Ze himself knows that he plays horror games just because he is bored.

Because his current life is too boring, repeating the same things over and over again every day.

Just like a machine.

Fang Ze is tired of this kind of life, and horror games can no longer bring him freshness and excitement.

He has been considering whether to switch to shooting other types of videos recently.

Just when Fang Ze was bored and scrolling through other bloggers' videos, a private message suddenly caught his attention.

Blank:"Want to try a different game?"

Fang Ze's first reaction to this was that Party A came to him to shoot a video for money, but it was the first time he saw a blank ID.

Fang Ze:"What game?"

Blank:"100% real holographic game."

Seeing the other party's reply, the first thought that came to Fang Ze's mind was a liar.

Fang Ze:"If it's true, I'd like to try it. Why don't you just tell me how much it costs?"

Fang Ze was naturally teasing the other party. The core rules of scammers are nothing more than two points.

The first point is to start from the aspect that you are interested in, and the second point is to let you fall into the trap at a price that you can accept.

If you think it is very cheap, or you think the price is acceptable, and then pay the first payment.

The serial trap begins.

But Fang Ze is very curious, can people who use this gimmick to defraud people really deceive people?

Who would be stupid enough to believe that such a thing is 100% true?

But to Fang Ze's surprise, the other party ignored the question he asked.

Blank:"I can understand that you agree, right?"

Fang Ze:"So?"

Blank:"The thing has been delivered, I don't think it will disappoint you."

After that, the mysterious person with a blank ID disappeared directly.

Fang Ze was stunned when he saw this. He pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then carefully searched for a long time and found that there was no such person.

That mysterious person seemed to appear out of thin air!

Even their previous chat records disappeared?

Before Fang Ze could think about it, there was a quick knock on the door.

Fang Ze heard it and walked out, and saw a huge cardboard box placed in front of his door.

"This is?"


Ten minutes later.

Fang Ze looked at the cardboard box in front of him and thought about dozens of possibilities. In these short ten minutes, he thought about dozens of possibilities.

The first possibility is that he is being live-streamed and someone is playing a prank on him.

This possibility is very high, but it is unlikely when you think about it carefully.

And if you rule out this possibility, then it can't be a supernatural event, right?

The other party just finished talking to him, and the things were delivered right after that. Isn't it reasonable to say that it was prepared in advance?

"Or, like the plot in the novel, opening the door leads to an adventure?"

"That's too much."

Fang Ze thought as he opened the carton. What he saw were two huge pieces of white foam and a pair of black glasses full of technology.

These glasses looked very similar to VR glasses, but they were much smaller and lighter, and very beautiful.

Fang Ze took off his glasses and put on the black glasses to explore secretly. He initially confirmed that there was no problem.

"There is only one charging port and one button, let's power it on and see."

Fang Ze connected the glasses to a power source and tapped the button on his right ear.

The next second, his consciousness was cut off from his body!

When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in a hazy sea of stars!

This sea of stars was boundless, and Fang Ze's body had become a virtual and real existence!

Fang Ze came back to his senses and looked at his hands in shock,"I can't feel my body, is this... my consciousness entering the game?"

Just as Fang Ze was shocked, several messages appeared.

【Body scan completed】

【Identity confirmation successful】

【Please enter your ID]

Fang Ze thought for a moment,"If I can't control my body, how can I exit?"

Fang Ze thought so, and the next second he exited the previous interface.

Feeling his body again, Fang Ze took off his VR glasses directly,"Fuck... This is, this is……"

"Consciousness entering the game?"

"Could it be that what he said was true?!"

Fang Ze calmed down his excitement a little, and logged into the game again with his device!

At the beginning, there was only one interface, which was a character-making interface.

All parameters except gender can be adjusted, and you can even directly apply your own character template in real life!

Fang Ze didn't like face-making, so he directly applied his own template in real life, plus a little modification...

The final product was a tall and thin man with a decent appearance.

Fang Ze looked at the man who was slowly turning in front of him and was secretly surprised. The texture of the skin and the hair were no different from those of a real person!

After making the man, Fang Ze entered the next stage.

【Please enter your ID】

【ID Dad has been used】

""Who's so quick?"

Fang Ze said this, but he didn't think so in his heart,"The ID has been registered by someone else, which means... someone else got the device?"


【ID grandpa has been used】


"I won't try it anymore, I guess everyone has registered."

"Let's just use the old name."

【ID Holy Light registration is successful】

【Character profile created】

【Wish you a happy game】


As the words"registration successful" flashed by, the next second, Fang Ze's eyes fell into darkness again.

Gradually, he felt his limbs, then his eyes, mouth, ears, and nose!


As a strong light flashed, Fang Ze's eyes gradually showed colors!

At this moment, he was standing on a plain, and the gentle wind blew on his face, softly and delicately.

The grass on the ground swayed in the wind, and various shadows changed positions accordingly!

Every detail was extremely real!

Fang Ze came back to his senses and touched his face, and finally gave himself a slap in the face!


"It hurts!"

Fang Ze's palm was very strong, and he grimaced in pain, but this still couldn't hide the excitement and excitement on his face!

"Vision, smell, touch, taste, hearing, all five senses are complete!"


"Oh shit oh shit, I never thought I would be able to play this kind of game in my lifetime!"

"I thought it was just a prank!"

"It's actually true!"

At this moment, Fang Ze suddenly heard several voices mixed with excitement and trembling!

Fang Ze turned his head and saw nine handsome young men repeating his actions.

One of the men pinched his cheeks, twisting them and laughing, which was very weird.

"Pain, I can feel the pain!"

"Hahahaha, awesome, so awesome!"

Seeing the other four people still immersed in endless joy, Fang Ze did not disturb them, but thought secretly.

"In this game, can you take off your pants?"


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