
Several sages rushed out in an instant and directly protected Zhou Li!

Qiu Fengdu, who was behind, was sore when he saw this. Look at him!

What kind of treatment is this?

What kind of treatment is he getting?

Can this be compared?

Granny Mesqi stretched out her right hand and controlled a stream of water to stroke Zhou Li's body, curing his injuries.

But at this moment, Hadros suddenly waved his hand and shot out a ball of black mist that was injected into Zhou Li's body!


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they didn't understand why Hadros, who had already been beaten to death, would use the curse on a child!

Matthew wanted to use the Holy Light to remove the curse at the first time!

But he was still a step too late!

The curse still hit Zhou Li, but Zhou Li's figure did not shrink, but suddenly became larger!


There was a loud bang, and Zhou Li's body suddenly expanded, a burst of black mist flashed, and he directly turned into a giant green-scaled dragon!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

"This…what is this?!"

"What did he do?"

"Curse No���effect?!"

"No, it’s not that it didn’t work!"

Mother-in-law Meisiqi’s pupils suddenly shrank, as if she understood something,"The effect of the curse has been completely reversed!"

To be honest, even Zhou Li himself was confused!

He lowered his head and looked at his body, which was extremely tall. People seemed to have turned into little clay figures.

"Am I cursed?"

"The reversal curse took effect?"

There was a flash of shock in Hadros' eyes. Sure enough... it was right!

This was... the most perfect curse he had imagined!

The reversal curse!

Even Rex was stunned,"Could it be... the reversal curse? How is it possible?!"

Not good!

Rex sensed something was wrong and suddenly exerted force to break Hadros' neck!

But Zhou Li had already taken action, flapping his wings and slapping Rex with a palm!

Rex stretched out a fist to resist, but was slapped away!


Rex spat out a mouthful of blood, and quickly flapped his wings to stabilize his body!

He was indeed weak now, and his body was already shaky and on the verge of collapse!

Hadros fell down, and Zhou Li hurried forward to catch him.

Hadros smiled very weakly,"Kid... You have a power that you can't even imagine, but you lack an opportunity."

"Let me accomplish you"

"Great Weakness, Curse of the Lost Soul, Hatred of the Underworld, Chains of Heavenly Resentment, Curse of the Great Turtle, Dead Dragon Poison, Weakness……"


Zhou Li's body suddenly flashed with light, and his body suddenly felt lighter!

Then, his body began to flash with various lights, layer upon layer, as if the Holy Spirit had been added to his body!

These Buffs!

Zhou Li was stunned when he looked at his dragon claws. He felt the power begin to surge madly in his body!

Now he seemed to be able to punch through a mountain!

No, it seemed to be more than that!

The twelve sages behind him were even more stunned when they saw this.

"What on earth is this doing?"

"Why am I a little confused about the current situation?"

"What are they doing?"

"This this……!"

"The effects of these curses have all been reversed?!"

"He is creating a pseudo-saint!"

As a peak seventh-order powerhouse and also a half-step saint, Hadros's curse can be said to be the strongest!

Various seventh-order and even seventh-order peak curses are all cast on Zhou Li!

The effects of these curses are very powerful, so powerful that they can turn a seventh-order powerhouse directly into a mortal!

What if it's the other way around?!

Doesn't that mean that a seventh-order peak powerhouse can be created artificially?!

Maybe not in terms of ability, but the numerical value can definitely reach the seventh order!

Rex also realized what happened, and immediately retreated again and again,"The reverse curse is just a beautiful hypothesis, like the philosopher's stone, how can it really exist!"

Just as Rex was retreating, Zhou Liyiran turned into a residual image and rushed out, slapping Rex with a palm!


With a loud noise, Rex flew backwards like a bullet! He smashed directly into the mountain behind him, and then penetrated the mountain!

The peak of the mountain collapsed instantly, and countless dust and rubble fell down with great momentum!

The power of this attack was so great that even the seventh-level strong man of the War School shouted"Fuck!"

It's too scary to have such power without relying on the power of magic potions! It's just like those monsters!

It's like the ancient dragons are so powerful when they are born. They don't need to practice, and their strength will become stronger and stronger as time goes by!

But humans can't do that!

Humans will only age and become weaker as time goes by!

If a human is born very powerful and can fight monsters without relying on magic potions and external forces!

Then he must not be human!

"Maybe... we don't need to do anything."

Zhou Li leaped into the air, and turned into a meteor that fell from the sky and crushed the mountain!


Rex, whose bones were all broken, barely recovered and quickly fled!

He flapped his huge wings, and the whole person left a bloody tail in the sky!

"What kind of monster did I create?"

Zhou Li was his student. This ordinary student had accompanied him through a boring time.

He had never thought about what his student's betrayal would bring!

To him, betrayal was like plucking a hair, which was insignificant.

But now... he regretted it.

He regretted accepting this student!

This was no longer a matter of teaching the apprentice to starve the master to death!

Instead, the disciple surpassed the master and defeated him!

Zhou Li opened���Chasing Rex,"Your Majesty, why are you running? Didn't you say you wanted revenge?!"

"Didn’t you say that if I take a step forward I’ll die? I’ve chased you all the way here, and you won’t let me die?!"

Rex’s pupils were about to burst, this bastard!

No, hold it in!

I taught you, it’s all taught by me!

This is the feeling of reaping what you have sown.

Zhou Li chased Rex all the way, and didn’t realize where Rex was going,"Master, you said before that you would kill me, you won’t break your promise, will you?"

Relying on the curse that Hadros had put on him, Zhou Li started to show off!

The so-called player!

It means being submissive before being weak, and hitting hard after becoming strong!

When you can’t beat them and are being beaten, just wait, I will kill you sooner or later!

When you can beat them, it’s like, that’s it, this boss is really rubbish, you are only at this level!

The distance between the two gradually shortened, until Zhou Li approached Rex, he slapped Rex with one claw again, and smashed him directly to the ground!

"Don't run away, Your Majesty, let's have a serious fight!"


Rex's body instantly fell to the ground, creating a big hole!

A female player was picking herbs when she saw Rex suddenly fall down and smash a nest of swallowtail grass in front of her.

The female player blinked when she saw this, her two big eyes looked particularly confused.


"Where do I get so many herbs?"


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