Rex's body fell to the ground, countless dust splashed, and he was shattered to pieces with just a face-to-face encounter!

This holy body also seemed so vulnerable, but Rex's strength has never been strong in absolute strength.

Rather, he is victorious only if he is not dead!

Only the living are worthy of the word victory!

Rex crawled up in the dust, his neck twisted a whole circle, and the bones of his neck were directly twisted into a pretzel.

However, Rex just turned his head, and his neck, which was twisted like a pretzel, turned back.

His bones healed in an instant, and the previous blow did not seem to cause any damage to Rex.

This is his holy body!

Even if his soul is not in the body, this body cannot be destroyed!

In other words, no matter how it is destroyed, this body will return to its original appearance, and it hardly suffers any damage!


Rex twisted his neck,"The reason why disasters are called disasters is not because of how strong they are."

"It is because they cannot be killed, let alone erased. Both their souls and bodies are eternal in a fundamental sense."

"This level is not within the ten-level system, it is independent of the outside world, and can be said to be the source of all disasters."

"Maybe some disasters are as weak as humans, but they can still be called disasters because they are immortal."

"The most wrong judgment people make about me is to put me into your system. In fact, shouldn't I be called a disaster?"

Dawn looked down at Rex,"You are wrong, Rex, nothing is truly eternal, not even a disaster."

"When the world returns to zero, the disaster will also die. Maybe that day will never come, or maybe it will come at this moment."

"If this moment comes, there will be nothing in this world that can be called eternal."

"Not to mention you"

"You call me a disaster, but it is just a poor imitation of eternity. I may not be able to kill disaster, but I can definitely kill you."

"The souls of Calamitous cannot enter the Hall of Echoes, but you can, and so can I."

"I have been wandering in the Hall of Echoes for a thousand years. During these thousand years, I have been thinking about one question, which is how to really kill you."

"It was not until much later that I realized that I had fallen into a misunderstanding, or that everyone had fallen into this misunderstanding."

"You are not immortal, but your body is constantly regenerating in less than 0.0001 seconds."

"In other words, if I destroy your body directly, I can kill you. This is what I thought at first."

"But I have tried it, and after failing again, I thought that conclusion was wrong, but it is not."

"This is a misunderstanding that I cannot get out of as a human being. It was not until I became a soul that I figured it out."

"It turns out that there are tens of billions of souls imprisoned in your body, and these souls are constantly dying for you."

"The curse of restlessness only allows you to be free from the constraints of the Hall of Echoes and get rid of the rule that you must enter the Hall of Echoes before you die."

"And those souls who died for you are the real reason why your soul and body are immortal."

Rekton was quite shocked,"I can see this step, haha, it seems that you have made some progress in these thousands of years."

"So what? Do you think you can kill me a billion times?"

"Just like before, I only need to chop you once, a million times, and that will be enough to chop you into pieces."

"What's more, as a person who walked out of the prison to visit, how long can you wander outside the prison?"

Yes, Dawn's time is limited, and it won't be long before his soul returns to the Hall of Sound.

So even if there is a way to kill Rex, he can't do it.

This is just like the purpose of this mission, which is to prevent the revenge of this blood tyrant, not to kill this blood tyrant!

Rex has absolute confidence, but Dawn is very calm,"It may take a million times to kill you, but it only takes one time to seal you."

"After my death, my soul power dissipated by 30%, in some ways it is not as good as before"

"But aren't you the same?"

"You have lost even more souls. Compared to your heyday, your power is not even half of what it was then."

"Although I have lost some of my strength, if compared with you, my strength is greater than before, and also greater than yours."

"I'm thinking of sealing you, and one move will be enough."

Rex took a step on the air, and then took another step upwards, as if he was walking up an invisible staircase.

Soon he came in front of Dawn,"Dawn, we are old acquaintances, there is no need to play tricks, come and try if you have the ability?"

Dawn slowly raised his right hand,"Do you remember what I told you?"

"If our battle had taken place a thousand years ago, by the time I had truly mastered this move, the outcome of that battle would have been completely different."

"You also said that I would never have the chance to use this move again, let alone perfect it."

"what about now?"

"I spent thousands of years in the Hall of Echoes to perfect this move, and it seems that it was for this moment."

Rex was stunned for a moment,"That move, you mean... the third level of origin skill!"

"It's impossible. Even I have only touched the second level. How could you possibly touch the third level? I don't believe it. You are fooling me!"

"That is a height I have never reached, it is just a mere soul!!"

Rex's palms suddenly merged,"Second Origin Skill: Bloodline Curse!"

The so-called Origin Skill, its meaning is actually very simple.

There are a total of ten Origin Skills, even if you are at the peak of the Holy Domain, you may not be able to master the ninth Origin Skill.

Origin Skills are the exclusive abilities of the Holy Domain level.

This is a kind of power that can only be released by mobilizing the original secret source. From the perspective of the game, it is a big move.

Before the seventh level, it is the realm of mortals, and it is impossible to mobilize the secret source, even if you are at the peak of the seventh level!

But there are also some geniuses who can use Origin Skills at the peak of the seventh level,���Generally, it costs a heavy price!

Even life!

And this kind of big move is divided into 10 levels.

The first level is level 1. The higher the level, the more huge the secret source mobilized, and its characteristics and composition are more complicated!

Even some peak Saint Domain masters may only master some level 4 or 5 big moves. It is very complicated to form a higher-level big move. The simplest way is to fuse the power of two systems.

For example, Brax Rex once fused the power of the Curse School and the Scarlet School to create a double origin skill.

This is almost his limit!

And the triple origin skill... either you fuse three completely different Saint-level powers, or you break through three times in a row in one power!

The latter is the most terrifying!

That's why Rex couldn't believe it!

"Witness the fall of the triple origin skill: Holy Expulsion of the Sky!"


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