"If I die now, your curse school will be discontinued, although I don't think I will die."

"But if I really die, this crystal will be my gift to you. I have recorded the seven volumes of the Curse School in this crystal."

"This way, the heritage will not be lost."

"I am never afraid of betrayal, because I always believe that the betrayer will eventually come to me."

"You too, my student, you will come to me and be with me once again."

"Haha, there are very few people who can make me feel so much. You are the second one. You must want to ask who the first one is, right?"

"The first one is my daughter, Sostia."

"Is there anything more terrible than having a daughter?"

"Well, my student, you are my first student and the only student I have ever accepted."

"Even though you call me Your Majesty, I feel like you have never respected me."

"Haha, I’m such a bad teacher. Well, you probably don’t want to hear this now, right?"

"Look carefully, my foolish disciple, this is the entire content of the seven volumes of the main series of the Curse School, and the other fourteen volumes of the side series."

"Try to remember it as much as possible. If you forget, you will have to listen to me repeat it again. Hahahaha"

"The Photo Stone doesn't have the fast-forward function you mentioned on your phone."

Rex displayed all the scrolls of the Curse School on the screen of the Photo Stone one by one.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the potion formula alone is not enough, there are also curses, because there are too many, I will just show you these."


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the image stone.

The ground in the royal city suddenly cracked, and a dark figure suddenly jumped out of the crack in the ground!

"Rebellious son, come out and die!!"

Rex raised his head, his face instantly turned cold,"The old man is still haunting you."

Rex was about to close the photo stone, but his expression suddenly softened.

"Let me say one last thing, just one last thing. My student, your final choice makes me very sad."

"If you don't regret your original choice,……"

The photo session ended here, but a tear suddenly slid across Zhou Li's face."I, strange...……"

Zhou Li waved his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes. His heart suddenly felt a little twisted. This feeling was so strange.

Rex in the photo stone was very similar to him in the gargoyle maze before, always talking endlessly.

"It turns out that it is different.……"

NPCs have their own emotions.

To Rex, Zhou Li is different from other players.

After figuring this out, Zhou Li wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

At this moment, the settlement information of the main quest appeared in front of all players!

【mission completed!】

【[Reward settlement for the Blood Tyrant's Revenge Mission]

General rewards:

Reference 1: Did you contribute to Rex's death?

Reference 2: Did you hold Rex back?

Reference 3: Did you participate in the resurrection ceremony?

Reference 4: Did you choose to fight to the end?

Reference 5: Participation in the entire mission of Revenge for the Tyrant.

Your specific settlement information is as follows.

Contribution to Rex's death reaches 15%: reward silver coins +15 soul life +150.

Successfully hold Rex back for 3 hours: reward silver coins +30 soul life +300.

Did not participate in the resurrection ceremony: no reward.

Choose to fight Rex to the end: fixed reward: silver coins +10 soul life +100.

Participation in the entire main mission reaches 31%: reward silver coins +31 soul life +310.

Total reward: silver coins +86.

Soul life +860


Zhou Li's settlement reward was already quite considerable, after all, he had turned into a giant dragon and chased Rex for three hours.

This reward was definitely one of the best.

But there were also some people who were more perverted.

For example, Ye Qiu's participation in the entire incident reached 64%.

The remaining 36% was mostly because he did not participate in the resurrection ceremony.

But the reward for releasing the key figure, Hadros, and successfully delaying Rex for a day was quite exaggerated!

And this reward was received by everyone who released Hadros!

"It’s worthy of being the main quest, it’s too lucrative!"

"The life span of the soul has exceeded a thousand years!"

"Damn it, I would have received a fixed reward if I had chosen no, but I actually chose yes!"

"Haha, are you stupid?"

"Tsk tsk, since someone really chose yes?"

"This person can't be left alive, he has a rebellious character!"

After this battle, although no equipment was given, the money and soul life given were too much!

However, there were also players who did not receive the main quest of Tyrant's Revenge.

After all, not everyone has the item of Blood Remembrance.

Ye Qiu was also stunned when he looked at the settlement rewards in front of him.

Gold coin +1, silver coin +75.

Soul life +1750 years

"I didn't beat Rex in my previous life, so I didn't get this reward. This reward is too good at this stage."

"If the materials allow, we can directly open the fourth level!"

Of course, what is settled now is only the player's personal reward, and the next part is the highlight.

【[The mission of becoming a king on our own is completed]

In fact, it has been proved that our choice is correct, and the resistance of ants also has its due value!

From this moment on, we have overthrown the gods, we will dominate this land ourselves, and we will become kings on our own!

But our road has just begun, and our legend has just begun. This is our starting point!

We know what we should do next, that is, to write a glorious epic journey with our blood in this article called history!

The Human Alliance has been established since then, and we will plant our flags on this land and every corner of the universe!

【[National power system has been activated]


At this moment, an information panel appeared in front of all players.

A huge territory circle was also divided on the map. This did not belong to a certain player, but to all players!

The two circles of the city walls of the entire sealed land were surrounded by blue dotted lines and given a new name.

Human Alliance.

The extra panel for players was named Human Alliance Information.

Power: Human Alliance.

Scale: Small city-state.

Level: Level 1 (456/1000)

Concept: None.

Decision: To be determined


Decision maker level.

Level 1: Citizen (Contribution 0)

Level 2: Soldier (Contribution 100)

Level 3: Captain (Contribution 1000)

Level 4: General (Contribution 5000)

Level 5: Commander (Contribution 10,000)

Level 6: Decision maker (Contribution 100,000)

Level 7: Head of State (Contribution 1,000,000)


There can be only 100 heads of state at most, 10,000 decision makers, and no limit on the number of people in other ranks.

All alliance decisions will be decided by all players voting.

Each player has one vote, and the higher the level, the higher the weight of one vote.

A soldier's vote is equivalent to 10 votes.

A captain's vote is equivalent to 50 votes.

A general's vote is equivalent to 100 votes.

A commander's vote is equivalent to 1,000 votes.

A decision maker's vote is equivalent to 10,000 votes.

A head of state's vote is equivalent to 1% of the total number of voters.

Everything depends on contribution.

There are two ways to gain contribution. The first way is to serve the whole and make a significant contribution to the alliance.

For example: provide materials or resources to the alliance, or invent new weapons, arm all players, or build walls to improve defense.

The second way is to complete alliance tasks. Alliance tasks can be issued by players themselves, but they consume the contribution of the publisher.

When the contribution is insufficient, you can apply to the gravekeeper to issue tasks.

The gravekeeper is promoted to the black tower manager and can issue tasks related to contribution.

Now, please let all players of the human alliance decide the development path of the human alliance!

1: [Expand outward]

2: [Develop steadily]

3: [Friendship alliance]

Note: Your choice will affect the subsequent development!

In the sealed land, there are not only you, but also more countries are awakening. Please consider every decision carefully!

If you choose to expand outward, you can open the subsequent branches of expansion.

War and aggression!


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