"No matter what game I play, I like to find a master first. I don't understand those posts, so I might as well find someone to teach me."

The player who was chased by the newbie to become his apprentice is called: He will die if he is killed. He is a typical pure summoner player.

This person is also quite famous, and he has always been a lone wolf.

This is quite rare among summoners.

Because the status of summoners in the current version is extremely embarrassing, they are neither high nor low, so they have been sitting on the bench.

But there is still a group of people who want to go against the version, and this group of people got together to build a forum on the Internet.

It is called Summoners Will Rise.

This forum is also nicknamed Old Man Bar by other players.

The origin of this name is actually very simple. They always say that summoners will rise, but after waiting for several versions, there is no movement.

Summoners are still like this. Over time, some people say,"Can I see the summoner strengthened once before I die?"

"Before I go to the grave, I have only one wish, and that is to see Summoner Rise!"

"The enhancement of the summoner is really a once-in-a-lifetime series."

The players are madly teasing the summoner, saying that by the time the summoner rises, everyone here will probably be an old man.

So the Summoner Rise is also called the Old Man.

And this person will die if he is killed. He is the moderator of the Old Man.

He has been fighting on the front line, constantly updating various summoner-related playing methods and strategies with his own efforts!

Because his name is too nonsense, he is also nicknamed Nonsense Brother by players.

And the newbie who is chasing after Nonsense Brother is called An Ran.

This buddy seems to have registered an ID with his real name

"Boss, I also want to join the Summoning School. Can I become your disciple and teach me?"

An Ran said as he followed the Nonsense Brother."No, get rid of this idea now. Haven't you heard on the Internet that even dogs don't play Summoner?"

An Ran:"Then why do you play?"

The Nonsense Brother continued to walk by himself."Because I'm not a dog."

An Ran:"Then I want to play Summoner too!"

The Nonsense Brother turned and looked at An Ran. He was really impressed by this newbie. He had been following him for four hours.

"Brother, tell me the truth, why do you play games?"

An Ran thought for a moment,"For fun."

The old man nodded,"Well, let me tell you this, if you choose the Summoning School, then your gaming experience will have nothing to do with happiness from now on."

"Listen to me, you can smoke and drink, but you can't touch the summoner."

"Once you enter the summoner world, you will be in the sea, and happiness will be lost forever. No one will care if you are cut off in a team, and no one will pay attention to you when you are in a team. You will spend the rest of your life in the old man's bar by just playing idle fish and slacking off every day."

An Ran thought for a while,"I want to play a summoner!"

The old man slapped himself in the face,"Isn't my description specific enough?!"

"Kid, why are you so depressed? Really, don't enter. Just find a war school master and I guarantee that you can enjoy the game to the fullest."

"At worst, you can join the School of Light and be a healer or a support, which is much better than the experience of being a summoner!"

"I'm planning to change my job, kid, listen to my advice, being a summoner is the wrong path!"

No matter how much Brother Nonsense persuaded him, this newbie named An Ran insisted on joining the School of Summoning.

Brother Nonsense didn't understand, is what he said so hard to understand?

Why is this kid so stubborn?

Seeing that his persuasion was useless, Brother Nonsense stopped persuading him,"Forget it, forget it, it's up to you, but I don't accept apprentices.""

"If you really want to play summons, go find someone else to be your apprentice, don't come to me."

With that, Brother Nonsense turned around and walked away, clicking on the map as he walked.

Like other players who are exploring new maps, he is also here to explore the map.

Because no one has made a map yet, and of course there is no map that comes with this layer, so players can only explore the map by themselves.

Exploring the fourth layer is really easy, you don't even need to summon a dog.

You ask why?

There is not even a monster, why summon a dog?

Brother Nonsense was still looking at the map, but he suddenly tripped over something and fell to the ground!


Brother Nonsense hit his head on the ground and hit a bump,"Shh... something tripped me, it hurts so much."

Brother Nonsense closed the map, turned around and saw a protruding cone on the ground.

This cone looked like a bone spur.

Brother Nonsense was stunned for a moment, then walked up and kicked the bone spur twice,"What kind of bone is this?"

Brother Nonsense immediately became interested, and saw the player named An Ran running over again.

"Do you need my help, Master?"

"Who is your master?" The old man glanced at him, then took out a shovel and started digging.

Seeing this, An Ran also took out a shovel,"I'll help you dig, master?"

The old man was stunned for a moment,"Where did you get the shovel?" An Ran blinked

,"I picked it up when I passed by the NPC village before, what's wrong?"

The old man:"……"

Yes, this is very much a gamer.

Although he is a newbie, this guy has understood the essence of gamers right from the start. He has a bright future.

"Forget it, let's dig together."

Two people can dig faster than one person, so they picked up their shovels and started digging for an hour.


"Another bone. How big is this bone? No, I can't dig it anymore. I have to use my skills."

I saw Brother Nonsense took out a magic wand, and then suddenly stuck it into the ground and recited a spell in his heart.

A circle of purple dotted lines appeared on the ground instantly,"Ground mole!"

As soon as the words fell, ten huge moles suddenly appeared on the ten circles of the magic circle!

Brother Nonsense waved his magic wand, and ten moles instantly drilled into the ground and began to dig holes around the bones. After digging for about half an hour, the soil under Brother Nonsense's feet suddenly loosened!

Before he could react, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed!



There was a loud bang, and the ground cracked. An Ran and Brother Nonsense fell into the ground!

Just when they thought they were going to die, a ray of light suddenly flashed in front of them.

Brother Nonsense opened his eyes and saw a huge space in front of him with many glowing blue crystals.

He raised his head and looked around, and found that this seemed to be the skeleton of some giant beast!

There was a huge spine supporting the top of the head, and huge ribs around it.

The place where they were now seemed to be in the chest area of the giant beast.

"What is this place?"

The nonsense brother blinked repeatedly, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.


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