What are goblins?

This news spread quickly on the Internet. A guy with a nonsense message revealed the secret that there are other races on the fourth floor. He also attached several photos and the entire process of a chain of events.

"What kind of creature is this? It's so ugly."

"If you don’t understand, just ask, is this a dwarf tribe?"

"Hobbit: Do you dare to tell me your location?"


"A bit strange"

"If these are the bones of the Titans on the second floor, they fled here and died here."

"This is very strange. There is no extraordinary power on the fourth floor, and no powerful race. It is even possible that when the giants came, this place was still in the Stone Age."

"If it is said that the goblins killed the Titans, taking Sir Roger as an example, I think it is unlikely."

"I agree"

"So I feel very strange, so I put forward two hypotheses"

"The first hypothesis is that there are Saint-level strongmen among the goblins, or that they have some kind of weapon or power that is powerful enough to kill the Titans."

"But judging from Sir Roger's clothing, the technology of the goblins should not be very advanced."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that it is some kind of ancient magical technology, but if they have weapons of this level, why would they hide underground?"

"So I am more inclined to the second hypothesis, that there is a more powerful race or hidden force on the fourth floor."

"Or maybe it was someone, when the giant god came, it was that race or that person who killed the giant god"

"This is quite scary."

"Although it is not clear what level the Titans are, referring to the White Emperor of the second level, he is just a mortal. After taking the blood of the Titan, he can almost be on par with the fourth or fifth level."

"The Titan's original strength is estimated to be at least level five."

"It is even possible that it is level 6 or 7. It is hard to say whether it is Saint level, but I think it should be."

"Refer to Rex, a Saint-level warrior can cross the sea of stars, so the Titans can leave this world, which should be due to the power of the Saint-level."

"Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that this race itself can cross the sea of stars, or that the Titans have some kind of technology and left that world on a spaceship."

"But no matter which possibility it is, it can reflect the power of the giants."

"Such a powerful race died in such an ordinary world. What kind of terrible thing must have killed them?"

"That’s not right. There are actually more than just these two possibilities, right?"

"What if it’s an internal fight among the Titans?"

"That is true, there is a possibility of internal strife, but if it is an internal strife, there can't be no one left alive, right?"

"For example, if the Titans threw out some kind of super weapon and destroyed themselves?"

"Isn’t that too stupid?"

"Where's the nonsense brother? Come out and chat with me?"

"Etc. Nonsense Brother"

"Don't worry, don't worry, brothers, there is no value in just listening to one side of the story. I am now heading to the goblin's residence with Sir Roger."

"If you have any questions, let me go there first!"


The underground world.

It is like an ant's nest, divided into caves, extending in all directions, like a maze.

Brother Nonsense and An Ran followed Sir Roger through the long tunnel, and finally came to a huge underground world!

The scale here is extremely large, and the huge space is like an underground fortress!

There are countless buildings standing, very magnificent, and millions of goblins live here without any congestion!

This huge underground city shocked Brother Nonsense,"How was this dug out?"

Sir Roger glanced at the two of them carefully,"Of course, our ancestors dug it out bit by bit"

"You... will let me go, right?"

The old man with the nonsense words turned his eyes and said,"Of course, the premise is that you take me to see your patriarch, or a leader or something like that first."

Sir Roger was stunned for a moment,"You want to see the high priest?"

"That's it, take us to see the high priest."Brother Nonsense said as his eyes moved around the buildings below.

The level of technology here is very backward, but it is much better than that of the human race on the ground. There are even elevators suspended by various ropes.

But if it is ancient magic technology, there is really none.

At least not at present.

Brother Nonsense feels that the assumption that the goblins are technologically advanced should not exist.

Led by Sir Roger, the three of them boarded the elevator and walked through the town to a castle.

The goblins along the way were shocked and terrified when they saw them, and they shouted"human beings" and then hid.

Without exception, both the elderly and children were like this.

The goblins seem to be very timid?

This made Brother Nonsense not I can't help but believe that Sir Roger is the greatest warrior of the goblins.

In a way, he is indeed braver than his fellows.

He even dares to scare them.

But the more you want to intimidate the enemy, the more you can show your weakness.

A strong person will naturally not say much when he wants to expel someone. Only the weak will use words to intimidate when they expel someone.

Walking into this largest building, Brother Nonsense saw a hunchbacked goblin old lady.

She was wearing a tattered robe and leaning on a wooden scepter with both hands.

Sir Roger quickly hid behind her after seeing her,"High Priest, save me, these humans are going to capture us!" The old lady called the high priest has a pair of eyes that are completely different from those of the goblins.

Her eyes are a turbid dark yellow, but her appearance is almost the same as that of the goblins.

But her body is a little bigger than Sir Roger.

"Dear guests, please let me introduce myself first. I am the Goblin High Priest Guland."

"Two guests, can you tell me why you are here?"

Gulande clenched the scepter with both hands, as if he was on guard against the two of them.

An Ran wanted to say something, but was stopped by the nonsense brother,"High Priest Gulande, hello, we have no ill intentions."

"I just want to ask you some questions, I hope you can answer them."

Gulland slowly loosened his grip on the scepter,"Two human guests actually want to ask me questions, so I, an old woman, must tell you everything I know."

The old man nodded,"We heard from Sir Roger before that the skeleton under the ground is the skeleton of a Titan?"

"Or is it the skeleton of the Titans?"

Gulland nodded."Yes, under this land, countless Titan bones are buried."

"They have many ancient names, giants, giant gods, Titans, ancient giants, gods walking on the earth."

Nonsense brother asked again:"Did you kill these Titans?"

Gulland nodded again,"Yes, but it was not us, but our ancestors who killed them."


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