"Ye Qiu!"

Seeing the mad army of undead rushing in from all directions, a group of people instantly surrounded Ye Qiu!

Seeing this, Ye Qiu bit his finger directly, and then threw out a stream of blood to quickly draw words in the air!

Dapeng spread his wings and soared up, sweeping thousands of troops across tens of thousands of miles!

""Lingyan, it's done!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Qiu suddenly swung his arm!

In an instant, a huge circle of sword energy swept across with Ye Qiu as the starting point! It directly crushed countless undead armies into powder in an instant!

But soon, the undead army that was crushed into powder came back again in an instant!

"Oh no, these undead are summoned creatures, we must deal with Malthus the Sufferer first!"

"Ye Qiu, don't worry about us, just attack the guardian with all your strength!"

Ye Qiu said nothing and immediately waved his hand again and wrote in front of him!

Artifact Creation: Spear of Longinus!

""Spiritual words, it's done!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge holy spear shining with endless brilliance instantly appeared in Ye Qiu's hand!

He didn't hesitate, directly aimed at a direction and threw it at an undead instantly!


The launch of the Spear of Longinus immediately set off a huge impact!

It directly drew a huge gully on the ground and crushed all the undead in front of it!

Just when the Spear of Longinus was about to hit the Undead Summoner.

Suddenly, the Undead Summoner reached out and grabbed the Spear of Longinus, and crushed it with one hand!

"Haha, the ancient holy weapon that can kill Christ may not be able to kill me, let alone your fake holy weapon."

"It's time to end this farce. You've plunged our world into chaos and released all the disasters that we have sealed with so much difficulty!"

"Now it's your world's turn!"

"Origin skill, fog of death!"

"don't want!"

"Ye Qiu, save me!"





Ye Qiu suddenly woke up from his dream and broke out in a cold sweat.

He took out his cell phone and checked the time. It was three o'clock in the morning.


Ye Qiu calmed down a bit. He could not forget the things in his previous life.

If he had not been so arrogant and insisted on forcing the strategy team to break through the 65th floor, they would not have lost so thoroughly...

But he was unwilling to accept it!

If he could also get a place in the internal test, if he could also awaken the SSS-level talent...

No, if it were to happen again!

Ye Qiu's eyes instantly ignited an unknown flame,"In this life, I will never make the same mistake again!"

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu picked up his phone again, but suddenly found a strange message on his phone!

It was an invitation to the internal test from the official of the Sealed Tower!


"I didn’t get a spot in the nine internal tests in my previous life, but I didn’t expect that I would get a spot in the third batch this time. God is really helping me!"

"At this time, the professional inheritance of various schools has not yet been opened, and the various Easter egg treasures have not been found!"

"But I know the advancement methods of most schools and the locations of most easter egg treasures!"

"It can be said that the earlier I can get a place in the internal test, the more hidden rewards I can get!"

Ye Qiu clenched his fists when he thought of this,"When the previous life game comes, all humans will obtain initial abilities according to the soul level in the game."

"By the end of the previous life game, I had barely reached the level of a 10,000-year epic soul, and could only awaken a B-level talent."

"This time, I must achieve a mythical soul within the game!"

"Obtain SSS-level talent. Only in this way can I have the strength to fight against the unsealed gods!"

"While the gaming equipment hasn't been sent over yet, I need to quickly summarize all the information I know so far!"

"The first is a hidden setting in the game, soul quality"

"The souls in the Sealed Land are divided into the following qualities: one-year broken souls, ten-year ordinary souls, one-hundred-year high-quality souls, one-thousand-year elite souls, and ten-thousand-year epic souls."

"100,000-year-old legendary soul, 1 million-year-old ancient soul, 10 million-year-old holy soul, 100 million-year-old mythical soul"

"And the legendary tenth level that no one can reach, the eternal soul"

"At the same time, the nine soul classes also correspond to nine realms. Only when the soul grade reaches the standard can one be promoted to the school."

"In the early stage, battlefield and archery schools of the same level are much stronger than mages, but in the later stage, it is completely the opposite."

"Therefore, I still have to follow the path of a mage in this life."

"Among mages, there are only two schools that are considered the strongest in the late stage."

"One is the School of Creation, which I have mastered, and the other is the School of Necromancer, one of the nine forbidden schools."

"But I have never been to the School of Necromancer in my previous life, and I don’t know the formula for the corresponding professional potion."

"The first level of the Necromancer School's inheritance should have been discovered by now."

"If I go over to grab it at this time, I guess my chances of winning are slim."

"Therefore, I still have to go the Spirit Speaker path of the School of Creation, but the Flower of the World is only on the fifth floor, and now I can't make the Spirit Speaker's potion at all."

"I can only find another career as a transition"

"Let me think about it, is there any other profession whose magic potion can be made in the early stage and has amazing combat power?……"


At this moment, it was already dark in the game.

In a forest outside the Sealed Tower, there was white mist surrounding it, and white bone spirit flowers were growing everywhere.

Brother Chengxian led a group of players to dig here for a day.

Others didn't know what they were digging here.

In other words, even Brother Chengxian himself didn't know what they could dig out.

They dug all day, until it was almost dark, and they only dug out a few white skeletons.

After that, because it was too late, everyone went offline when they saw that there was nothing.

Only a player with the ID called Midnight Sonata quietly returned here after everyone went offline.

This brother performed amazingly in today's excavation.

Not only can he read the soil layer analysis, but he can also speak all kinds of jargon that they don't understand.

In the words of other players, this brother Nocturne is very Xing at first glance!

Back to the game.

After everyone left, Nocturne suddenly jumped down a pit,"There must be a big cargo underneath, and it's a good thing they didn't dig too deep."

"I never thought that I could do my old job in the game."

Not long after, Nocturne stopped digging,"I found it, this should be the tomb door."

Nocturne was fully prepared, he put on his tools and started digging further, and soon he broke through a layer of stone slabs under his feet!

Nocturne raised the torch and jumped down without hesitation,"This... is not the tomb door, did I dig directly into the main tomb chamber?"

"God help me!"

Seeing this, Nocturne picked up a torch and searched below.

The space below was very large, and the walls and floors were made of a kind of dark brick.

"Is this... an iron sword?"

Brother Nocturne casually pulled out the iron sword stuck in the ground, and suddenly a message popped up!


【Iron Sword Surrounded by Death Qi]

Type: Weapon.

Grade: Excellent (Green).

Introduction: A weapon of unknown origin. Because it has been sealed underground for many years, a lot of death qi has gathered on the iron sword. It is an ominous weapon.

Nocturne was stunned when he saw it,"There is actually an item introduction?"

"Why is there no information on our homemade weapons? Could it be that what we made is not considered a weapon in the game at all?"

Nocturne shook his head. He didn't care and stuffed everything he could see in the main tomb into his backpack.

Some of the materials with hidden information were not sure what they were for, but he just took them.

There were also some iron weapons and tools that could show information, which Nocturne did not let go.

Nocturne did not take some decorations, one because they were too heavy, and the other because they were not valuable.

But there was one thing that always puzzled Nocturne.

"Why are there no coffins? There are no coffins in other tombs either. Don’t people in the game have the habit of being buried in coffins after death?"

"But that's not right. Even if there is no coffin, the tomb owner should have a place to place the body.……"

Nocturne looked around and saw skeletons scattered all over the ground.

But they didn't seem to be lying here by themselves. It seemed that they had fought here before and died here.

"Could it be that these people were also tomb robbers, but they encountered another group of tomb robbers and were killed by them?"

"This would explain why there is no body of the tomb owner here."

"But for me, this is not good news."

Since this place has been robbed before, the valuables must have been taken away long ago!

"It seems that this trip is probably in vain."

Thinking of this, Nocturne punched the wall beside him, but he didn't expect that the wall suddenly sank!


There was a loud noise, and the closed wall in front of him suddenly retreated to both sides, revealing a secret room!

Nocturne was shocked,"There is a mechanism?"

The secret room was very dark, and it was almost pitch dark. Nocturne gritted his teeth and walked in with a torch.

In an instant, the surroundings of the secret room suddenly flickered with a faint blue flame, directly illuminating the secret room in an instant!

Nocturne saw a skeleton sitting on a stone throne! Before Nocturne could say anything, suddenly, two balls of faint blue soul fire burned in the eye sockets of the skeleton!


With the sound of joints shaking, the head of the skeleton actually moved!


An extremely hoarse voice instantly penetrated Nocturne's eardrum!

"When I was young, I was afraid of necromancers because they were evil, ugly, and frightening to me."

"As an adult, I hated necromancers because they destroyed my home, killed my parents, and drove the dead to great evil."

"When I was old, I admired necromancers because they were immortal, had long since broken free from the shackles of life, and could play with life at the palm of their hands."

"After death, I became a necromancer"


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