The next morning, the third round of internal testing began.

The 1,000 new players who had obtained the internal testing quota quickly logged into the game without wasting a single second.

Ye Qiu was among them, and he used the same ID as in his previous life.

【[Don't pray for ten spins]

Just like the previous times, all the newly launched internal test players were so excited that they pinched their faces crazily.

Some even lay on the ground licking the dirt, and the whole group of people were crazy.

An old player saw them and couldn't help shaking his head,"The quality of this batch of new players is very poor!"

"Come on, weren’t you the same as them when you first entered the game?"

"Oh shit, there’s a girl this time!"

"What, there are girls, where are they?!"


""Hold your tongue, can you please stop embarrassing the old players here?""


There are indeed quite a few female players this time.

And because of the free face-shaping function, the looks of several female players are quite distinctive and eye-catching.

In an instant, these female players became the focus of the crowd.

But Ye Qiu did not go forward to add friends like those players, but walked directly to the Sealed Tower with ease.

Ye Qiu, who came to the Sealed Tower again, was very impressed.

"I didn't expect that I could come back here again."

Ye Qiu shook his head and then scanned the surrounding buildings. This place was very different from when he logged into the game in his previous life.

When he logged into the game, the surroundings were almost all densely packed with buildings, like a large town.

And there was a high wall in the middle core area. There are very few buildings in the game now. The most conspicuous one is a brick factory that was circled by thirty players in the distance.

The rest are some small buildings. The largest one is the small guild building built by Fang Ze and others.

But now, this place cannot be called a guild. Instead, Fang Ze and others developed it into a medium-sized exchange.

Close to the road, Fang Ze's guild opened two windows.

One is a window for selling items in the tower.

The other is a communication window prepared for the guide.

Because Lu Qing now lives in Fang Ze's guild, it is difficult for other players to meet him.

In order to prevent other players from rioting, Fang Ze deliberately opened such a window so that other players can You can contact Lu Qing at any time.

But to be honest, most players think that Lu Qing has no practical use.

First, he cannot issue tasks, and second, he can only help players identify items, and he also charges an identification fee.

But how can early players have so many things to identify, and only some herbalists surround Lu Qing every day.

Over time, Lu Qing was gradually neglected.

Other players thought that he only had this effect, but Ye Qiu didn't think so, because he knew clearly!

In the guide's body, a disaster-level monster is sealed!

In other words, the guide is actually a key, a key to summon that monster.

But it's still too early to say this, and the current players haven't even solved the puzzle of the first floor of the Sealed Tower.

Ye Qiu thought of this and was about to enter the tower, but at this moment!

A player in a black robe suddenly appeared in front of the guide!

His ID is Midnight Sonata!

Seeing this name, Ye Qiu's pupils suddenly shrank into a dot!

"Cursed coat, scepter of death, undead scourge, this guy is the top criminal on the notoriety list, the red-named player Nocturne!"

"Sure enough, during this period he had already inherited the Necromancer School."

"Equipment and weapons tainted with death can only be collected in the tomb environment"

"This is nothing in the later stages of the game, but in the early stages of the game, death equipment is far ahead of the current players!"

Ye Qiu said it well. Today's players don't even use copper weapons.

At most, they have some well-made bone weapons.

And the clothes are just animal skins. Silk products like the one worn by Nocturne can only be seen on NPCs.

What's more, this is death equipment!

Weapons contaminated with death have a negative effect. As long as they are injured by such weapons, the wound will quickly become infected and difficult to heal!

Especially for living things!

On the other hand, look at Nocturne's arms.

Although his hands are hidden under the black robe, Ye Qiu still sees his pale and lifeless hands under the black robe!

This is the physical change brought about by taking a turn of death potion!

Death magic The specific effects of the medicine have been exposed by players.

The first stage of the death potion will make the body of the person who takes the medicine become extremely pale, and lose the pain nerves, making the player a berserker who does not know pain!

And this is only a passive effect.

The active effect of the death potion is to mobilize death energy!

In other words, even if Nocturne does not have a death energy weapon, he can still produce the death energy effect!

Ye Qiu didn't know what Nocturne came to the guide to identify, but he knew it was best to stay away from this killing god from his previous life.

Without hesitation, Ye Qiu plunged directly into the Sealed Tower.

But he did not enter the teleportation array on the zero floor, but looked at the stone statues on both sides of the aisle of the Sealed Tower.

"Because of the long time, I have forgotten some things, but the answers to the puzzles on each level must be hidden in these stone statues."

Ye Qiu looked directly at the two most basic stone statues.

The left statue is a dwarf, and the right statue is a hunter.

The dwarf is holding a short hammer and wearing Viking-style armor. His name is...

Molten Forger Hobbit.

It is introduced under the stone tablet that Hobbit once forged a legendary weapon that shot and killed the Sun and Moon Wolves. It is also forged with the roots of the mountain, the footsteps of the cat, the breath of the fish, the beard of the woman, the Achilles tendon of the bear, and the saliva of the bird!

These six rare things An invisible magic chain called"Griffel" sealed the original magical beast Fenrir.

In order to prevent the chain from breaking, the dwarves took Fenrir's heart and created a giant wolf system comparable to sixteen mountains as a barrier.

The wolf reached an agreement with the dwarf, but the wolf did not fulfill the agreement and deceived the dwarf.

The dwarf was furious, so he found a giant snake on the ground vein that was as big as a giant wolf.

The giant snake was sometimes lucid and sometimes confused. The dwarf let the snake entangle the wolf to prevent the wolf from leaving its original position.

But The snake was always confused, and the dwarf was afraid that the snake would let the wolf go, so he found a cunning giant bird among the stars at night and used its claws to wake the snake up when it was unconscious.

The rest of the information was not important, and Ye Qiu turned his head to look at the hunter again.

The hunter was a human, with a unique bow on his back and a unique sword in his hand.

There were also two wolf head seals on his chest, and his name was... the legendary hunter Larik!

There are very few records about him. The stone tablet below only says that Larik's two weapons are two magical weapons.

His bow is forged with the cold of the moon spirit, and arrows will appear when the bow is drawn. His sword is forged with the flames of the sun spirit, and the sword body always burns with eternal flames.

Larik once shot and killed two beasts chasing the sun and the moon with these two weapons.

A dwarf once gave him an invisible chain, which allowed him to lock up an evil beast at the cost of losing an arm.

Ye Qiu thought about the fragment in his memory,"If I remember correctly, Larik is the guardian of the first layer"

"The first level of the puzzle is that the deceptive wolf is bound by the snake, and the confused snake is strangled by the cunning owl."

"This puzzle initially baffled many players, and kept them stuck on the first level for five months."

"I remember that at that time, it seemed that only the Holy Light master had solved this mystery."


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