Ye Qiu's ID is Buqi Shixuan, and he did not tell everyone his real name.

It was not because he did not trust Fang Ze and others, but it was not appropriate to reveal his real identity and name at this time.

Ye Qiu wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth and said,"On the way back, I kept thinking about the puzzle. I think Lao Zhang's idea is correct."

"The first layer has sixteen peaks, and in the dwarf's story, the wolf is as big as the sixteen peaks."

"So there must be some connection between the two."

"Open the map and look carefully at the locations of these mountains. Assume that you regard them as one point, and then connect these points into two lines."

"When the last two lines meet, we can get a pattern."

Fang Ze tried to connect all the dots according to Ye Qiu's idea, but unexpectedly got a pattern of a wild beast!

"Is this... a wolf?"


When the sixteen mines are connected into a pattern, you can see a pattern that looks like a wolf but not a wolf.

Zhang Qingyan:"This is a giant wolf that is as big as sixteen mountains, it seems so!"

Fang Ze:"Are you sure?"

Ye Qiu:"I think it's pretty close."

Fang Ze:"Well, if the pattern formed by these sixteen mountains represents a wolf, then what about the snake wrapped around the wolf?"

Ye Qiu was silent for a moment. Although he had heard people talk about the first level of decryption ideas in his previous life, he could not remember much because the time difference was too long.

But he vaguely remembered that the way to solve the first puzzle lies in two points.

Grasp the shape and look at the nature.

Grasping the shape is easy to understand, that is, to find the appearance of the animal on the map.

Ye Qiu found the wolf through this method. It was easy to find. As long as you let go of your thoughts, you can see the existence of the wolf at a glance.

Looking at the nature is more vague.

The dwarf's story specifically emphasizes that the wolf is good at deception, the snake is chaotic, and the owl is cunning.

Deception, chaos, and cunning.

These three are nature.

If you want to solve the puzzle, you must solve it around these three natures.

"I don't know where the snake is, but have you ever thought about one thing?"

"If we are only looking for the appearance of the animals, then why do the dwarven stories and puzzles give these three beasts different personalities?"

"For example, wolves love to deceive, snakes are not clear-headed, and owls are cunning?"

"I think these three are the core clues to solve the mystery."

"Think about it, when we first heard the puzzle, and when we first saw the story"

"Do you treat wolves as dead things?"

"Obviously, no"

"Our first reaction is that wolves are living creatures, but if wolves of such huge sizes really exist, how come we can't see them?"

"So, the wolf deceived us, and of course, the dwarf deceived me. The wolf is not a living creature, but just a shape."

"So the clue to unlocking the wolf is deception, and the sixteen peaks mentioned in the story."

"Then according to this idea"

"What does the snake correspond to?"

Zhang Qingyan couldn't help but frowned when he heard Ye Qiu's words,"Chaos?"

Ye Qiu nodded,"That's one point, but... there's still one missing."

Fang Ze:"The snake lurking in the ground veins?"

Ye Qiu's eyes lit up,"Yes, that's it!"

"Wolves correspond to mountains, snakes correspond to earth veins, the wolf's character is deception, and the snake's character is chaos!"

"So what if we connect chaos to the earth veins?"

Fang Ze subconsciously pushed up the non-existent glasses on his nose,"Chaos is unclear... I think I know where the snake is."

"Wolves are not living creatures, and snakes that are comparable in size to wolves are certainly not living creatures either."

"So it is also on the map, but we can't see it now."

Zhang Qingyan was puzzled,"Since we can't see the snake, how did you come to this conclusion, Lao Fang?"

Fang Ze clicked on the map,"After playing the game for so long, we should all know that the map at night is different from the map during the day."

"The map view is bright during the day, and everything on the ground can be seen clearly."

"The map at night is dim, and you can only see some vague patterns or some large mountains."

"Think about it, can we understand that snakes can see clearly during the day but not at night as being sometimes clear and sometimes confused?" Zhang Qingyan suddenly realized,"Snakes are sometimes clear and sometimes confused, just like our eyes, which can see clearly during the day but not at night."

"It is like day and night, one is clear and the other is turbid."

"So snakes can only be seen during the day, because snakes are unclear at night!"

Fang Ze nodded,"Yes, that's right."

Du Yuan and Brother Xigua looked at each other,"What are they talking about, do you understand?"

"Not yet"

"I don't know either"

"Is it because we can’t think flexibly?"

"It's possible."

Fly waved his hand immediately after hearing this,"It's not your fault, because I don't understand it either."

Ye Qiu couldn't help but sigh after hearing Fang Ze's decryption ideas. He is worthy of being the god of magic who is known as the best decryptor.

As long as Ye Qiu reminded him a little, he already had an idea.

To be honest, if Ye Qiu was asked to think about where the snake was, he might not be able to figure it out.

But now it's much easier.

After all, the Emperor of Decryption is here.

He just needs to play a supporting role on the side.

"The snake has been found."

"How do we find the owl?"

Zhang Qingyan said, looking directly at Ye Qiu,"To quote your idea, the owl represents cunning and scheming, and……"

"sorry I forgot……"

Fang Ze sighed,"The dwarf found a cunning owl among the stars at night."

"So Xiao's solution is the stars at night and the tricks."

"Following the snake's thinking, the owl exists to keep the snake awake at all times, and the snake is confused at night."

"Then the owl should appear at night"

"But now it is night, and we can't see anything on the ground except wolves."

Ye Qiu suddenly laughed when he heard this, and he remembered.

He remembered where Xiao was!

Because Xiao's story is particularly funny

"An owl is a bird, and birds can certainly fly. The dwarf story also says that you can find an owl among the stars at night."

"So the owl is definitely not on the ground."

Zhang Qingyan:"Not on the ground... Could it be in the sky?"

Ye Qiu smiled,"Yes, it is in the sky."

Zhang Qingyan scratched his forehead, somewhat puzzled,"How can I see it from the sky, do I have to look up?"

Ye Qiu shook his head,"Think about it, why does our system map also have day and night?"

"Isn’t this a bit unreasonable?"

"The purpose of the map is to make it easier for players to find their way, but if you can't see the map at night, what's the point of the map?"

"What is the point of the official deliberately making the map like this?"

"Could it be that there are sun and moon in the map, and also solar and lunar cycles?"

""I didn't understand, and I didn't know, until I casually swiped the map."

As he said that, Ye Qiu suddenly slid the map in front of everyone!

The map flipped in an instant, and turned directly into a dark night sky, with a bright moon overhead and shining stars!

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!


"There's more than one side to the map!"

"A map of the sky?!"

"The map can be flipped?!"


In fact, the reason why Fang Ze didn't solve this puzzle in his previous life was that he was stuck here.

And this stuck lasted for five whole months!

Until April Fool's Day of that year, the official suddenly released an update announcement.

It said a lot of things, and also said that the map content would be expanded, allowing players to switch perspectives to see the sky.

But after players confirmed, everything said before was false!

It was just an April Fool's joke!

But the flipping map was real!

Fang Ze didn't solve this last puzzle until then. At that time, Fang Ze also complained publicly, saying that the official deliberately did not update the star map before, so that they could not conquer the first floor.

Was it because the second floor was not done ? Don't want players to walk through the first floor?

But soon an old player stood up and said that the map flipping method has existed for a long time.

It's just that few people have discovered it.

So this update did not update anything!

This is the famous Fool's Knot map incident in the previous life.

This is the only time Fang Ze was publicly slapped in the face.

Ye Qiu is still impressed.

Fang Ze followed suit and directly turned the map over.

The area presented on the map suddenly turned into a star map!

And on this star map, he saw a pattern of a giant bird!

That's the owl!

Zhang Qingyan laughed,"There are so many tricks, haha, the official hidden map is indeed weird enough."

Now all three beasts have been found.

But new problems have arisen.

Fang Ze:"We have found the wolf, snake, and owl, and the puzzle has been solved. Then what?"

Ye Qiu was stunned.


Then what?

You ask me?

How do I know?

Fang Ze thought Ye Qiu had an idea, and Ye Qiu thought Fang Ze had an idea.

The two of them just stared at each other, and they were confused at first glance.

"Yeah, then what?"

Seeing Ye Qiu's bewildered face, Ye Qiu slapped his forehead and said,"It seems that I thought too simply.……"


In the game.

Chen Ye, who turned into a huge eye of the God of Creation, couldn't help but sigh. He kept watching Ye Qiu's every move.

Can I only say that he is worthy of being a reborn person?

"The dimensionality reduction attack from the reborn is really terrifying. This time, I almost solved 50% of the puzzle."

"My future self, you really gave me a great gift……"

Just as Chen Ye was sighing with emotion, he was suddenly pulled back to reality by a mysterious force!


When Chen Ye opened his eyes again, a gun was already pointed at his head from behind!


"There are guests coming."

Chen Ye used the reflective screen to see the situation behind him. He estimated that there should be at least seven or eight people.

They were wearing the same black uniform, and their faces were pale and nervous.

Chen Ye found through observation that they all had a strange black tattoo of the letter"0" on their wrists.

What kind of strange organization is this?

Just when Chen Ye was puzzled, the person behind him had already spoken:

"Chen Ye, right?"

Chen Ye slowly raised his hands after hearing this,"It's me, but comrade, have your actions constituted the crime of illegally invading a private residence and coercing others?"

"No, just possessing a gun is enough to get you a sentence, right?"

The man with the gun behind him looked calm,"I'm really sorry, we are the police, Mr. Chen, please come with us."

Upon hearing this, the man behind him took out a certificate with one hand and showed it in front of Chen Ye.

But the certificate was very strange.

Because under the words"People's Police", there was a line of small words.

Bureau Zero?

"My dear police comrade, I would like to know on what charges you have arrested me?"

"Is it illegal for me to stay at home?"

As Chen Ye spoke, a pair of blood-red eyes opened in the shadows!

Ghost Corps, all members in place!


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