In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huangdi collected all the soldiers in the country and gathered them in Xianyang. He melted them into twelve golden bells and bells, each weighing a thousand stones, and placed them in the palace."

"The story I want to tell starts from here."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment,"When did Qin Shihuang cast the Twelve Golden Men?""


Could it be that the history of this world is different from that of the previous life?

How do you want me to continue making up this story?

At this moment, a message suddenly came from the middle-aged man's headphones.

After hearing this news, the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed,"What... is it true?"

"And it was just discovered three days ago?"

The middle-aged man was completely confused, and then looked at Chen Ye with a puzzled look,"I just received news that the expedition team did find twelve bronze men when they were exploring the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor three days ago."

"But you seem to be talking about the golden man, right?"

Chen Ye shook his head."No, in the time of the First Emperor, the gold they talked about was actually brass."

"But that's not what I want to talk about. Do you know what the most valuable thing in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is?"

The middle-aged man thought for a long time,"Is it the Terracotta Warriors?"

Chen Ye smiled,"No, it's the twelve masks on the faces of the twelve bronze men."

The middle-aged man asked in confusion:"Twelve masks?"

"No, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor was only discovered last month, and it was not until yesterday that the expedition team preliminarily confirmed that it was the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor."

"These things have not been made public yet. How did you know about the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor?"

Chen Ye:"Guess why I knew there would be twelve bronze men in it?"

"Because the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor had been robbed long ago, the twelve most valuable masks had also been taken away."

""Impossible!" The middle-aged man wanted to explain.

But he was interrupted by Chen Ye,"Don't you want to face the reality? But this is the fact. My ability comes from these twelve masks."

"Are you surprised? Why do I know this?"

"Want to know? Let someone else listen, someone with a higher position."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, but before he could say anything else, the old man who had arrested Chen Ye suddenly walked in.

"Let me do the interrogation next, you go out first."

The two shadow soldiers let go of the middle-aged man and then quietly stepped aside.


"It's okay, you can go out first."

The old man sat down in place of the middle-aged man,"Let me introduce myself, my name is Cheng Haixing, young man, can you guarantee that what you just said is true?"

Chen Ye smiled,"The words can be true, it depends on whether you believe it or not."

"My power comes from the twelve masks. Anyone who puts on the mask can have���I have the same ability as you."

Cheng Haixing quickly asked:"Where is your mask?"

Chen Ye:"I lost it."

Cheng Haixing:"Okay, I believe you, then let me ask you, do you know the origin of these masks?"

Chen Ye waved his hand to summon a shadow soldier, who brought a cup of coffee directly to his hand.

"Qin Shi Huang was arrogant and thought he had more achievements than the Five Emperors and more virtue than the Three Sovereigns. He called himself the First Emperor and no one in the world dared to defy him."

"When Ying Zheng was born, he was the emperor of mankind and unified the six kingdoms. It was so glorious that he naturally wanted to live forever and sit as the eternal king."

"So he recruited many extraordinary people from all over the world and ordered them to make an elixir for him."

"Among this group of extraordinary people, there was a man with great magical powers named Xu Fu."

"Qin Shi Huang valued Xu Fu's ability so much that he ordered him to go overseas to find the legendary Penglai Island and ask the immortals for the elixir of life."

"But he was afraid that by the time Xu Fu returned, he would be old and dying, and would not be able to obtain the secret of immortality."

"So, Qin Shihuang issued an edict to Xu Fu."

"He asked Xu Fu to make thirteen masks and let Xu Fu leave his soul on one of the masks."

"He also ordered Xu Fu to take the souls of the Qin Dynasty's past, present and future lives and inject them into the other twelve masks."

"Afterwards, Ying Zheng ordered people to build the imperial mausoleum, cast twelve bronze men and countless stone figurines, and take the souls of living people into the stone figurines to make ghost soldiers, which would obey Ying Zheng's orders after his death!"

"Qin Shi Huang was born as a human emperor. If he could not live forever and become the eternal ruler, then he would become a ghost emperor after his death."

"Soon after, the first emperor died"

"Xu Fu did not find the legendary Penglai Island, nor did he find the so-called elixir of life."

"However, Xu Fu still did not live up to the trust of the First Emperor, and when the Qin Dynasty was about to fall, he used his great magical powers to forge thirteen masks."

"The masks of the twelve deputy generals were sealed in the imperial mausoleum and hung on the heads of the twelve bronze men."

"No one knows where Xu Fu hid the mask of Qin Shi Huang. This remains a mystery to this day."

"But Ying Zheng once said that if he lived, he would be the emperor of men, and if he died, he would be a ghost hero. Even if his soul entered the underworld, he would still have millions of ghost soldiers at his disposal."

"A hundred years later, a celestial master predicted"

"When the face of the First Emperor appears, the twelve ghost generals will find their king and help him make a comeback in the underworld and be reborn!"

"Once the thirteen masks are gathered together, the whole world will be shrouded in ultimate darkness."

Chen Ye gathered what he knew in his previous life and made up a lot of nonsense. It was really hard for the people in this world to distinguish the truth from the false. Cheng

Haixing couldn't tell the truth from the false for a while, because this world did not have detailed historical records, only some fragmentary history!

Many things were filled in by modern historians.

And Chen Ye was playing an information gap.

As for his purpose...

It's very simple.

Since this group of people are so idle, they have to invite him to the police station for tea.

Then he might as well find something for the police in this world to do.

He will create twelve masks in reality, and then randomly distribute them to twelve destined people.

Perform a real-life version of Jackie Chan's Adventures for him.

As for whether they can withstand it, it is not Chen Ye's business.

After all You can never kill all flies.

Let the two sides fight it out. After finishing the story, he will find a chance to fake his death and exit.

Then he will just disappear from the face of the earth, die in society, and completely retreat behind the scenes.

Then he will save up some indexes to build an island in the Pacific Ocean, and then use a sleight of hand to make it impossible for other people to see the island.

Let him completely disappear from this world.

But he has to save up some indexes first.

He doesn't have many indexes now, and it's still a stretch for him to create an island.

He can only stay in the police station for a while.

On the other side.

After hearing the story told by Chen Ye, a group of people fell into deep thought.

They didn't doubt the truth of the story, but the name mentioned in the story.

Xu Fu


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