Three days later.

Underground of Donghai City.

Headquarters of Investigation Bureau No. 0.

The entrance and exit here are extremely hidden.

And there are people guarding at all times. You need to go through many procedures to enter and exit. Not even a fly can get in.

But this guy in front of him is an exception!

Cheng Haixing looked at Chen Ye, who was holding a comic in his left hand and a cup of coffee in his right hand. Black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"How did you bring these things in?"

Chen Ye glanced at Cheng Haixing and finally smiled.

"Hai Lao, I have already told you the location of the mask. Why don't you go find the mask but come to me instead?"

No cage can hold Chen Ye.

But Chen Ye did not leave here. He just asked the Ghost Corps to go out and buy some things for him.

Cheng Haixing also knew that he did not leave here, but all kinds of things would always appear out of thin air in his room.

This made the senior management alert.

Cheng Haixing also came here to check the situation,"I have sent people to look for it. According to what you said, the strength of this mask is not strong. It is only in the middle and lower levels of the twelve masks, right?" Chen Ye nodded,"Yes, is there a problem?"

Cheng Haixing:"What about your mask, what level can it reach?"

Chen Ye smiled,"It's just the lower level, but the strength of the mask does not depend entirely on itself, but on its user."

"But, Hai Lao, there is one thing you need to know"

"Once a mask is put on your face, there are only two ways to take it off."

"One is that the host of the mask dies, and the other is that you know the real name of the mask, and you use dragon veins to rub on your hands to tear off the mask."

Cheng Haixing was stunned for a moment,"What is dragon vein?"

Chen Ye immediately showed a malicious smile,"Corpse oil."!!!

Cheng Haixing's pupils shrank,"You'd better not be lying to me."

Chen Ye stretched,"If you don't believe it, forget it." Cheng

Haixing took a deep breath,"Well, what about the real name of the mask you mentioned, who is the name corresponding to this mask?"

Chen Ye shook his head,"I can't do anything about it, I can only sense its location, and I don't know which mask it is."

"The real name of the mask can only be found by yourselves."

"Or you can just try to kill the host directly, that would be faster, wouldn't it?"

Cheng Haixing snorted,"Even death row prisoners have human rights, you'd better put away this extreme idea."


A few days later, on the top of a building, five big men were beating a man."It's been three months, remember what we said? This time, I'll chop off one of your fingers!"

"No, no, I can borrow the money right away, give me two more days!"

"Didn’t you say the same thing last time? I guess you still haven’t learned your lesson. Come on, let’s do it!"


" No!"

With the sound of flesh being pierced, the leading man was stunned for a moment!

He slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest, and saw an extremely sharp black scimitar piercing his chest directly!



The black scimitar was suddenly pulled out, and the sturdy man fell to the ground in an instant.

The other four sturdy men's pupils shrank when they saw this, and they saw countless shadow soldiers with bloodshot eyes and black air all over their bodies surrounding them!

Those soldiers had weak and thin left arms, and thick right arms with a huge scimitar!

Before these sturdy men could say anything, the next second, a figure suddenly rose from the shadows in front of them!

The man's body shape was extremely exaggerated, and he was more than two meters tall!

His eyes were also bloodshot, and he had an asymmetrical mask on his face!

The right side of the mask looked like a crying woman's face, and it was white.

The left side of the mask looked like a grinning evil ghost, and it was black.

"Haha, all five are here, which saves me a lot of time!"

"Including the five of you, there are exactly fifty heads!"

The masked man suddenly started talking, but the shocking thing was that the mask also started talking!

The mask seemed to be growing on his face, and as his jaw moved, the mask would move and crack!

He could even stick out his tongue!

Seeing this, several strong men collapsed to the ground,"Someone... is dead."

"What is that thing?!"

Wang Chan laughed grimly,"Didn’t you guys shit on my head ten days ago? Have you forgotten it now?"

"I am Wang Chan!"

"Hahahaha, it's true that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, it's not that there is no reward, it's just that the time has not come yet!"

"What goes around comes around. Now it’s finally your turn to be afraid?"

"I have taken all the revenge that was due, and I have settled all the accounts that were due. Now it is your turn!"

"A bunch of ants, not even worthy of my attack"

""Ghost Army!" As soon as the words fell, countless shadow soldiers took action instantly!

They swung up their huge scimitars with abnormally fast movements, like rabbits running away, and beheaded four people in an instant!

At this time, there was only one person left on the field.

The man was wearing a white shirt, and his back was already wet with sweat.

Looking at such a bloody scene in front of him, he had to hold his breath and lower his head pretending that he saw nothing.

Wang Chan grinned again,"It can be seen that you are just like me before, a pitiful person."

"But pitiful people must have their hateful side, just like me in the past, so, you go to die too!"


The man was pierced through by the shadow soldiers behind him, and soon he was dead!

And Wang Chan only felt endless refreshment,"Is this the feeling of dominating everything? Do whatever you want, so cool!"

Tap tap!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind Wang Chan.

The corners of Wang Chan's mouth gradually rose,"It seems that there will be another corpse."

"hehe"���A sneer suddenly came from behind Zen.

The next second, a man in black uniform appeared in front of him.

"Meet Jiang Quan, the special investigator of Bureau 0."

Jiang Quan glanced around and saw red lights flashing in other buildings. He made an OK gesture.

At this moment, Wang Chan didn't know that their current location had already been surrounded by countless police officers.

Wang Chan smiled grimly,"Very good, I remember your name, now you can die!"

""Ghost Shadow Corps!"

As soon as the words fell, countless shadow soldiers swarmed up in an instant!

But Jiang Quan's expression was indifferent, he just slightly turned his body, and directly avoided the oncoming attack.

Wang Chan's shadow soldiers' movements were very uncoordinated, and their speed was not fast.

Compared with Chen Ye's shadow soldiers who were ten times faster, there was no comparison at all.

Jiang Quan had been tracking Wang Chan for a long time, and he also had a preliminary understanding of the characteristics of the Ghost Shadow Corps.

He stepped forward quickly, jumped up and kicked twice, and instantly passed a group of shadow soldiers!


Two shadow soldiers were hit in the head by Jiang Quan, and exploded on the spot into countless black air!

Wang Chan was stunned for a moment when he saw this,"How is it possible... Who are you?!"

Jiang Quan moved lightly and dodged the scimitars attacking from behind and on both sides again.

At the same time, he put his hands in his pockets and kicked the shadow soldier in front of him to kick him away

"Didn't I just say that?"

"Since you didn't hear it clearly, let me introduce it again."

"Jiang Quan, a special investigator of the No. 0 Investigation Bureau, is half Taoist priest and half policeman, specializing in catching ghosts."


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