Donghai City.

Inside Investigation Bureau No. 0.

Jiang Quan, wearing a bandage, was watching the situation on the front line."Oh no... The host of the mask this time is not at the same level as the last time!"

"No, I have to go support the master!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly stopped Jiang Quan,"No, your injury is not healed yet, even if you are supported, it is not your turn!"


"Special First Class Investigator Jiang Quan, listen up!"

"I order you to stay here!"

Jiang Quan gritted his teeth,"I'm sorry, I can't obey you."

Just as the middle-aged man and Jiang Quan were confronting each other, suddenly, a woman ran over!

"Director, our security system has been hacked, and all surveillance has been blacked out!"

Hearing the woman's words, the director's first reaction was disbelief,"Impossible, the Black Domain System is a national defense system, how can it be hacked so easily?!"

The woman's expression was very urgent,"It's true, Director!"

At this moment, Jiang Quan suddenly realized something,"Where's that guy down there?!"

"Where is Chen Ye? He is now���Son!"


Without waiting for the woman to say anything, Jiang Quan pushed open the door of the command room and rushed into the elevator, heading to the lower level confinement room.

But when he arrived at the lower level confinement room, he was stunned!

He saw a masked man in a black robe holding a long gun, and he shot Chen Ye in the chest! He nailed him to the wall!

"Betrayer shall die."

The man in black robe said and turned to look at Jiang Quan.

"Stop it here. If you still want to continue intervening in the matter of the mask, he will be the end of all of you."

After saying that, the mysterious man instantly disappeared into the shadows!

Jiang Quan just reacted, but it was too late!

Chen Ye, who was fixed on the wall, was no longer breathing. The blood flowed along the wall to Jiang Quan's feet, which made him a little unbelievable.

"Damn, I'm still late!"

"A new mask host……"

Jiang Quan gritted his teeth and punched the wall!



Under everyone's gaze, Cheng Haixing crawled back covered in blood.

Except for him, the entire army was wiped out in this operation!

Even the sniper was not spared!

Seeing such a tragic situation, and with Cheng Haixing leading the team himself, everyone's hearts were shrouded in a haze.

Even Hai Lao escaped back in such an embarrassing way...

How terrifying will the opponent be this time?

Cheng Haixing, covered in blood, said nothing and directly called everyone over to announce:"Everyone assemble immediately!"

"But your injury is……"


"Listen to me, this time is different from last time. Our opponent this time is……"

"It’s the Human Butcher!"

Jiang Quan was stunned when he heard the name,"Human Butcher?"

"Could it be...Bai Qi's mask?"

After hearing this name, everyone took a deep breath!

Whether they knew history or not in this world, almost everyone had heard of the name of this god of death!

Cheng Haixing suddenly looked at the middle-aged man next to him,"Where is that guy, where is Chen Ye?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment,"Chen Ye……"

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, Jiang Quan answered,"Master, not long after you left, the security system in the bureau was hacked."

"I went to the confinement room immediately, but I was still a step too late. An unknown masked host quietly sneaked into the bureau and killed Chen Ye."

At this moment, a man in a suit suddenly came over.

"The forensic autopsy report is out."

Jiang Quan was puzzled when he heard this,"Why do we need to find a forensic doctor? Did I tell you?"

The man in the suit looked at Jiang Quan and said,"During the time when Chen Ye was killed, the surveillance camera did not capture anything."

"You were the only eyewitness at the time. Even though you are a special investigator, we still cannot completely believe your one-sided statement."

Jiang Quan was very angry when he heard this,"So, what did you find out from the autopsy?"

The man in the suit flipped open the autopsy report and said,"Chen Ye, the cause of death was... autopsy?"



Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Including Jiang Quan,"What do you mean, why was the cause of death autopsy?!"

The man in the suit swallowed secretly, and then he saw a row of small words under the autopsy report.

"In fact, the man you sent here is not dead, he is just in a state of suspended animation……"

"But we didn't see the clues at the first time, which was our negligence in our work."

Everyone looked at each other, all of them felt like a bolt from the blue.

The man in the suit stammered, not knowing what to say for a while.

Cheng Haixing just felt very angry,"That guy has a mysterious origin, how could he die so easily? Why didn't he make the decision privately without waiting for me to come back?!"

"We haven't figured out the secrets hidden in him yet. Now that he's dead, how are we going to find the remaining masks?!"

Jiang Quan clenched his fists,"Master, it's too late to talk about this now. It's better to think about how to deal with the enemy in front of us."

"The person who killed Chen Ye can also travel through the shadows, and is obviously also a mask host"

"The other party was able to hack into our security system and kill people silently, so there must be a group behind them!."

Cheng Haixing frowned,"Why did they do it at this time? Damn it!"


"Chen Ye is dead, so we can't determine the location of the mask.……"

"What do you want to say?!"


"Have you forgotten the original intention of establishing Investigation Bureau No. 0? To nip in the bud all dangers that could threaten China!"

"So what if Chen Ye is dead? We can find him ourselves!"

"Even if your opponent is a god, we will catch him for you to see!"

"What to do with Chen Ye’s body?"

"Notify the family and say that he died saving people. The pension will be paid according to the standard for a formal investigator.

Cheng Haixing said and turned to look at the side.


"What is this?"

Just then, Cheng Haixing suddenly found a pair of glasses in a corner.

It was a pair of VR glasses with a cool shape and a black body.

"Ah, this is what we found in Chen Ye's room……"

"It seems to be the landing device of the sealed land."

"I've read online that this device is extremely expensive, and has sold for tens of millions of yuan on the black market, and it's still out of stock."

Cheng Haixing was a little puzzled,"The sealed land, the game... the mask, is there any connection between them?"


One day later, in the Pacific Ocean, a huge island appeared out of thin air, and soon attracted the attention of those who were interested!

But a few days later, the huge island suddenly disappeared!

This attracted the attention of various countries, so they sent ships to the Pacific Ocean to look for the island.

But in the end, they all returned empty-handed.

But soon, they made a new discovery!

That is, the sonar can scan the existence of the island!

But the island is always moving, and the speed is incredibly fast, ridiculously fast!

"This is a fucking island, and it’s swimming faster than the fucking Dongfeng 17?!"

"A ship crashed into the island, and the island was transparent!"


"Transparent island?"

"Could it be that this is the legendary Penglai Fairy Island?!"


"Search, search the entire sea, you must find the legendary Penglai Island for me!"

This news quickly spread throughout the countries, and immediately set off a new wave of immortal cultivation craze.

If there really is a Penglai Island in the world, then there must be immortals!

Cheng Haixing who was in Donghai City also received this information,"Penglai Island, why at this time?"

"Ebisu, didn’t you feel that something was amiss in the past month?"


"First, the mysterious game whose manufacturer we couldn't find was released, then the thirteen masks appeared, and now there's the Penglai Fairy Island."

"It's as if everything was scheduled to happen in this month."

Cheng Haixing frowned,"What's the name of that game?"

"Sealed Land"

"Recorded in the A-058 file, note: suspected to be a game of an unknown alien civilization"

"Hai Lao, to be honest, the most we could do before was to get rid of evil spirits and collect cursed objects with evil spirits."

"But since the game appeared, all kinds of unheard-of special spells began to appear one after another.……"

"First there were the twelve masks, and now there is the Penglai Fairy Island"

"I think there must be some connection between these three things."

Cheng Haixing picked up a cigarette and put it into his mouth."The headaches come one after another, and I can't rest for a moment.……"

"Is Bai Qi’s mask missing?"

"Not yet. The other party is very good at hiding their whereabouts.……"

"Okay, I get it.

Cheng Haixing slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. At this moment, he really felt what it meant to be powerless.

"Ebisu, I think you should give yourself a few days off."


"Your mental state is getting worse and worse, I think you should take a proper rest, for example, go and watch that game."

Cheng Haixing raised his eyes,"You mean the sealed place?"

"That's right"

"If there is really a connection between these things, maybe we can find something by playing the game?"

"Don't worry, we will keep an eye on the situation outside. Once I find the holder of Bai Qi's mask, I will inform you immediately."

Cheng Haixing thought for a long time, then looked at the black glasses on the table beside him.



On the other side.

On an invisible island in the Atlantic Ocean.

Chen Ye, who was sitting by the sea fishing, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh, fish, you're hooked"


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