
Fly was stunned when he heard this."Does this have anything to do with whether I can fight?"

Fang Ze glanced at the two bodies under the stage."To be honest, we may have... overestimated ourselves."

"Or, we underestimated the realism of this game."

"You saw how those two people died just now, so you should also know that the combat system here is more than just a collision of a few strings of numbers."

"Attack power, defense power, and health points are all invisible and intangible concepts, what can you use to fight?" Fly glared at him when he heard this,"In other words, if I want to kill monsters and level up in the game, I have to be able to fight in real life?"

Fang Ze shook his head,"Not necessarily, but as of now, if you rush up without some skills, it will definitely be a waste of resurrection coins."

Fly was a little at a loss when he heard this,"Then...then we don't do anything and just leave?"

Fang Ze glanced at him,"If you think you are stronger than the two people just now, then it doesn't hurt to give it a try." Fly

's face instantly showed bitterness,"Brother Guang, we just said we were going to rush to T1, but we're defeated at the starting point before we even set out on the journey?"

Fang Ze:"Don't worry, if we can't beat it, others naturally can't beat it either"

"But if you are willing to use your brain, there must be a solution. After all, as the saying goes, as long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than problems."

"But I want to see the other mechanics of this game before making any plans."


At night, nine beta testers sat in front of the Sealed Tower and looked at each other.

"Are you...hungry?"

"Not only am I hungry, I’m also thirsty."

One of the users, whose ID is Dad, fell to the ground, holding his stomach."I’ve gone out to eat three meals, but I’m still starving."……"

Fang Ze watched the other eight people slowly take out a piece of weed and put it into their mouths."Do you think it is possible that the characters in the game also need to eat?"

The other eight people sat up in shock when they heard this.


"So, this is a survival game?!"

"No, if that’s the case, then if we don’t eat or drink, won’t we starve to death?"

"It's not impossible."

"Damn, there are nothing but grass and trees within a hundred miles. Are they eating tree bark?"

"It seems...it's not impossible?"

"There is more than just one kind of weeds on the ground. There are many wild vegetables I know that can be eaten directly."

"Damn, it’s fine that I eat instant noodles every day in real life, but I have to eat grass in the game. Is this inhumane?"

"I really want to eat meat……"

Seeing that everyone was starving, Fang Ze subconsciously touched his nose and said,"There is not a single living thing outside the sealed tower. If you want to eat meat, there are only two ways."

"The first one is to enter the tower to hunt, but you have all tried it, the monsters in this game are extremely difficult to fight"

"Not to mention that we don't have the physical strength now, even if the nine of us have enough physical strength, we may not be very sure."

Fly blinked,"How about we just talk about the second method?"

Fang Ze suddenly showed a sneer,"The second method is much simpler"

"According to Brother Xigua, the player's body will not disappear immediately after death, but will remain in place for one hour."

"In this case, we just need to dismember the body.……"

Before Fang Ze could finish, a player interrupted him,"Xing, this is too harsh, brother, please stop here."

"Bro, what kind of job do you do in real life? Why are you playing such a perverted game?"

"Eating grass is okay, but I just can't accept this"

"I don’t want to eat human flesh even in a game!"

"If you think about it this way, chewing tree bark doesn't seem unacceptable!"

Fang Ze shrugged,"I'm just saying a possibility."

The fly sighed,"Where's the brother who said he could identify wild vegetables? Wild vegetables are fine, at least let us have a bite first."

"Then... shall I go look for it?"

"Please, brother, I'm so hungry that I can't walk anymore.……"

"It’s up to you, brother!"

""Okay, wait for me!"

Seeing that no one was willing to move, the brother who could identify wild vegetables had to go out to look for wild vegetables by himself.

The other eight people took this opportunity to talk about their experiences of the day.

Except for Brother Watermelon, almost everyone had a big discovery.

The brother who walked around the map said that he found a lake, and there were fish in the lake.

After discussion, everyone decided to go to the lake together tomorrow to see if they could catch some fish to solve the food problem.

But in addition to food, they soon encountered a new problem!

That is, shelter!

They can sleep directly on the grass, but what if the character freezes to death after logging off and then logging on?

After all, with the realism of this game, it is not completely impossible!

Moreover, each player has only ten years of soul life at the beginning.

That is 10 resurrection coins, so it is naturally better to die as little as possible.

"It’s really cold. Is there any brother who can make fire by rubbing two sticks together? Can we start a fire?"

"I would like to make a fire, but I don't know if this game can make fire."

"Just try it and you will know"

"What if?"

""Okay, two of you come with me to the forest to find some sticks and dry leaves."

Soon, several more people left the team, and the flies followed them to pick up sticks.

Fang Ze kept using stones to touch the soil, which attracted the curiosity of many players,"Brother, what are you doing?"

Fang Ze raised his head and glanced at several people,"Have you noticed that the terrain in this game is interactive and permanently destructible?"

Several players didn't understand what he meant.

Only a player with the ID '爷傲乃我何' slapped his thigh excitedly,"That is to say, we can build infrastructure in the game!"

All the players were excited when they heard the word infrastructure!

After all, infrastructure is something that is embedded in the DNA of domestic players!

"Build houses, open farmlands, raise animals, it turns out that the Sealed Land is a farming game!"

"Oh shit!"

"There are so many things to do in this game!"

"You can build your own house, eat and drink, and it's 100% real. Isn't this more fun than Minecraft?!"

"Suddenly I don’t feel hungry anymore, I’m going to chop down a tree!"

"If you want to get rich, start by pulling up trees!"


"Let’s get started. I’m going to make a stone axe!"

"Brother, would you like to join me? I’m in the construction industry in real life."

"Shit, you’re in the construction industry?"

"That's great!"

"Brother, what exactly is your construction industry?"

"Um... I'm in the concrete horizontal movement engineering business."

"A bricklayer?"



"So according to what you said, I am also in the construction industry."

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"My industry requires high skills. I am engaged in concrete horizontal raised wall engineering."

"A plasterer?"


"Okay, you are all talented people. Building a house depends on you two, the dragon and the phoenix!"

Seeing everyone leave one after another, Fang Ze staggered a few times and stood up."If this game really contains a complete set of physical laws,……"

"Doesn't that mean that players can climb the technology tree in the game?"


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