
""Better?" Chen

Ye outside the game was stunned. As a planner for Big Eyes, he certainly knew how strong Big Eyes was.

After all, the current players have not yet started the school transfer, so theoretically they should not be able to beat Big Eyes.

Puzzled, Chen Ye directly mobilized the power of the system and presented a replay of the moment in front of him.

After watching the whole process of the player defeating the Chaos Watcher, he was silent.

"Ye Qiu... Reborn, interesting, it seems that I chose you for a reason."

Chen Ye licked his lips.

Judging from the current situation, Ye Qiu must be the one who is most likely to reach the top of the Sealed Tower.

"You make me look forward to that day more and more, Ye Qiu, ah Ye Qiu, I really hope you can grow up quickly and stand in front of me."

"I really want to see your courage to swing the sword at the gods with your mortal body!"

Compared to Lu Qing who was always playing badly, Ye Qiu really brought too many surprises and accidents to Chen Ye.

Because everything was created by Chen Ye himself, everything was under his control.

So gradually, he began to feel bored.

But Ye Qiu always did things that he didn't expect, making it impossible for him to predict what he would do next.

This made Chen Ye curious and very interesting at the same time.

He seemed to understand why there is always such a thing as a protagonist in a world.

What exactly do those heavenly ways think?

Now Chen Ye understands, because the protagonist will always do something that they can't Expected things to happen.

This will make everything very interesting.

This is also the only fun for the Heavenly Dao.

Chen Ye finally experienced this kind of fun.

As for being angry and embarrassed because Ye Qiu broke his arrangement and disrupted his plan?

That does not exist.

How can God care about ants?

Just like you took sugar cubes to make a triangle, but they were moved away by a group of ants. Would you feel angry?

Maybe some people would, but most people don't care.

Similarly, in Chen Ye's view, the various behaviors of ants make him feel very interesting.

Just like when he was a child, he squatted next to the ant nest for a whole day.

"The index is almost enough, it's time to let him go"

"This time, 10,000 people will be released."

Chen Ye said as he opened his right hand, and a shadow soldier handed him a folder.


Upon hearing these two words, Chen Ye smiled,"You are the first to learn to speak, so you will be called Yingyi."

Yingyi lowered his head and said respectfully:"Thank you for the name, Master."

Chen Ye turned his head and saw that the ghost army all over the mountains behind him was learning and evolving.

Of course, this kind of learning is not based on book learning.

Instead, they connect their brains to the Internet to learn all the knowledge in it.

As for why Chen Ye did not choose to instill knowledge directly into their brains, but let them learn by themselves?

The answer is simple. Giving them the ability to learn is different from giving them the index of knowledge expenditure directly.

Of course, Chen Ye did not just give them the ability to learn.

He also gave these shadow soldiers the ability to devour each other and evolve, but it has not reached that stage yet.

"When these ghost soldiers have a certain level of intelligence, you can replace me and become official staff of the game."What exactly do we want them to do? It's actually very simple.

That is to cooperate with the media.

Let them further hype up the popularity of the game and directly develop it into a national game, which can even include competitive content.

It is not impossible to hold a few world-wide live broadcasts at that time.

As for the time difference, Chen Ye can just call it back during the game.

But what if someone suspects that these shadow soldiers are the ghost soldiers in the game?

Haven't you heard of cos?

They are just cosplaying the ghost soldiers. If you take it seriously, you will be obsessed!

The only ones who can recognize the ghost soldiers are Cheng Haixing and his friends, but Chen Ye doesn't think they will announce it.

On the contrary, they have to cooperate with Chen Ye.

At this moment, Yingyi suddenly took out a tablet and showed it in front of Chen Ye.


Hearing this, Chen Ye picked up the tablet and glanced at it.

On the tablet was the forum of the official website of the game. It was no different from usual, with some people still begging for the qualification of the internal test.

But... there were many more messages in different languages?

After flipping through it, Chen Ye immediately understood that these were messages left by overseas players.

Most of them were complaining, why was the internal test only in China? Did the official look down on their country?

They also said that if they were allowed to enter the game, they would have cleared the first level long ago.

A bunch of sick men of East Asia, just useless.

You can't even play a game well, and giving you this game is simply a cruel gift!

Is this game still difficult? I don't think it's difficult at all.

Maybe it's difficult for you.

I hope the official will start the internal test in my beautiful country!

Seeing this, the corners of Chen Ye's mouth slowly opened, and he felt the naked provocation from overseas players.

"You want a challenge, right?"

"Come, system, select 5,000 top players from other countries for me. I want to see if you are really as good as you say."

Chen Ye twisted his neck as he spoke. This time, he planned to keep 5,000 of the 10,000 people for China and the other 5,000 for overseas countries.

"By the way, add the translation system. You can decide how to use it."


In the game, players all over the mountains were dividing up the Chaos Watcher's corpse, leaving nothing behind, from the cornea to the flesh.

Ye Qiu was among them, he and the boss died together, and after resurrection, he has been looking for the crystal in the Chaos Watcher's pupil.

"No...Why? Was he poached by someone else?"

"Or did I accidentally destroy the crystal?"

In fact, there is a function in the game.

That is to hide the ID.

After the player kills someone, the ID will turn red, and the red will weaken a little every time he dies.

When the number of deaths of the player is equal to the number of people he kills, the player's ID will turn white again.

But many red-named players in the previous life did not intend to whiten themselves.

Most of them chose to hide their IDs so that others could not see that they were red-named players.

But if they formed a team, their IDs would still be revealed.

At this stage, only one person hid his ID.

That person was Nocturne.

In this battle, he was the only one who fished in troubled waters.

And he successfully dug out the crystal in the eyes of the Chaos Watcher.

"This guy is really scary. I'll be more cautious next time."

Yequ thought so and put the black crystal in his backpack.

He had seen how scary Ye Qiu was. He had made up his mind to give up the hostility with Ye Qiu before he had absolute strength.

Besides, he didn't need to kill anyone now because the mission had been completed.

At this stage, he should focus on development.


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