Do you know what it feels like to fight crickets?

In Chen Ye's opinion, watching the two Lu Qings fighting there is just like watching cricket fights when he was a child.

It's like... two little bugs are fighting each other. As expected, the first time Lu Qing and Lu Qing fought to a draw.

Then Lu Qing woke up.

It was like he had a very absurd dream.

After that, he would fight with another self in his dream every night.

It continued until... one side was completely dead.

Lu Qing looked at the sky outside that was just getting bright and went straight to the Hobbit,"Help me make a sword, I'll pay any price!"


It was a nice morning today.

Ten thousand new players just happened to log in to the game at this moment!

The size of the new team this time was extremely exaggerated, five times the number of old players!

When these people appeared together, the old players who had just woken up were stunned.

"Shit, I didn’t feel anything when I saw ten thousand people before, but are ten thousand people really that many?"

"If this happened in ancient times, wouldn't it be a bit of a stretch to just shout out that we have 50,000 elite soldiers?"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but this batch of newcomers looks so fierce.……"

"This face doesn't look like a Chinese."

"Well, you can tell by listening to them speak."

"Oh shit, it can’t be a foreigner, right?"

"Can you bully foreigners?"

"Hehehe, my hand holding the sword is shaking!"

"Stop, stop, stop. Although it is a game, as a country of etiquette, we still need to maintain international friendship."

"No, no, no, my hostility towards foreign players has nothing to do with my country's education and culture."

"It's purely because I have no quality and morals!"

"That’s right, what I said only represents my personal position and has nothing to do with my country!"

"Ahem, it seems that the price of beef skewers should go up."


"As for you, can you still live happily?"

"This price increase only applies to foreigners"


"Brothers, let’s have beef kebabs tonight!"

"Um... my vegetable stall won't raise prices……"


"Woohoo, it was me who used wild vegetables to pull you up when you had nothing to eat in the beginning."

"What an ungrateful bunch of people!"

"No, buddy, last time I was eating your wild vegetables, there was a stone on it, and my front teeth popped. I couldn't even speak properly for the past two days!"

"Ahem, that was an accident."


This batch of new players is really peculiar, and the races are particularly mixed.

There are white people and black people, covering players from almost every country, and there are even several ancient gods among them!

So what are ancient gods?

They are things that look like humans, but are not humans!

For example, there is a player with a dark face, green eyes, and two missing front teeth. It is very scary when he opens his mouth!

These are all geniuses in face-pinching!

And at this moment, they are still sighing to themselves.

These exclamations are still the same as those of previous players, nothing more than various shocks!

And this game is too real, this game is really awesome, etc.!

But at this moment, the voices in the crowd suddenly became chaotic.

I saw countless foreigners mumbling something in various languages, and it was very messy.

"What are they talking about?"

"They say the front wheels don't turn, the rear wheels don't turn, gg~"


"No, I think I understand."

"What do you understand?"

"It turns out that the language translation in the game settings is for this purpose."


"Language translation, is there something?"

"Yes, check your settings and check it to automatically translate all the languages you hear."

"Oh shit!"

"But I am uneducated, so I can only say"fuck" to everyone!"

"What kind of black technology is this?!"

"With this thing, why bother learning foreign languages? Everyone can have a diplomat!"

"No, it's one thing for us to say that you can understand, but if you can't speak a foreign language, people won't understand you."

"That’s easy, wouldn’t it be great if everyone had one of these devices?"

"No, I'll post this message on the forum and ask the official to release the product quickly. I'll buy it immediately!"

The new players who came online saw this option right away.

Almost everyone checked the language translation function.

In short, this function is actually very simple, which is to automatically translate the language you hear into the language you know.

At this time, a blond young man suddenly walked towards an old player who was watching the show.

"Do you know how to play this game, friend?"

The player looked at the translation prompt in front of him and immediately understood that the young man in front of him was speaking American English.

"Oh, my dear friend, this game is actually very simple. Do you see that huge black tower?"

"After you enter, you can start fighting monsters and leveling up. The monsters here are very weak and easy to bully. You can kill several of them with your bare hands!"

"Later, when you have money, you can buy land outside, so go and fight, only by fighting can you have a future!"

"Fighting is all about playing this game!"

The blond young man smiled and said,"Thank you, your sword is cool, my friend."

The old player nodded,"Yeah, go ahead my friend, I wish you success and buy land soon."

After that, the blond young man turned around and told several players what the old player had told him. He couldn't help but think in his heart that the Chinese are really easy to talk to.

Many foreign players heard the words and started to walk into the tower in groups.

Seeing this, a group of old players smiled and said nothing.

Not long after that, these people were teleported out one after another.

Not surprisingly, they were all confused when they were teleported out.


Isn't it said that monsters are easy to beat?

They are the kind that can be beaten with bare hands.���Several of them?

How come the bear killed them all before they could even make a move?!

Soon some players realized they were being tricked!

"Despicable Chinese people!"

Some foreign players who were originally confident in themselves were frustrated,"How is it possible? Those Chinese people in the video fought so easily!"

"Is there something wrong with the difficulty setting of this monster?"

At this moment, the young man who asked the question before angrily found the old player.

"I treated you as my friend, but you lied to me. That monster was obviously not easy to fight!"

The old player shrugged,"You can't blame me, my friend, after all, it was like this when we fought monsters."

"I was able to kill several of them with my bare hands. I didn't expect you to be so weak that you couldn't even beat a few small animals?"


Naked sarcasm!

First of all, I didn't lie to you.

We just thought those monsters were weak, but I didn't expect you to be weaker than them!

"You can't even kill a monster with your bare hands. I suggest you stop playing and give your login device to a good person as soon as possible."


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