Ye Qiu slowly opened his eyes, and saw Watermelon resurrected with it.

Hmm, resurrected together?

Didn't Watermelon die first?

Ye Qiu was a little surprised, and saw Watermelon panting with exhaustion,"The Owl Lord is actually not that strong, I can still barely replace one even if I die."

Du Yuan on the side touched his chest a little strangely,"The Owl Lord is very powerful, but I feel that he is far inferior to the Wolf Lord."

Zhang Qingyan nodded,"The Owl Lord's speed is not fast either, and I pulled him around twice." The fly was speechless,"Although I was the first to die, at least I still hurt the Owl Lord."


What they said...

How come it is so different from what Ye Qiu remembered?

There is a problem.

A big problem!

Ye Qiu stood up suddenly and looked at everyone,"How did you all die?!" The fly was the first to say,"My arms were chopped off by the wings of the Owl Lord, and my head was chopped off by a blow from it.……"

"Well, that’s about it."

Du Yuan:"Why don’t I remember you dying like this? Weren’t you crushed to death when the Owl Lord appeared?"

"Why are you making a scene for yourself?"

The fly was angry,"What do you mean I'm making a scene for myself? I'm just telling the truth, okay?!"

"Wasn't Shixuan the first one killed by the owl master? We suggested that you donate your eyes if you don't need them!"

Zhang Qingyan felt a little strange,"I remember that the fly was the first to die, and Shixuan was the second."

Du Yuan nodded,"Yes, that's right. Anyway, I was killed by the owl master's claws piercing my chest."

Zhang Qingyan thought for a while,"I ran with the owl master for a while, but he caught up with me in the end. I didn't see clearly how I died."

Brother Watermelon blinked,"But... why do I remember it's not like this?"

"Didn’t the fly die first, and then the two of you died together, and then it was the tenth turn, and finally me?"

Ye Qiu’s pupils suddenly shrank,"Watermelon, how did you die?"

Watermelon smiled,"I died together with the owl master."

Upon hearing this, Ye Qiu immediately cursed,"Die together bullshit, we were all fooled by the owl master!"

"The Owl Lord never showed up, everything we saw was fake!"

"Fly, you said you saw me die first, does that mean in your opinion, the Owl Lord killed me after he came out?"

Fly was stunned,"Yes, isn't that right?"

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth,"But in our opinion, you were the first to die, the Owl Lord came down from the sky and killed you directly!"

"At the time, I felt that the Owl Lord's attack method was very strange and awkward, and also the amount of blood loss from the Owl Lord's claws!"

"The problem is really too big!"

"Lao Zhang, Lao Du, Xigua, did you all see that when the owl came towards me, I cut off his hands and head?"

"Does this match the way Fly saw himself die?"

Du Yuan nodded,"Yes, then you were swallowed by the Owl Lord."

Ye Qiu smiled,"But from Xigua and I's and my perspective, it was you and Zhang who died together."

"Two Owl Lords appeared at that time. One of them fought me in close combat. His claws were like gold and stone, and sparks flew when they rubbed against my weapon."

"I pierced its chest directly. Can it match the way you died, Lao Du?"

"The other owl chose to escape while shooting feathers. Now that I think about it, aren’t feathers Lao Zhang’s arrows?"

"I was chasing the lord all the way. Could I match Lao Zhang who was being chased by the lord?"

"And in the end, in my opinion, Watermelon was killed by the owl"

"But in Xigua's opinion, I was killed by the owl."

"After that, we both died together. Just look at the resurrection time and you will understand that we were resurrected together!"

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

"So, we all had hallucinations and mistook each other for the Lord of Weird Writings?"

"Yes, in fact the Lord of Owls never showed up, we were just killing each other!"


Zhang Qingyan couldn't help but sigh,"What a tricky master! He is so cunning! We have all been deceived by our own eyes!"……"

Du Yuan:"What about the girl who calls herself the Master of Weird Text?"

Ye Qiu said:"It must be the Master of Weird Text's plan. If you didn't stop me at that time, I would have killed her directly and maybe there wouldn't be so many problems!"

Fly sighed,"It's not our fault. After all... good-looking bosses have privileges."

"Let's say such a cute girl, do you really have the heart to kill her?"

Ye Qiu sneered,"Yeah, such a cute girl, she should be able to eat seven or eight of you in one meal, right?"

Zhang Qingyan patted Ye Qiu on the shoulder,"Just take this as a lesson, and die every time."

Cangying was helpless,"Brothers, you really can't blame me for this, you should blame the planners, it's all their fault for designing the Master of Guiwen as a girl!"

Ye Qiu put the weapon back into his backpack,"Yeah, they specifically target you old perverts, let's say you like girls so much?"

Cangying shook his head,"There's one thing I need to reiterate."

"First of all, I don’t like girls."

"I just like pretty girls."


Inside the guild.

Listening to Ye Qiu's complaints, Fang Ze, who had not witnessed the situation at the time, felt a little regretful,"Is that girl realistic?"

Fly was no longer sleepy when he heard this,"What kind do you mean?"

Fang Ze laughed twice,"Literally."

Fly also laughed,"President, you understand!"

Ye Qiu slapped his forehead when he saw this scene.

How come even the president has fallen?

It's over.

This guild is hopeless.

Ye Qiu really found it difficult to associate these five people in front of him with the five in his previous life.

"Alas, this group of people is hopeless, I'd better make plans early."

Looking at Ye Qiu's desperate face, Fang Ze suddenly laughed twice,"Don't take it too seriously, it's just a joke"

"As far as we know, the Owl Lord is a beautiful girl, and she has the ability to make you hallucinate."

"In the illusion, you mistook each other for the Lord of Owls and killed each other, and finally all of you were wiped out, right?"

Zhang Qingyan nodded,"To be honest, now that I think about it, it feels like being a puppet."

"We are puppets, being dragged to kill each other without knowing it, this is really... quite unpleasant."

Fang Ze stood up,"Now that we know the truth, this skill is easy to crack."

"As long as we don't attack each other, it will be fine. But I am afraid that the real owl will use our minds and hide in us to make it difficult for us to distinguish the real from the fake."

"This is the most troublesome"


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