The hatred of the deceitful wolf lord.

The suffering of the chaotic snake lord.

The contempt of the trickster owl lord.

The three rings have their own masters, and the three lock beasts are all dead!

The biggest mystery of the first floor has finally been solved!

At that moment, the players in the tower heard the loud noise!

The knot in the central area has been removed!

Players can move forward!

All players received this message!

Fang Ze and others sighed when they saw this,"Someone got there first."

Du Yuan gritted his teeth,"We have already cracked the skills of the second-stage owl lord. We will definitely pass it if we try twice more!"

"They actually got it by surprise!"

Fang Ze shook his head,"This is how the game works, the quickest one gets the first piece of cake, and the first person to act gets it."

Something is wrong.

Very wrong!

Ye Qiu was stunned, because his memory was wrong!

In the previous life, the Lord of Owls was clearly defeated by the old man Hai and his men!

Why was it the King of Hell?

It seems that the Nocturne and the King of Hell did not reach a cooperation in the previous life?

"This... could it be the butterfly effect caused by my early appearance?"

Ye Qiu entered the game during the ninth test.

But the speed of time in his previous life did not change!

In other words, when Ye Qiu entered the game, the strategy team had not yet solved the puzzle!

Although he had logged into the game at that time, he himself had no outstanding qualities and was just an unknown newcomer.

But in this life, he joined Fang Ze's team and defeated two bosses in a row!

This is the only difference from his previous life!

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth, and history changed again.

Although this was nothing in the early stage, the further back you go, the greater the changes in history will be, and the more unpredictable it will be.

"But at least the guardian is still there, and the two legendary weapons have not fallen into the hands of others.……"

"However, the three rings are separated. If you want to open the secret treasure, you can only cooperate with that guy."


As the central area was freed, a group of players rushed in at the first opportunity!

A little beyond their expectations, the core area of the first layer was also terribly large, and the edge area was still green mountains and clear waters.

But the further they went, the drier the land became, until it completely turned into a desert!

But this desert was not an ordinary desert, but a blood-red desert!

The players continued to go deeper, and soon found a huge stone altar in the center of the desert!

And on the altar stood a one-armed blood-haired man!

He was wearing tattered armor, holding a red-flaming sword that was eternally burning with fire in his hand, and carrying a huge ice crystal bow that was constantly emitting cold air on his back!

Golden frame!

Boss unit!

Guardian of the first layer!

Legendary Hunter Larik!


"This is... the real boss of the first floor!"

"If I kill him, can I go to the next level?"

"Is there any brother who would like to volunteer to take on the challenge?"


"I have many lives, I will go!"

"Come on brother!"

"Don’t care about life or death, just fight if you don’t agree!"


A player was about to step into the altar, but Kralik suddenly opened his eyes,"Anyone who takes even half a step into this place shall die."

The player didn't believe it and took a step forward!

The next second, a huge ice crystal arrow suddenly attacked him and pierced his chest with one shot!


The player's body froze in an instant and turned into an ice sculpture.

Suddenly a breeze blew, and the icy player suddenly shattered into countless ice chips and scattered all over the ground!

Seeing this, the players took notes,"The latest information, the boss has long-range skills, and it has a control effect. If pierced, you will be controlled to death directly!"

"Is there any other brother who dares to come forward and give it a try?"

"Is there anyone with more lives who wants to take a walk?"

Most of the front-line strategy team were here, but none of them took action, just watched quietly.

Fang Ze was also analyzing the boss's skills, and only Ye Qiu was there holding a bottle to collect sand on the ground.

Du Yuan was a little curious,"Why are you collecting this thing?"

Ye Qiu smiled,"This is also a material, it can be used to make things."

Now... the materials for the Red Absorption Potion are all complete!

I can finally change my job!

As everyone watched, a few high-level magic beasts would come over to poke their heads out from time to time.

Well, they disappeared as soon as they poked their heads out.

There were about a few hundred players gathered here. When they saw high-level magic beasts along the way, they didn't even bother to pull them, but just pushed them over!

Soon, several more players stepped forward to enter the boss's territory.

But most of them were killed by one arrow.

Speaking of which, Larik's way of drawing the bow is really strange.

Because he has only one hand, he can only hold the bow with one hand.

As for how to pull the bowstring?

Pull it with your teeth!

And there is no need to load arrows, as long as you refill the bowstring, an ice arrow will automatically condense on the bowstring!

Zhang Qingyan was a little excited when he saw the bow,"Old Fang, what do you think of that bow?"

Fang Ze saw through his thoughts at a glance,"That should be the legendary weapon mentioned in the story, forged by the Hobbit, which once shot and killed the Sun and Moon Wolves"

"Want it?"

Zhang Qingyan nodded repeatedly,"Yeah!"

Fang Ze smiled,"If we can snatch them away, the bow will be yours."

The fly looked bitter,"My lord... why are you gone, why, why are you so cruel?"

Watermelon was speechless,"You are already yelling, can you be quiet for a while?"

The fly:"No!"

Ye Qiu, who had collected the blood sand, walked over,"Then continue to stick it into the soil and calm down."

The fly:"How can people of my generation be tempted by beauty? Women are nothing more than red-faced skeletons, don't mess with my Taoist heart!"


Ye Qiu waved his hand,"Okay, you guys continue watching, I'll go out for a walk."

Fang Ze looked at Ye Qiu,"Where are you going?"

Ye Qiu:"Take a walk"


Outside the tower.

Ye Qiu took out the semi-finished potion he had prepared before, and then poured some blood sand into it,"How many grams do you want?"

"Forget it, use the right amount!"

Ye Qiu didn't have a recipe, so he could only say that he estimated it.

As for whether it would work... If it doesn't work, he'll just die.

The jar that Ye Qiu used to store the potion was the wooden jar that Chengxian used to store healing potions.

Because it was difficult to heat, Ye Qiu simply sealed the jar and threw it into the iron pot that was boiling hot water.

By the way, this iron pot was specially sent by a blacksmith player to thank Taoist Qian for his sponsorship.

Everyone also used it to make soup several times.

Ye Qiu didn't know how long it would take, so he could only say use the right amount...

Anyway, the red absorption potion is the easiest to make, the grams of the materials don't need to be accurate, and it only needs to be heated slightly.

About ten minutes later, Ye Qiu was still adding firewood to the fire.

A lot of the water in the pot had been boiled dry.

"Is it almost done?"

Ye Qiu pulled the rope to fish the bottle out, and then let it cool for a while before opening the stopper.

"This red liquid seems to be like that, but it's a little cloudy.……"

"Never mind, I'm bored."

Ye Qiu picked up the bottle and started drinking."Hmm... this feeling of suffocation and the feeling of hoarseness... It's exactly the same."

""Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Ye Qiu's face began to turn red, as if he had choked on something!

He breathed desperately, and streams of red air began to flow into his body along with the air!

At this moment, Taoist Qian, who had just returned from going out, suddenly saw Ye Qiu with a red face,"No...what did you eat that made you choke like this?"

"I'll help you." As he said that, Taoist Qian patted Ye Qiu's back vigorously!

""Puff... cough cough!"

Taoist Qian almost killed Ye Qiu with this blow!

Thank you so much!


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