"Lu Qing, you have grown up."

Hearing the strange voice that was difficult to distinguish between a man and a woman, Lu Qing suddenly raised his sword,"Thanks to you."

He could not see Chen Ye's figure clearly, he could only see a vague black shadow, and some kind of behemoth behind the black shadow tearing the galaxy apart!

Obviously, this is just an incarnation of the God of Creation.

Chen Ye smiled when he heard it,"What a pathetic life, everything is created by me, and you are no exception"

"My agent, you seem not satisfied with the test I gave you."

"Are you going to be like some overconfident human being and say that you are going to fight against the gods with your mortal body?"

At this moment, Lu Qing's hands suddenly began to tremble unconsciously, and he felt an irrepressible fear spreading!


Lu Qing gritted his teeth, his boiling blood gradually calming down at this moment.

Fear surged like a tide, slowly drowning him!

"I...I, damn it, why, why can't my hands stop shaking?!"

Lu Qing's face looked a little collapsed. He had previously sworn that even God would let him die under the sword of a mortal.

But when the God really came, the only thing he could feel was his own insignificance and endless fear!

The unknown is always the deepest fear!

Seeing this, Chen Ye stretched out a finger and touched the tip of Lu Qing's sword,"With such shaking hands, can you hold the sword?"

"My agent, you are only breaking through your own limits, not the limits of human beings."

"People are afraid, scared, arrogant, and driven by various emotions to do all kinds of stupid things."

"For example, attempting to kill God"

"Haha, the only lesson mankind can learn from history is that mankind cannot learn any lessons from history"

"But every life has its own meaning of existence, for example... the meaning of human existence is to please me."


Humans are not toys of God!

Lu Qing wanted to shout out loud, but his throat would not listen to him!

It was as if an invisible hand was strangling his throat!

"As a species that pleases God, you make me feel very interesting. Now, I will give you a chance."

"A chance to ask me a question"

"All the truths in the world, the paths to the power of all things, the methods of becoming a god, the language of God, as long as you open your mouth, I will tell you"

"Come, my agent, tell me the unanswered questions in your heart. You are the only human who is qualified to ask me questions."

"Cherish this hard-won opportunity."

Lu Qing heard the playfulness in Chen Ye's words.

His tone was like the tone of rewarding a pet that he raised after it beat another pet...

Aren't gods also conceited beings? Aren't gods also arrogant?

Lu Qing raised his head suddenly when he thought of this. He had thought about this question a long time ago, but it was a question he would never be able to figure out!

"Before that, I want to ask you, will you tell me everything I ask?"

Chen Ye:"Of course, God will not break his promise."

Lu Qing:"Then as the God of creation, are you omniscient and omnipotent?"

Chen Ye:"You can say that."

Very good!

That's what you said!

Arrogant God, I will make you pay for your words and deeds!

"I would like to know……"

"How to kill the God of Creation!"

"Omniscient God of Creation, please tell me how to kill you. I want to kill you in the most fundamental sense, and how to wipe out the God of Creation from any angle!"

After hearing this question, Chen Ye, who was originally smiling, suddenly stopped smiling.

"Kill... me?"

Seeing this, Lu Qing said quickly:"You said that you would tell me whatever I ask, God, you will not break your promise!"

Come on, tell me!

You who know everything, don't you know how to kill yourself?! Then how can you call yourself omniscient?!

But what if the God of Creation says that He cannot be killed? What if He cannot even kill himself? Well, this goes against the conclusion of omnipotence!

Because if you can't even kill yourself, how can you say you are omnipotent? But Lu Qing didn't want to hear the above two answers!

Because that means that the God of Creation is an existence that cannot be killed, which means that any of their efforts are meaningless!

But there is also a possibility, that is, the God of Creation is afraid!

He is afraid of being killed by mortals, so He dare not reveal his weaknesses!


would an arrogant God of Creation be afraid of weak humans? Even if he tells ants that they can take an airplane to the sky, can ants build an airplane to the sky by themselves? Impossible.

This is Lu Qing's conspiracy!

Since God is so arrogant, he will directly ask God how to kill himself!

If it is really like Lu Qing thought, God does not think that ants can build an airplane, then He will definitely...

Tell your weaknesses!

Unless this god doubts his own power!

Or he has no concept of death at all, but this is only for other gods!

The one in front of him is the God of Creation!

This supreme god is omniscient and omnipotent, and can create everything.

Would he doubt his own power? Would he not know how to kill himself? With such a collision of thoughts, Lu Qing's heart became nervous.

Because from the moment he asked this question, the God of Creation might not look at him as a plaything.

In other words, he ruined the god's interest!

Even if the god kills him directly after a disagreement, it is reasonable!

But Lu Qing still chose to risk his life to ask this question!

Come on, God of Creation!

Let me see how you answer this question!

Looking at Lu Qing's fiery eyes, Chen Ye really wanted to tell him that in fact, a bullet could kill him.

After all, he, the God of Creation, really has no special abilities in reality, he is just a mortal.

But Lu Qing certainly can't accept this answer.



"You want to know how to kill me? Even if I tell you, you can't do it. Do you still want to hear it?"

Lu Qing nodded firmly,"I want to!"

Chen Ye waved his hand and created a shadow of a black tower floating in his hand,"You asked a very boring question. Obviously you don't cherish this opportunity."

"The way to kill me is hidden at the top of this tower. Climb to the top and you will see the truth of everything."

"All the puzzles and answers in the world are buried at the top of this tower. When you reach the top, you will understand."

"I thought you would ask more interesting questions, my agent, but I'm sorry you wasted an opportunity to look directly at the truth."


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