I Married Taylor

Chapter 197: That's It

Showing a bitter smile, Zhou Jiegun really felt that the world was very strange at this time. The man standing in front of him was Taylor's husband who was making a fuss at that time, and Taylor was less than ten meters away from him at this time.

If Taylor is the same as himself, if this show is the main guest at the same time, then this show will definitely not only be broadcast in Longguo, but will even become popular in the world. In this way, the students who come to participate are not only A native musician of the Dragon Kingdom.

Zhou Jiegun knows that he has a certain influence internationally, but his influence is not that high internationally, no matter how you say it, he is definitely incomparable with his status in Longguo.

If I can cooperate with Taylor this time, then my international influence will be greatly improved.

As for his music career, Zhou Jiegun knows that he has been in a bottleneck period for many years, and he has reached the peak in Longguo, and no one can reach his level of influence.

But internationally, Zhou Jiefu couldn't continue to expand his influence.

This is definitely a good opportunity! Zhou Jiegun thought silently in his heart.

"Taylor is my wife, so she followed me back to Longguo to develop. This program is for our Chinese music scene to have more original musicians.

Another one is to pave the way for Taylor's development in Longguo. "

Listening to Qin Sheng's words, Zhou Jiegun at this moment knew how terrifying the strength in front of him was. If he chose to cooperate with him, he would definitely not lose money!

It can not only make money, but also greatly enhance its international influence. Why not do such a good thing?

The recording of Taylor's song ended soon. Although he was not very satisfied, he saw a few people standing at the door of the recording studio, including Qin Sheng, and then stopped recording.

Walking out of the recording studio slowly, Taylor was a little surprised when he saw Jay Chou. Of course, Taylor knew Jay Chou, but he had never met him before.

The first thing he did when he walked to these people was to take Qin Sheng's arm first, and then he looked at Zhou Jiestick with a smile on his face.

"Hi Zhou Jiegun, I've heard of your name a long time ago, it's a pleasure to meet you today."

It was also the first time for Zhou Jiegun to see Taylor, and in front of Taylor, Zhou Jiegun didn't dare to push himself too hard, and then he responded with a smile: "I am also very happy to meet you. I heard from Qin Sheng that you are now I chose to develop in Longguo, which is really a great thing for our Chinese music scene!"

"Are you preparing for your new album?" Zhou Jie asked curiously.

Taylor nodded and responded: "That's right, I want to prepare a Chinese album, and I have been busy preparing for the album these two days.

Hearing Taylor's words, Zhou Jiegun was taken aback again. If Taylor wanted to prepare some Chinese songs and put them on the market, it would definitely cause a wave of heat.

If he hadn't come here, Zhou Jiegun really wouldn't have known about the explosion.

"Congratulations, congratulations in advance that your album will be a hit. The market in Longguo is getting better and better!" Zhou Jie said slowly.

Then he thought of something, Zhou Jie looked at Qin Sheng and continued: "I wonder if you have finalized this song? If not, I can help you create ten songs."

Zhou Jiegun is still very confident about this point. His current position in the Chinese music scene in Longguo is inseparable from his creative ability. It can be said that if he does not have such ability, it is impossible to have the current status. status.

It was precisely because of this that Zhou Jiegun said such things, and of course it was also for the sake of building a good relationship with Qin Sheng.

Although Zhou Jiegun and Qin Sheng are not familiar with each other, Zhou Jiegun has faintly sensed Qin Sheng's power, and cooperating with each other in this way is only good for him, without any disadvantages, otherwise Zhou Jiegun wouldn't say that .

I don't know how many people spent a lot of money to ask Zhou Jie to write a song, but in the end they may not be successful, but now Zhou Jie is actively looking for someone to write a song, which is really surprising.

If those singers knew about it, they would definitely die of jealousy.

"This matter is not in a hurry. If I really need it, I will definitely contact you." Qin Sheng waved his hand.

……… Ask for flowers……

Then the voice changed and continued: "Let's talk about the show."

Zhou Jiegun waved his hand directly and said: "No problem, I will participate in this show, if you have any requirements and remuneration, you can just talk to my manager directly.

Zhou Jiegun now agrees to this show [it is no longer because of money.

Now Zhou Jie sticks to earn money, I don't know when it will be spent, the other party agrees so easily, the main reason is to be able to improve his status in the world.

This is what Zhou Jiegun values ​​most. These days, as long as he has a reputation, it is not a very simple matter to make money.

"Then it's a deal. I'll discuss this matter with your manager at that time." Qin Sheng nodded.


After leaving, Qin Sheng had nothing to do, so he planned to go out for a stroll to see if there was anything he needed.

Not long after he left the house, a phone rang in a hurry. Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be the call from the auctioneer of Fenghua Building.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Qin Sheng's mouth, it seemed that the news was still useful, and the other party was probably worrying about how to sell the building.

However, Qin Sheng has nothing to do with these things. What he values ​​most now is how to buy the building with the lowest price.

As for what happened to the other party, in Qin Sheng's opinion, it had nothing to do with him. In Qin Sheng's heart, he was more willing to see the current situation happen.

Qin Sheng thought that there was nothing wrong, because of this news, it can be said that no one is willing to buy the entire building.

Who is willing to buy a building that is subject to accidents at any time, and who will be compensated if something really happens?

It is precisely because of this that Fenghua Building, which was originally popular, has now become uninterested.

When such a thing happened, the auctioneer of Fenghua Building felt very helpless. He could only say that he was unlucky, but there was no good solution to such a problem.

What he can do now is to sell the building at a low price, so as to recover a certain amount of losses.

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