I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1001: Century wedding

In short, the night before the wedding.

The plan that Anlin did to get the clown to take a good look seemed to have failed.

The clown can't get up, Anlin and Dabai are quite awkward...

One person, one dog and one monkey walked out of the Fox Fairy Pavilion and began to return to the residence.

"A man who has been hurt by love can still keep his heart and not indulge himself. He has to say that the clown is really a man of speciality." An Lin shook his head and said.

"In fact, it is too good for a special affair, and it is easy to hurt. If the sky is old, the ugly brother is so serious, but it is very tired. It is better for me to have a drink today. Wang!" Big white shakes the white tail I spoke of my own love concept.

The clown smiled and said: "Do not worry, I have already seen it, but I have not slowed it down for a while."

When I heard this, Anlin and Dabai were relieved.

This night is very lively. The Green Fox City is a city that never sleeps. In the brightly lit city, many entertainment venues have been in the second day.

Anlin and others did not marry so late, after all, there is a pure and lovely elf waiting for them.

Anlin can't ruin himself, the perfect image in Dina's mind.

Although, his image is likely to have been ruined long ago.

"An Lin Giant, how have you been out for so long?"

Inside the inn, Dina asked her hands on her hips.

An Lin coughed a lightly and understated: "This is not a clown to distract, let's go and watch the dance."

"That is, the dance program, as well as the fox to play with, but our hearts are clear, and the group of enchanting goods have been driven away! Wang!" Dabai looked straight and answered.

Dina turned her gaze to the clown and asked in amazement: "So oh!?"

The clown nodded in a blank voice, and it was true that it was true. It did indeed drive away the glamorous goods, and it relied on his face.

But what is the deep sadness in my heart?

For the first time, he realized that ugliness was also a weapon.

Early the next morning.

On this day, the whole city is full of fragrance.

The red petals are scattered on the earth and the red carpet is laid on the ground.

The foxes have posted festive things to add blessings to this beautiful day.

The wedding of Bai Yao and Chen Nan will be held today.

In the largest palace in the Green Fox City, the Green Fox Palace, here is the gathering of strong and powerful people from all over the world. A fierce beast is walking on the clouds and pulling the throne. Exaggerated, even the dragons took the flying boat and landed in the Green Fox Palace.

The strong is like a rain, and the beast is like a thunder.

An extremely prosperous scene.

Because there are so many visitors, the guards at the gates only recognize the invitations and cannot recognize all the strong ones.

Anlin took the borrowed invitation, followed by the clown, Dina, and white, and swayed into the palace.

His eyes flashed through a moment of white mans, saw three extremely complex and large arrays, coordinated with each other, shrouded the entire palace.

The level of this array is particularly high, and it should be a large array of joint levels. Even if Anlin can see the defects of the array, it is not easy to break.

However, he does not need to crack.

He just came here with the clown and was greeted with a heart.

"The scale of this wedding is really big, and it is almost the size of our ancestral hall. Wang!" Looking at the strongcomers who came and went, I couldn't help but marvel.

"After all, it is a grand event in the entire field of creation. It is normal to have this scale." Anlin said.

Many representatives of the sects in the field of creation have come.

Anlin’s lineup of one person, one monkey, one dog and one elf was originally very special, but it was unremarkable here, and there was no need to disguise it. Because the creatures here are much more wonderful than them.

A big snowball that kept rolling forward, saw a silver-white giant knife, and began to excite and say hello: "Ha ha ha, the sword of the king, long time no see, you still do not lose the style of the year."

The silver-white giant knife smugly waved a few times in the air: "That is still used to say, I am not a sword, the charm is still there, how, I want to **** big baby?"

The big snowball rolled around the silver-white giant knife, and the cold became a bit rich. It was excited: "Okay! Tonight, we have a good fight, see if your knife is strong, or my snow." More tight!"

"An Lin Giant, what are they talking about?" Dina looked curious.

"Cough, it's probably a fight." Anlin didn't want to explain in detail. He felt that his thoughts might be a bit dirty and didn't want to bring bad innocent elves.

Scenes like this are happening in various places in the Green Fox Palace.

The creatures in the field of creation are the most chaotic and wonderful of the whole continent.

It is very common for animals to become fine. In addition, there are snowballs that are fine, weapons are refined, and food is refined...

Dabai passed a VIP restaurant and saw a piece of sesame cake chasing two golden canes running, scaring it almost to eat the cake and fritters.

In a certain way, the Fox family in the field of creation is really the most normal race in this field. At least their development is normal!

Who can tell An Lin how to make a child with a sesame cake? !

How do soy milk and fritters make love?

Everything in front of Dina’s intuition is very novel: “The creatures, wisdom and souls here seem to be given to the heavens, too wonderful, too incredible!”

For this statement of Dina, Anlin and Dabai agreed with a nod.

At the moment, in a place not far away.

There are more than a dozen stone people with flames in their chests, and they also came to the wedding scene.

As soon as they appeared, they attracted a lot of light.

Not because of their shape, but because of their identity.

Because these stone people with flames in their chests are the gods of stone city that is one of the top ten main cities in the field of creation!

When the high-ranking fox family saw the Shenshi family, they voluntarily greeted them.

At this time, there was a stone man, but his eyes were gathered on Anlin's body, and the pupil was slightly shrunk.

"What's wrong, red bucket?" asked a powerful stone man next to him.

"Nothing, I seem to see an acquaintance." Red bucket began.

"Acquaintance? Who?" The stone man was also curious.

The red bucket is a human body, and there are acquaintances. This makes the stone man very interested~www.readwn.com~Well... I should be wrong. "Red bucket shook his head and continued to turn his eyes to the Fox family."

Although it is very curious, why did Anlin come here, but I also know that it is not the time to recognize it.

After an hour.

The leaders of the major races and the representatives of the Zongmen gathered together for a total of 100,000.

At this time, a pure white four-sided transparent, supported by the white crystal pillars, appeared in the center of the palace.

At the same time, there is a **** of light, and the sounds of the sounds are bursting.

The joyful melody began to wander around.

All the creatures will look to the beautiful white palace.

Anlin and the clowns, they have been silently pushed to the forefront of the wedding scene.

Now, the long-awaited wedding is finally about to begin.

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