I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1007: Very environmentally friendly color

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As soon as he thought that he was "green", Anlin could not help but glare at the red bucket.

That murderousness spreads like a general.

Red Dou knows that Anlin is serious, he really wants to marry it!

It has no way, just to hide behind Grandpa.

The wedding, which was of concern throughout the field of creation, came to an end in such an amazing way. I believe that no one can expect that things will evolve into what they are today.

Including the core figures of the event, Chen Nan and Bai Yao.

I did not expect that things would become like this.

The bride and groom who got married were all robbed and ran away, leaving a large group of guests to silently sort out the three views.

Bai Yuyu stepped on the void and came to the front of An Lin. His look was gentle and watery.

Obviously, there was no enchantment. After seeing the woman in front of him, Anlin still trembled in his heart and almost indulged in it.

This is the realm that has come to the forefront of the world. It is a state of action that is consistent with the world.

Of course, the Fox people think that this is not a charm, but a beauty.

This may be the difference in aesthetics. Although their actions are extremely sinister, they are beautiful because they are beautiful, but how can they be hooked?

An Lin looked at the delicate woman in front of her, her eyes were like a rain and ink, her eyes were swaying, and there was a natural and pitiful state.

He couldn't help but marvel at it, this is really a big sister!

Dabai has already seen that he can't move his eyes, and the big eyes are looking straight.

"You are the Emperor Anlin of the Forty-nine Immortals? Thank you for saving the life of the little girl." Bai Yuyu was slightly blessed, and his manners contained thousands of styles.

Fortunately, there are quite a few beautiful women that Anlin has seen. However, they can calm their hearts and smile. "You are welcome, we will be family members in the future."

Bai Yuyu: "..."

The best fox woman smiled lightly and did not express her position.

So shameless, so direct?

Have you asked me my opinion? !

At this time, a lot of foxes have come around, and most of them have a kind of unfriendly meaning.

Obviously, Anlin and others have become the focus of the field.

This kind of focus is not like glory.

After all, how to say, his people still ran away with the princess of the White Fox family. In a sense, they are also coming to marry, like Lan Xiaoni.

The only difference from Lan Xiao Ni is that their marriage has saved Bai Yao’s life.

This is also Anlin and others, who can continue to be brazen and stay here.

This is not, Anlin’s heart is pondering how to resolve disputes peacefully, and then the possibility of homeopathic and white fox family becoming a family...

"My little girl didn't pick up the notes. Can you contact your partner, let's pick them up?" The white rain reveals a warm and charming smile and continues to speak.

The daughter does not pick up the phone of the mother, this is very heart-warming.

"This can be." Annlin nodded.

He was also worried about the clown, and he took out the notes and tried to contact the clown.

After a few minutes, I didn’t pick it up a few times.

An Lin: "..."

So don’t you give face, the owner’s face is lost!

"Maybe, Clown and Bai Yao are doing something that is not known, don't bother him, Wang!" Big white grinned, revealing a look you know.

This made the Fox Fox fox woman of the White Fox family instantly blow up.

"Nima, kill this big white dog."

"Hey, is my white goddess really going to be ruined by monkeys? I hate it!"

"The big white dog talks, don't stop me, I want to kill it!"

"I want to eat dog meat tonight!"

A group of white foxes were stimulated, and they were angry and angry.

Dabai was so scared that he was hiding behind Anlin. He didn't know that he was wrong.

Bai Yuyu tried to keep smiling: "That Anlin Road friend, I will send someone to find a little girl, some important things, we will talk about it in the evening?"

"No problem!" An Lin also said with a bitter look, "I hope they are all well."

In fact, his heart is awe-inspiring.

The clown is doing this beautifully!

Hurry to seize the opportunity, raw rice cooked mature rice, so that marriage did not run!

White Fox handed Anlin a token: "This is the pass for the White Fox Palace. I will send someone to search the trace of the little girl and see you at night."

After all, the white fox and farewell to Anlin and others.

Anlin and others are not in a hurry, but also wish the other party to find the clown slowly.

Their people are pigs with cabbage, and their mentality is completely different.

"An Lin Giant, the clown is really amazing. It can make Bai Yao such a beautiful girl like it. How did he do it?" Dina said with some surprise.

Anlin was silent for a long while, guessing: "This may contain some kind of natural reason."

"What is the natural reason?" Dina turned her head.

"That is, the collision between the most beautiful and the ugliest will form a harmonious and complementary meaning. This is the perfect embodiment of Taiji yin and yang. At the same time, it can send out the strongest spark through strong contrast!" An Lin is a serious man.

Dina: "..., Anlin Giant, you tried to slap, and moved to me."

An Lin: "..."

Shock! My family Xiaona is so smart!

Suddenly, there was an imposing voice behind him.

"An Lin Xiaoyou, if you are a hero, you can’t see it. I have heard about your business. You should not be too sad."

Anlin turned black and turned and saw a stone man with a golden flame on his chest. He pulled his mouth and said: "Have you heard of me?"

"My grandson red bucket told me that you and Bai Yao fell in love and wanted to get married. Unexpectedly, they were saved by Bai Yao, and eventually they caused Bai Yao to empathize and fall in love with the monkey. People are flying high...you...hey, the festival is mourning." The stone man comforted his face with sympathy.

The rest of the Shenshi people could not help but argue:

"Hey, it’s a sad story..."

An Lin’s mouth is twitching, where is the sadness?

"Anlin is too poor..."

"We should go to comfort him~www.readwn.com~ let him see, the emotional things can't be reluctant."


An Lin took a deep breath and smiled and said: "Are you a Yuedou predecessor?"

"Oh? You know me?" Stoneman was amazed.

"That is natural, I have long been famous for my predecessors. I am still a good friend with the red bucket behind you. I wonder if you can let me chat with him alone?" An Lin said with a smile.

The red bucket suddenly has an unpredictable feeling...

"Ha ha ha, that is natural, your juniors have more common topics, I will not bother you." Yue Dou smiled and began to leave.

The red fighting tiger body shocked and chased it up: "Grandpa, don't go, I will go with you!"

Yue Dou’s face was awkward and he said: “How can you be so ignorant, Anlin’s lord is a monk with unlimited future, you don’t have a good relationship with him, what to do with it, go back!”

An Lin smiled and said: "Yes, red brother, let's make a good relationship, are you running?"

The red bucket is about to be scared and crying. Where is the relationship? It must be done!

Now that it is 10,000, Anlin must definitely plot it against it!

The grandfather of Red Dou still left under the gaze of the red bucket.

Red bucket turned to look at An Lin, some barely revealed a smile, the huge body shivered slightly, the flame heart pounded.

"An Lin, brother, good... I haven't seen you for a long time."

An Linpi smiles at the meat: "Red bucket, I really should thank you."

Red Douwen felt that there was salvation, and immediately patted his chest: "An Lin, brother, we are a relationship, for you, it is incumbent!"

Anlin nodded. "I still want to thank you, electrotherapy and fire therapy. Choose one?"

Red bucket: "..."

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