I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1011: Wedding again

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Looking at the clown in the white rain, I don’t know why in my mind, there was a little helpless little monkey who was swallowed by the black panther.

She was just trying to save the little monkey, and I thought that the little monkey would become the object of her daughter's love, and more likely to be her son-in-law...

This is unscientific. It is obvious that this clown is ugly, so I can safely let my daughter play with him. After all, how about a daughter, will not like a ugly monster?

This is very safe.

But... how do you like it?

Bai Yuyu felt that the world had a joke with her.

The fire of the clown is the core inheritance of the Purple Star Institute, the dark god.

At the beginning of the spiritual period, when the Suzaku was performing, the purity had reached the level of fire.

Nowadays, his cultivation has been in the middle of the gods, and the sacred fire has become more pure with the improvement of the realm. There is no need to worry about the situation.

As far as the nature of the fire is concerned, the clown is more suitable than Chen Nan’s fire.

"My family, Bai Yao's body is getting worse, and it is not too late. Let's hurry to hold a wedding."

Just as Bai Yuyu pondered, Anlin began to fight the railroad again.

The white face of Bai Yuyu was able to dump the faces of all beings, and the tangled color appeared. It was quite sad to smack Anlin, who tried to suppress the joy of his heart.

She turned and looked at the clown.

The clown perceives the sight of the mother-in-law, and the whole body is tight, standing silently, as if accepting the leadership review. The serious face made his ugly appearance a bit more solemn.

Bai Yuyu licked his eyebrows: "Well... although it is ugly, but it is also born, no wonder you. Since you love each other, I will not be so old-fashioned, I will fight, I agree."

There was a silence inside the cave.

Then there was the cheer of the whole mountain shaking!

The clown's big eyes like a light bulb, even the tears that look like pearls, shouted: "Mom!"

Bai Yu's mouth was pumping: "I don't have such an ugly son."


"Come, family, hold one."

An Lin smacked his arms openly and wanted to hold the peerless fox in front of his arms.

"Roll!" The white rain snorted, and a slap in the face, flying Anlin fans for several kilometers.

The clown and the white man took a breath.

This slap falls on them, and it must be wiped out!


The westernmost part of the mainland.

Here is an endless ocean, known as the West Sea by the living beings.

The West Sea is one of the most dangerous areas in the early Taizhou. There are thousands of kinds of Krakens. The powerful Yaozu are endless. If there is no certain strength, you will not know how to die in this sea area.

The West Sea has two major ethnic groups, the Lingyu and the Tiangui.

The spiritual fisherman occupies the altar of the greatness of the sea in the depths of the sea. The Turtles are divining the world, but they are on one side, but there is no living spirit to dare to provoke.

At this moment, in a partial hall of the Haixin Palace near the altar of Hongmeng.

A handsome man is enjoying the green wine leisurely. It is a wine brewed by the power of the deep sea. It has the effect of refreshing and beautifying the skin.

"Chen Nan, really does not matter? It has been so long, there is no news of Bai Yao's sultry, your body can hold it?" A blue-tailed woman frowned.

"Reassured, Bai Yao's situation is much more serious than me. It is already a dead person. I believe that it will take a long time, they will come to the door personally and ask me to marry Bai Yao." Chen Nan Huang The green wine in the hand, the face is a smile in the victory.

Although his dark rot is more difficult to control, he has not yet reached a completely out of control moment.

On the contrary, Bai Yao has not had much time. Just because Bai Yuyu’s feelings for Bai Yao, he has full confidence, Bai Yuyu will bring Bai Yao to look for him.

Lan Xiao Ni snorted: "It is to let the monk take advantage of it. Let me say it first. She can only be a small beggar, and you can't pamper her!"

"Reassured." Chen Nan smiled faintly. "She said, how can you be one in ten thousand, a rag, just use it and throw it away."

Lan Xiao Ni was made a pretty face by this love story, and looked at the handsome man in front of him.

Chen Nan also smiled softly and stepped forward to Lan Xiao Ni.

He was hard, only to convince Lan Xiaoni, let Lan Xiao Ni accept Bai Yao.

At that time, the left hand mermaid princess, the right hand fox first beauty, life is not beautiful?

Seriously, he hasn't touched Lan Xiaoni yet. Because the rules of the royal family of the spiritual fish family are stricter, they must be married before they can do further things.

It is better to take this opportunity, first...

at this time.

A golden lobster rushed in.

"Greatly big... people, not good!"

The atmosphere was destroyed. Chen Nan looked angry at the golden lobster. He didn't have a good air. "What is it? There is something to say, there is a fart!"

"I just got an urgent report. One day later, Bai Yao, a white fox family, is going to hold a wedding again. The object of marriage is the elders of the Forty-nine Immortals, the clown!" The golden lobster screamed loudly.


The crisp glass shatters.

The wine glass in the hand of Chen Nan landed ~www.readwn.com~ the wine was scattered, and the green water was blown up.

He stood up awkwardly and burst into a burst of momentum!

"Bai Yao? Forty-nine Xianzong? Good... very good!"

In the field of creation, Green Fox City.

The foxes who had only finished the lantern for less than a month, once again lit up.

The object of this marriage became the Bai Yao of the White Fox family and the clown of the Sijiu Xianzong.

The earth-shattering kiss of the first beauty of the fox family and the ugly monkey has long been known to all beings.

Their stories, after word of mouth, gradually brought the color of myth.

Some stories say that Bai Yao is in the domain of Wanshan, accompanied by a stone monkey all day long, let the stone monkeys have a soul, and the two have long been in love, and this is the love together.

Another story is that God created two heavenly creatures in order to distinguish between beauty and ugliness. Together, they can make the world deeply understand what is beautiful and what is ugly.

They are destined together.

Only the clown is worthy of the most beautiful existence.

There are still many versions of the story. These stories are pushed by a mysterious big hand, passed down by word of mouth, and gradually become interesting talks by the creatures.

It is precisely because of this, when the creatures in the field of creation, I heard that Bai Yao and the clown are getting married, there is not much conflicting psychology, and many souls even offer their sincere blessings.

This magical couple is together, it is absolutely true love!

The location of the wedding was set up in the palace of the White Fox family.

If it is not time-critical, he will definitely let the clown come to the forty-nine sects.

But now, Bai Yao has no time, only to hold a wedding at the White Fox Palace.

Bai Yao drank the blood of the clown and had already reawakened up. After the wedding, he could round the room. At that time, the problem of the cold sun root could be cured.

The next day, the eye-catching wedding is coming!

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