I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1019: The peak of life in Tang Ximen

As the elder of the Forty-nine Immortals, Tang Ximen was responsible and sense of mission. He naturally participated in the battle. As a result, Bai Ling walked out of the space door, but found that the weakest enemy was also the gods...

This... this Nima is still playing a fart!

Hey table!

The mobs can't beat it!

I saw an earth-shattering technique in front of me.

Tang Ximen silently chose to observe secretly.

Yes, this is a strategic retreat!

If you don’t move, it will spread to a few miles, even dozens of miles, so that he can’t help but tremble and tremble. In this way, he is getting farther and farther and farther and farther...

It’s terrible. A group of people returning to the virtual world can get together in battle and collapse the heavens and the earth. With a technique, they can scare him.

"It's really terrible. Is this the world of the strong?"

Tang Ximen felt that he was useless and didn’t know what to do here.

Even when a 666-seat melon crowd, so far away, he shouted 666, teammates could not hear it! Even if the qualifications of the cheerleaders are gone, what kind of sorrow is this...

Tang Ximen took out the Xiu Xian version of the telescope, focusing on the crystal and watching the battles of his teammates.

"An Lin is so good, even the black fox family's shackles are dying, and then look at myself... oh..." Tang Ximen hearted.

The gap between people is really big.

"Where, the big white is killing a strong fisherman? It's so good!"

Tang Ximen’s heart was plugged.

The gap between people and dogs is really big.

and many more! Seems to be wrong?

With this in mind, Tang Ximen’s eyes were wet.

"I am a useless waste, oh..."

Just then, there was a sudden wave of energy in the distance.

Tang Ximen looked up and stared and saw a fox strongman flying in the sky.

"Well... someone came over, is it a deserter? Or is it like I am scared to run away from the battle?" Tang Ximen’s heart moved, and his heart was a bit more comforting.

Oh, it doesn't seem that he is so salty.

However, he soon knew that he was still the most salty.

The black fox strong who flew in the sky was obviously injured in the battle, and the injury was particularly heavy, and the breath was extremely wilting, apparently strong.

"Hey, his face is flattened, his nose is smashed, his mouth is still leaking..."

Tang Ximen saw a silent follower and heard the man’s self-talk.

An Lin, Bai Yao, Lan Xiao Ni...

Lying in the trough! That ugly... Is it the dream of the black fox family of millions of fox girls, the younger generation of the leader, Chen Nan? !

Tang Ximen’s heart attack, the key figure of this war, was actually encountered by himself.

"This person is the strongest of the peak of the gods, my strategic retreat!" He was scared to escape from here, and suddenly he stepped forward, "Wait... Chen Nan's current state..."

I don't know why, Don Ximen's breathing is rushing.

The desire to turn salted fish is unprecedentedly strong...

Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

Tang Ximen decided to make a wave, he wants to do Chen Nan! !

In this way, a shocking red rainbow cut through the clouds, the fallen fox man fell!

Tang Ximen will be able to influence the characters in the entire battlefield to step on his feet and say the most domineering discourse in his life: "I don't change my name and don't change my name, the Elders of the Forty-nine Immortals, Tang Ximen is also!"

Chen Nan stared blankly at the plain-looking man in front of him, opened his mouth and said: "Tang Ximen... Who is it?"

The air is suddenly quiet.

Tang Ximen: "..."

Chen Nan: "..."

Hey! When Juli came, Chen Nan spit out a big mouthful of blood again.

"I... I am wrong, Tang Brother is forgiving!" Chen Nan painfully mourned.

"You are right, I am so famous, and plain."

Tang Ximen burst into tears and continued to trample on Chen Nan’s chest.


Chen Nan was stepped on his mouth and foamed, and his heart was full of despair.

Is this the murder of the four or nine sects?

How is the net met with the people of the forty-nine sects, each time being violent by the sect of the sect.

First, it was mechanically smashed by Anlin, and then was smashed by the clown. This time, it was even more fierce, and it was planted in the hands of a neuropathy!

Tang Ximen stepped on the cold, and finally vented the negative emotions in his heart.

Chen Nanxuan is very proud. He is the strongest of the gods and peaks. The most dazzling genius of the younger generation of the black fox, when he suffered such grievances, is now mad by a cannon fodder that is not even in the gods!

"Well... I killed you, or caught it..." Tang Ximen stroking his chin.

"Live... Live catch... Take me alive..." Strong desire for survival, let Chen Nan spit out the words.

Tang Ximen pulled out his long sword with a look of disapproval: "Is there any last words?"

Chen Nan: "..."

Is this product sick? Can't listen to people! ! ?

He hasn't spoken yet, and the red sword is like a sickle's sickle, like a trajectory of death.

Chen Nan was full of horror and despair, looking at the blood splashing into the sky, looking at the changing vision and the headless body, and falling into the eternal darkness.

He never imagined that his life would end in the hands of such a salted fish.

Tang Ximen received the sword: "What is left of the story, just ask questions, don't take it seriously."

He took a picture of the crystal and took a photo, and burned Chen Nan’s body into ashes, his head and the spoils.

"This war is finally over by me..."

Tang Ximen sighed and sighed.

He looked up and looked at the earth-shattering battle in the distance, silently, his eyes deep and deep, and the temperament of the whole person was different.

This is the temperament of the winner!

He is like a hero who successfully took down the enemy BOSS first level, with a negative sword behind him, watching the distant clouds, Yunyun Yunshu.

From now on, please call him Don Haze Wang Ximen!

The most intense place to fight.

Eight-tailed Tianhu, the black fox family's scorpion, Chen Hao, is fighting fiercely with Anlin and others.

Within the white bone space.

A terrible jagged bone, cut to the man.

An Lin didn't expect that Chen Hao could still explode such an amazing force after being suppressed by the big water polo. If there is no help from Dina and Xiao Ze, he might be defeated.

Facts have proved that Chen Hao is more powerful than the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Suddenly, there was another shattered voice coming from the ring. ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Hao suddenly stopped the attack and trembled to see the ring.

Look at this look, and have the ability to do it?

When Anlin saw this, he would let go of this opportunity, and immediately began to beat the dog, swaying the sword of victory, and instantly opened hundreds of blood marks on Chen Hao’s body.

However, the more Anlin is hit, the more he feels wrong, and the air seems to gradually solidify.

That is the sign that the volcano is about to break out.

Suddenly, Chen Hao looked up and rushed to the sky with a terrible momentum.

"Ah... my son...!"

The eight-tailed fox screamed into the sky, and the eyes became red, and the skylight quickly dimmed.

A tail that has nothing to do, appears in the back of the eight-tailed fox!

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