I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1022: Dark dominance

Anlin was held by Bai Ling, and all the power of darkness was isolated by Bai Ling’s space.

Everything around you quickly receded in the field of vision.

Anlin is getting closer and closer to Chen Hao.

The nine-tailed fox found that Bailing entered the battle and immediately pulled out a black giant tail. At the same time, the space began to solidify. In order to avoid the use of space jumps by Bai Ling, the attack of the Jiuwei Shenhu has been launched simultaneously with the space ban.

There is no slight change in Bai Ling's face. It seems that the nine-tailed fox will attack in this way.

Her white back is suddenly appearing on the back of her smooth hand. It is like a jelly-like soft and smooth white awning that wraps her and Anlin's body. In a moment, she breaks the space of the fox, and the speed is skyrocketing again!

The giant tail was rolling, the light ball rose quickly, and escaped from the spurt.

The other three returned to the late stage of great power. Although I didn't know what Bai Ling was doing, I also knew that it was extremely important. I began to desperately attack Chen Hao and attract firepower for Bai Ling.

The giant tail splits into countless ghosts and bites away at Bailing.

Bai Ling speeds non-stop, with a hand-made knife, like a female warrior of a ghost, draws a trail of singularity, and all the dark ghosts in the future are smashed!

Finally, she rushed to the back of the nine-tailed **** fox, picked up Anlin and went to the back of the **** fox: "Go, Anlin!"


An Lin was smashed on the back of Jiuwei Shenhu by Bai Ling.

Chen Hao: "Hey...!"

Anlin was dizzy and his tears fell.

He only needs Bai Ling to help him get close to Chen Hao's 100-meter range, not to let him and Chen Hao get in touch! What is it that is being lost as an adult bomb? !

Bai Ling looked at An Lin, who was hit by Chen Hao’s back. The delicate corner of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug success.

Her idea is actually very simple, Anlin needs to be close to Chen Hao, then she will let An Lin stick to Chen Hao, this is not the most secure method, and it is not impossible.

An Lin’s heart was awkward, but a golden eye pattern appeared in his forehead.

God's greed, start!

The method of the vast sea of ​​smoke is instantly appearing in the mind, and the spirit of Anlin is powerful, otherwise it will be blasted by the huge amount of information.

Among many methods, he chose to steal the Diablo Masters!

At that moment, the nine-tailed **** fox felt as if something had been lost.

"Roll!" The **** fox screamed, and the power of the Shinto broke out from the surface and explodes Anlin.

Anlin was smashed by the horrible dark Shinto power and vomited out of the old blood. The inverted body was hugged by Bai Ling and quickly withdrew.

Such a close distance, even if it is Bai Ling, it is difficult to protect Anlin, or to open the distance as well.

"An Lin, you are great!" Bai Ling said with a look of surprise.

An Lin looked blank: "How... what?"

Bai Ling looked at Anlin with surprise: "You don't know? The power of imprisonment in the darkness has completely disappeared!"

Anlin’s words are also a shock: “So, I can move freely!?”

Bai Ling blinked and smiled: "What do you say? You don't even know what you are doing? I doubt if this is what you did."

Anlin smiled helplessly. The situation was urgent and there were too many techniques. There was no way to analyze them one by one. He just picked a method called the most powerful.

Diablo master!

I really didn't expect that Diablo's dominance was actually the power that God Fox used to block their actions.

An Lin carefully reminiscent of the true meaning of the technique, and gently waved against the darkness, and the undercurrent that could not be seen began to surge.

This feeling... very good!

It seems... he is the master of darkness!

"White sister, don't run away." An Lin said.

Bai Ling looked at the man in his arms.

"I want to fight!"

Anlin is firm.

Chen Hao obviously knows what he has lost. He turns his eyes to Anlin again and screams: "Hey! What did you do to me?"

Just such a glimpse, the impact of the sound waves swept a few kilometers.

In the face of the horrible sound waves, An Lin smiled slightly, and his face was lightly bricked. The sound of the waves hit him in front of him, as if he had encountered an invisible wall and was instantly isolated.

When Chen Hao saw this scene, his pupils shrank slightly, and some bad premonition rose from his heart.

An Lin looked directly at the **** fox, stretched out his hands, and had a playful look on his face: "I am Anlin...the real master of this darkness!"


The endless darkness of the frenzied surging, the huge incomparable nine-tailed **** fox layer is banned!

"Hey! This is my strength! What will you take away my strength!" The nine-tailed **** fox was shocked and angry, and the body of the eruption of the light shone, resisting the darkness around.

Now this piece of heaven and earth, from the home of Chen Hao, has become the home of Anlin!

Qingbeichen, Bai Yuyu, Yuedou, Bailing, and four people witnessed the attack on Chen Hao.

Before the darkness was suppressed, they were forced to release the power of Shinto to resist the darkness, and Chen Hao was unrestrained. Now that the situation is just over, they are relaxed and Chen Hao is suppressed by the dark.

The result is a complete reversal of the situation! !

The earth-shattering technique fell, and the nine-tailed **** fox was overwhelmed and quickly fell.

Yue Dou broke through the tail defense, and a fist would fly a thousand-footed **** fox.

Bai Yuyu Jianguang freezes the space and falls against the head of the **** fox!

"Hey! Bone hell!"

On the body of the **** fox, a layer of white bone armor suddenly appeared.

Jianguang fell on the armor of the **** fox, and broke out of the glory of the glory ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it is difficult to break the defense.

At this moment, countless sharp-edged spikes of white bones emerged from the darkness, and madly smashed into the white rain and the Yuedou.

The power of the bones is terrible. It falls on the body of Yue Dou, and it has broken the blood of the gods born in its land.

The white rain quickly flicked the sword and resisted. Every time the blade and the bone collided, it would hit her body shape for hundreds of meters.

The nine-tailed fox that wears the white bone armor, blame and scream, the redness of the eyes is more intense and mad, apparently has reached the edge of loss of reason.

Numerous staggered bones are centered on the **** fox, which is like a lotus flower that blooms and spreads sharply and slyly, like a lotus flower.

Qing Beichen waved his claws and flew the white bones from the thorns. The squatting eyes gradually opened: "After such a crazy battle, Chen Hao's Shinto will be degraded, and he will destroy himself."

"So we just have to drag the time?" Anlin asked.

Bai Ling smiled bitterly: "Trouble time? Really do this. He is likely to pull one or more of us back before self-destruction."

Qingbei Chen smiled lightly, and his body gradually expanded, and instantly formed into an eight-tailed fox: "The best way is to kill him before Chen Hao's fall!"

Anlin nodded and his eyes became brighter: "In this case, I will try the new technique I just thought of.") Book friends will pay attention!

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