I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1031: See the whale when the sea is blue

At midnight, the West Sea fell into darkness and silence.

Only the sound of the rustling waves is still active.

The moonlight and the stars are appearing in the sky and the sea, like two mirrors hanging upside down, handing over the margin of infinity.

Anlin looked up and saw the brightest nine stars among the countless stars. It seemed to faintly point out a direction, but the direction was also changing with the shift of the stars.

"Sure enough, it is an island that will move." An Lin smiled.

He stood up in the bricks and did not hesitate to fly in the direction of the stars.

The interior of the ocean at night is not calm. The crisis is lurking in the depths, and the undercurrents are turbulent. From time to time, there will be powerful Krakens turning their eyes to Anlin.

However, none of them have the courage to attack Anlin.

In this way, I walked silently for thousands of miles, and a piece of light appeared in front of my eyes.

As the name suggests, Guanghai is the sea that will shine. This sea is colorful, and the dreams of the night are extraordinarily blurred. It seems to have come to a different country.

The fish that live in this sea area will shine, and they will swim in the ocean in groups, like a huge silk spread, bright and dazzling.

There are also many floating objects like fireflies that jump out of the water and breathe the air, and every breath is accompanied by the glare of golden light.


A long, distant voice echoed in the heavens and the earth, and it was very penetrating.

The sound is clear and clear, as if it can flow from ancient times to the future.

Anlin was so scared that he immediately stopped the royal brick flight, nervous and released the mind to the maximum.

Dina and Bone Jade are also silently preparing for the technique, apparently preparing for the battle.

It is absolutely not easy to be able to make such a voice!


Another sound that hits the depths of the soul.

In the endless light of the sea, suddenly there is somewhere empty.

The glowing marine life is far away, seemingly afraid of something, and seems to be giving way.

The faint blue light, faintly appearing on the bottom of the sea, is getting brighter and brighter, and finally the dark sea surface is infested with blue. Pure blue, overshadowed all the colors of the sea of ​​light.

A huge head slowly emerged from the sea and set off a storm.

"Well... great!" Yana opened her pink mouth and her eyes widened.

Anlin also took a deep breath: "Is this a whale?"

The huge body began to jump out of the sea and bring in hundreds of millions of tons of sea water.

Dark night sky.

Above the sea of ​​light, under the full moon.

The sleek body is glowing with blue light, and a curved trajectory is drawn to render the night color into a blue color. The image of this moment is like eternity.


The whales once again fell into the sea from the air, setting off a storm.

The waves raged and roared.

The blue light gradually disappeared from the bottom of the sea and returned to the darkness.

"Is it gone?" The encyclopedic bone jade worm, for the first time, kept silent when the monster appeared, because she also looked at it.

"Little bone sister, what kind of creature is it, big, beautiful!" Dina still stayed in the shock of the previous, very excited to ask.

The bone jade fairy shook his head: "I don't know, neither the ethnic illustrations nor the books describe such a huge creature that glows."

"It's better to call it a blue whale!" Anlin excited.

"Hey? So casual?" Dina looked at her little head and was somewhat dissatisfied.

“Is it easy to understand? The nickname is Big Blue!” Anlin clap his hands. “This is a new species, we found new species!”

Dina: "..."

骨玉仙虫: "..."

"I always feel that... so I will name the new species, no one will admit it..." The bone jade worm can't help but vomit.

"What can I expect from the Anlin Giants in addition to naming creatures in size and color?" Dina was quite helplessly spreading her hand.

Anlin was too lazy to take care of these two eyes, and continued to turn their eyes to the stars of the sky.

Follow the guidance of the sky stars and move on.

The appearance of the blue whale is just an episode.

However, the scene has been deeply imprinted in their hearts and it is hard to forget.

Anlin rang a word without a reason.

See the whale when the sea is blue.

This is used here, it seems to be quite suitable.

He couldn't see the realm of the whale, but he could feel the mark left by the whale in the years. It should be a whale that had survived for thousands of years in the West Sea.

Unconsciously, they crossed the sea of ​​light.

The surroundings are once again in darkness, only the stars in the sky and the moon.

Anlin kept moving forward. At the end of the sea and sky, there was finally a black shadow.

"Look! There is a group of islands in front!"

"That is the mobile star island?"

"Yes, that is indeed the destination of our trip. I saw the island moving at a very slow pace as time passed."

Anlin’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the knowledge has spread to the maximum, alerting the surrounding environment.

As the people get closer and closer, the full picture of the mobile star island is gradually showing up.

This is a large group of large and small islands. The environment of each island is very different. Some islands are green, some islands are poisonous, some islands are frosty, and some islands are like rivers. Slowly flowing.

The islands are different, but the only common point is that no matter what the environment of the island, there are the creatures of the Turtles living above and enjoying leisurely and leisurely ~www.readwn.com~The turtles do not pick the place, lazy The ocean is on the island.

When the time is late at night, some begin to sleep, some look up at the sky, silently staring at the stars, seemingly want to learn something from it.

It’s not that they are inscrutable, and most of them are actually idle...

The average life expectancy of the Turtles has been more than a thousand years. Although they have lived for a long time, they can do very little. Everyday is nothing more than the sun in the daytime, the stars at night, and the day passes.

This is the life of the salted fish of the Turtles.

Do not like to fight, ruin time every day, and occasionally study some strange things.

Such as astrology, such as fortune telling...

Anlin Yu brick flew over the islands and silently concealed the atmosphere.

The relationship between humans and the Turtles is actually not friendly.

The Tiangui and the Oriental Dragons do not deal with each other, and the Eastern Dragons and the Heavenly Kingdom have a good relationship, so in the early ancient times, the Terran and the Turtles would be hostile to each other.

Of course, there are no hatreds for the two races.

Anlin hides his breath, just to avoid unnecessary troubles, so as not to provoke some angry green turtles, and he is not thankful.

Moving the Star Island, in fact, can also be said to be a mobile Star Island, all kinds of islands are dotted, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The central area of ​​the Anlin Imperial Brick Island is flying.

In general, the turtles are all in the center, and this choice should be correct.

Not long after, a huge green island appeared in the field of vision.

There are not only beaches and forests, but also alpine waterfalls. What is even more amazing is that under the moonlight, there is a curved golden rainbow across the ends of the island.

In the center of the golden rainbow, there is a quaint bluestone palace.

"Decision, it is you."

Anlin looked at the palace and opened his mouth.

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