I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1034: Happy cooperation

An Lin’s eyes widened: “I will die?”

If other fortune tellers, run over and tell An Lin, you will not die to pay for the disaster, you will die.

Anlin said absolutely nothing, rewarding the man with a mountain fist.

However, this was said by the natural turtle priest Gu Yu, but it made him have to be vigilant.

"Yes, you will die and be killed by the people of the spiritual fish family." Guyu nodded.

Anlin frowned slightly. Although he and the spirit fishermen had hatred, they could kill him unless they were sent to the super power. Do the spirit fishermen dare to do this?

Gu Yu slowly said: "I can only tell you that you are not working with me. Of course, if you cooperate with me, I can guarantee you not to die."

"I know what you want to find for me, because only that thing will be related to the fate of the Tiangui people... In fact, among the Turtles, you can understand the life of your map, and many However, the only person who can keep you from dying and let you get a big chance is me!"

In the tone of the ancient island, there was great confidence and he looked at Anlin very calmly.

Ann Lin caressed his chin: "How can I believe in you?"

"I can face the ocean, swear to the stars and all the spirits." Gu Yu looked at An Lin and added, "You don't think too much. I chose to work with you. For the Tian turtle family."

Anlin nodded, and the reason is still credible.

He said politely: "You continue to say."

Gu Yu smiled and said: "Little friend, you come to me, for a mysterious starry sky trajectory map? Where is the place, I know. In fact, the map in your hand is not just a map, it is still A key!"

"Key?" An Lin thought a little.

"Yes, it is the key to entering the seabed cemetery! Only with it, is it eligible to enter the seabed cemetery, and only the existence below the virtual environment can enter."

"I could have forced the map of Xiaoyou to let the strong people of my family enter the cemetery. However, after I deduced it, I learned that only a small friend can really change the fate of the Tiangui people, so I choose to help. You." Guyu opened the way.

An Lin’s face was slightly pumped: “You are really honest.”

Gu Yu smiled softly: "Hone is my biggest shortcoming."

The big tortoise said again: "Yes, by that time, the spirit fisher will have a strongman to enter. It will be your biggest opponent, you have to be careful."

An Linhe smiled: "Is the opponent of the gods make me careful? You are insulting me!"

Gu Yu: "..., Xiaoyou, I think you are a little inflated."

"I am not bragging, even if the power to return to the virtual world can go in, I can still hammer." An Lin is full of confidence.

Gu Yu: "..., Xiaoyou, you are really inflated!"

Anlin did not entangle in this topic, and asked: "You said that the spirit fish family also has a strong entry, meaning that the spirit fish family also has a key? There are two keys?"

Guyu nodded, and some meant profoundly: "Yes, the sacred seabed cemetery is the ancient cemetery, the taboo of the high priest of the Tiangui and the high priest of the squid. Are you interested in knowing?"

Turtle and mermaid love? incredible!

Anlin Xiaodi was shocked: "No interest, focus on it."

Gu Yu’s eyes widened. It was about to talk about the legendary love. As a result, An Lin didn’t listen?

"Well... the point..." Gu Yu thought for a moment and said, "When you enter the cemetery, pay more attention to safety?"

An Lin: "..."

"There is nothing to remind you? For example, what should you pay attention to, what is inside the cemetery?" Anlin was angry.

"Before the death of the two priests, the glory of the past and the fate of enlightenment were buried together in the cemetery of the seabed, and the keys were left to future generations. When the time is right, future generations can be opened."

Guyu looked up at the sky: "I watched the stars day and night, feeling the changes in the world, and learned that now is the best time to open the cemetery."

"After you go in, you don't need to do anything specific, do your best to get the most out of it. If you have a treasure, you can grab it. If you have a good method, you can take it."

Anlin was shocked.

Good and considerate requirements!

In fact, even if you don't need a big turtle to say, he will do the same!

"Then, I encountered any words and patterns that I could not understand. I hope that all of my friends will take them. Those who may contain some important information hope that Xiaoyou can pass them to us." Gu Yudao.

Anlin nodded and promised: "No problem."

Gu Yu spit out a diamond-shaped black crystal from his mouth: "Put it on your body. At a critical moment, it can save you a life. This is what I said, working with me to save your life."

"Is this something?" Anlin asked the diamond-shaped black crystal with him and asked.

"Can't say, can't say... If you say it, it won't work..." Gu Yu shook his head.

An Lin: "..."

Are fortune-telling like to wear such a high level?

Is it not to be high-level, it will not show its own level?

An Lin sighed and no longer struggled with this.

It all seems to be connected in series.

Black Fox and Lingyu, Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni's wedding, Chen Hao's map key, the **** of the period...

With this in mind, if they follow their previous plans, should they plan to send Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni into it?

It’s now being cut off by Anlin.

The Black Fox family can't be mad at all, and the boss has been killed by him. But the spirit fishermen are certainly very angry. If you see Anlin holding the key to the place, it is not a fierce battle.

"Little friends, I will personally send you to that place, as long as you are outside the cemetery of the sacred seabed, no one can hurt you!" Guyu secured the road ~www.readwn.com~ This is a dispelling of Anlin Concerns.

"You swear!" Annlin said.

Gu Yu: "I am facing the ocean, facing the stars, swearing to my people..."

After a moment of swearing, Gu Yu stretched his head and slammed into the space: "Little friend, I will take you to the ancient tomb of the sea."

Anlin was surprised: "You don't have to look at the map to know the road?"

His map has not been taken out yet, the big turtle said that he wants to lead the way, so arrogant?

"Oh, that place is a secret to me as a high priest? The only thing that thing for me is that it is the key to entering the tomb." Gu Yuhe said.

A seabed deep in the West Sea.

Here the currents are raging, thunderclouds are gathering, and terrible thunders are falling from the sky, falling on the sea, roaring and roaring.

A woman sitting on a giant seashell, watching the surge of the sea.

Her lower body is a blue fishtail, and the upper body is human.

The face is beautiful, the skin is white as jade, the chest is white and plump, wrapped in blue ribbon, and the slim waist and curved perfect back are exposed, which is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Her looks and body meet all the illusions of the mermaid.

The mermaid will look into the distance, and a pair of blue dragons have a fierce battle.

"High priest, you said, who is my opponent?" asked the mermaid.

"Who is not important, Lan Xiao Ni, don't forget your task." A group of liquids that couldn't see the pattern floated beside the mermaid and replied.

It is not a real life, or it feels that it is not the time.

Lan Xiao Ni licked the pink lips, and the mouth raised a smile, from the channel:

"Yes, no matter who I am, I will let him feel what is real despair!"

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