I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1036: Ancient sea tomb

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The choppy waves of the big sea are stagnation.

The dark clouds and lightning flashes on the sky seem to have been fixed.

Everything has become static.

Only the two sides of the map disintegrated in a strange way, and then the force began to release, a white light column running through the heavens and the earth, straight into the sea.


The light column stirred thousands of miles on the sea.

A huge whirlpool of the sea began to appear.


Anlin and Dina, the bone jade fairy farewell, began to fly toward the center of the whirlpool.

Lan Xiao Ni silver teeth bite, silently behind An Lin.

Even if the road ahead is rough and desperate, she is the representative of the spiritual fish family, carrying the future of the entire race, or fighting hard.

The two entered the interior of the white light column, along the passage of the white light column, all the way toward the bottom of the sea.

As the depth progresses, the rapid current caused by the vortex gradually dissipates, and only silence and darkness perpetuate. If there were no light beams, they could not even see the surrounding ocean creatures.

The surrounding environment became quiet and the sound of the water gradually dissipated.

Lan Xiao Ni looked at the man in front, licking the pink and shiny lips, secretly swallowing a spit, his eyes showing a kitten-like timidity, and his heart kept thinking about how to do after entering the ancient tomb. An Lin's claws.

I don't know how long it has been sinking, and finally it has fallen to the bottom of the sea.

Anlin looked up and looked away. Through the light of the beam of light, it was faintly visible that a blue door was closed and stood on the bottom of the sea. The surface was extremely smooth and tidy.

After a long time, there is no trace of wear and tear.

"Well, that place should be the entrance." Anlin nodded and began to walk out of the light column and came to the door of the tomb.

Lan Xiao Ni also followed suit and did not say a word. In my heart, praying for the big eyes in front of you, you must not pay attention to her, it is best to ignore it completely!

As a result, An Lin suddenly stopped and looked back at Lan Xiao Ni.

Lan Xiao Ni Jiao body trembled, his eyes evasively: "How... what?"

"You, advanced." Anlin said.

Lan Xiao Ni Mei 眸 眸 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 瞪 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝 蓝

"How can I do this..." The mermaid princess grievances, tears swirling in the eyes.

She knew that she was made by the cannon fodder that Anlin was exploring.

The princess of the Tang Dynasty spirit fish family, the patriarch of Lan Xianyang, who has suffered such grievances? She can't give in and bet on the dignity of the spirit fishermen.

"Don't ink, go!" An Lin shouted loudly.

"Good... good!"

Lan Xiaoni's teeth bitten his thin lips and bowed his head in front of Anlin.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

For the future of the spiritual fish family, she is willing to bear the burden...

Lan Xiaoni walked to the front door and extended his hands to the door, trying to push away.

Unexpectedly, the door is like an indestructible wall, no matter how hard she uses, she can't push it away.

Lan Xiao Ni slightly frowned, is planning to use other methods, the fish head and the turtle head next to the door at the same time moved, looking directly at the blue Xiao Ni mouth, a horrible space of power came.


Lan Xiao Ni screamed and disappeared instantly.

Anlin looked stunned.

Is this entering the ancient tomb?

In other words, if space can be transferred into the ancient tomb, then they put a door here, is it useful? !

I was hesitant to stand in front of the door like Lan Xiao Ni. The fish head and the turtle head seemed to feel a little. They turned their eyes to An Lin and opened their mouths.

"Hold the grass!"

Anlin exclaimed, and the feeling of turning around was coming!

A strong spatial shift.

His eyes are back to Qingming again, and he has come to a strange world.

The sky is gray, and the light shrouds the entire earth.

Countless ancient swords were placed on the ground and could not be seen at the end.

Sharp, desolation, feeling of desertion, shrouded in the surrounding space.

"Infinite sword system?!" Anlin's eyes are bright and very exciting.

He can feel that every sword may have its battle and blood, and its history. When countless ancient swords are gathered together, the accumulated sword potential can even puncture the sky!


There is a strong energy fluctuation not far away.

Anlin looked up and found that Lan Xiao Ni was flying in a certain direction. He flipped his hand and cast a very powerful technique.

Numerous ancient swords rushed from the ground and took the initiative to attack Lan Xiaoni!

The superb water power collided with the ancient sword, and a thunderous roar broke out.

"She is fighting?" An Lin snorted, looking in the direction of Lan Xiaoni's forward, his eyes gradually lit up...

Lan Xiao Ni fishtail swings, every time he jumps, he can ripple in the space, and his body quickly crosses the void, as if swimming in the water and approaching the front.

The ancient sword of a handle seems to be stimulated, carrying a shocking sword, and heading toward the blue little Ni Feifei.

Lan Xiaoni writhed the flexible waist and avoided the sniper of the flying sword. If he couldn’t escape, he would use his hands with strong water to shoot it.

"Quickly, although these flying swords are extremely terrifying, I can barely resist."

"There are still a few hundred meters, that necklace is mine!" Lan Xiao Ni looked at the hot spot not far away, there is a huge ancient sword inverted, the sword of the ancient sword is tied with a blue necklace.


Just then, a very terrifying energy swept from behind.

"Ah...!" Lan Xiao Ni screamed and hurriedly avoided.

At this time, that figure has surpassed Lan Xiao Ni, and took the lead!

Countless flying swords followed behind the figure, the man turned around and singled out to the flying swords, and the force was enough to distort the void.


All the flying swords are blown up.

"Hey, what are the spicy chicken swords, and none of them can be played."

The man snorted and came to the huge ancient sword, and he lifted the necklace very simply and took it into the ring.

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

Anlin was satisfied and nodded ~www.readwn.com~ but saw that Lan Xiao Ni was looking at himself.

"What are you doing for me?" Anlin frowned.

"No...nothing?" Lan Xiaoni was so scared that he kept shaking his head and denied it. Even the chest was shaken, forcing the sorrow and anger in his heart, and he was greatly wronged.

So rushing to grab things, and there is not a little guilty after the grab, this man, before Lan Xiao Ni changed, absolutely must unload him eight!

"If you have nothing, don't swear, or I think I have done something blameless." Anlin speaks with a heart.

Lan Xiaoni was shocked. You did it yourself. Isn't there a bit of force?

After receiving the necklace, the ancient swords around were quiet again.

Anlin looked around in confusion and couldn't find anything special.

He turned his eyes to Lan Xiao Ni and laughed again with a bad heart. Book friends are paying attention!

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