I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1039: Very tacit understanding of 2 people


An Lin smiled, I also Siemens!

The huge spirit fisherman statue, although the eyes will turn, is a bit creepy.

But after Anlin got used to that gaze, he didn't care much. It’s also a statue, can’t it be that the statue can jump out and beat him up?

"However, you said that Xihaizi is the high priest of your family. Can you say that... a man in a hall, fell in love with a big turtle?!" Anlin returned to the world and was very shocked to speak.

He had no interest in listening to Gu Yu’s love story before, but now I think about it, it’s so exciting!

He always thought that the male tortoise fell in love with the mermaid, but unexpectedly the handsome fish fell in love with the female turtle! This is as horrifying as Xuan Yuancheng fell in love with Qinghua!

Lan Xiaoni was puzzled and slightly squinted at his head. He said: "This is a love that transcends race. Is there any problem?"

She found that she could not keep up with An Lin's brain circuit.

That is the world of the strong, the thinking of the strong?

Anlin had some helpless gestures and was too lazy to spit.

It was difficult for him to accept this kind of love for a while, and he had to turn his eyes to other places and divert his attention.

It turned out that there was nothing left in the air.

Is the treasure the statue? Look at a sculpture!

"There are people who are welcome, come to me and the tomb of Tianchen Ji."

A voice suddenly spoke from the mouth of the statue, and the sound was loud, like a thunder.

Anlin turned his gaze to the statue and looked at the round eyes of the statue.

He stroked his chin and thought about it.

Talking statue, should it be worth a little money?

Lan Xiao Ni was so nervous that the small hand was silently gripped, and this ancient high priest would actually speak!

"If you choose the road to treasure, then you have to come up with the corresponding strength. If you die on the road of treasure, you can only show that you and I have no fate."

The stone figure moved and spread his hands slowly.


Six different colored **** of light appeared in front of An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni.

The color of the light ball is black, white, blue, yellow, green, and red.

"Every light ball can go to different worlds to get different supreme treasures. Now, let's choose." Xihaizi statue smiled.

Lan Xiao Ni pointed to the blue light ball and said: "I want to go to this world."

Anlin points to the yellow ball of light: "I want to go to this world."

Well, the two chose a different world.

Lan Xiao Ni is full of excitement, she knows her chances come.

When the two go to different worlds, she can get rid of the fear of being dominated by Anlin, freely and freely, to maximize her own interests.

At this time, the statue opened again: "Please ask two people to choose the same light ball."

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

"Then we re-elected?" An Lin looked at Lan Xiaoni with a smile.

Lan Xiao Ni struggled to squeeze a smile: "Good!"

The second choice of light ball.

Anlin still chose a yellow ball of light.

Lan Xiao Ni also pointed to the yellow light ball.

The two quickly reached a consensus, no deliberation, no quarrels, and a very tacit understanding.

"Well, I will send you to the domain of the yellow ball." The statue of Xihaizi opened his mouth with relief. After finishing the game, he added that "it is a pair of tacit and harmonious couples."

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

An Lin: "..."

Is the stupid statue misunderstood?

They are entering the ancient tomb together, but not a couple of friends!

An Lin is trying to swear, and the yellow ball has expanded rapidly, engulfing the two.

It was another horrible turn.

Anlin felt that he was about to spit it out. After the fear of high speed and dizziness, he felt that he had to send more shadows.

Spatial changes.

The two instantly appeared in the desert of the yellow sand.

The sky is like a fire, and the golden clouds are floating and rushing, accompanied by extremely hot air waves.

The horrible heat makes the atmosphere of the desert become distorted and illusory. The ordinary creatures appear here. It is estimated that it will take a few seconds to be burned alive.

"It's so hot..."

Lan Xiao Ni complained softly.

She is very cool, and her upper body is only covered with a blue satin wrapped in snow-white twin peaks, whether it is a waist, or a jade-like shoulder, or a smooth white, extremely curved back, all bare. The.

This kind of dress is very common among the fishermen.

But it was such a cool dress, she still could not stand the heat of the desert, silently cast the technique to maintain the body's refreshing feeling.

An Lin looked at Lan Xiao Ni with some helplessness. In her heart, she wondered how the spirit fishermen would pin their hopes on such a spoiled princess.

This is not true at all! Lan Xiao Ni is weak and afraid of things. He is especially afraid of death. He has no courage to resist him. How can he become his enemy?

Some of Anlin did not understand, and silently walked in the forefront.

Lan Xiao Ni silently followed.

Every world has a treasure. The statue also says that the acquisition of treasures depends on strength. If you accidentally die, it is also proof that there is no fate from the tomb.

This shows that there is definitely a huge danger in this desert.

Anlin did not dare to take it lightly. While walking forward, he used his knowledge to explore the surrounding situation.

The hot desert seems to be boundless, but he quickly perceives it with super-sense, and in different directions, the temperature changes are different.

He began to move toward higher and higher temperatures.

"Hey... How is the temperature getting hotter?" The silly white mermaid princess had some doubts, and looked at him nervously, and he opened his eyes nervously.

She is worried that she will be burned to death.

Anlin was too lazy to take care of Lan Xiao Ni and continued to walk forward.

The temperature is getting hotter and hotter, and the sand containing the vitality has become a hot golden color, which is hotter than the red iron plate.

Lan Xiao Ni has fish tail off the ground, using the water system to cool the body.

She didn't want her lower body to become teppanyaki, so she was afraid to do that. Anlin couldn't hold it and eat her.

Well, "eat" is literally.

Lan Xiao Ni has already filled An Lin brain into a big demon who likes to eat the spirit fish.

It was said that her body fragrance is a seafood taste ~www.readwn.com~ is a naked tune and hint.

Just as Lan Xiaoni was thinking about some mess, Anlin, who was in the forefront, suddenly stopped.

"It's here." An Lindao.

"Well?" Lan Xiaoni looked at Anlin with some confusion.

Suddenly, the hot grit of the ground sank like a quicksand.

Lan Xiao Ni's face changed and he has not yet made a move.


The sand suddenly exploded.

A giant worm shrouded in a golden flame, and opened his mouth full of teeth. At a terrible speed, bite at Lan Xiao Ni!

The worm made a choice between Anlin and Lan Xiaoni.

Book friends are paying attention!

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