I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1053: Lan Xiao Ni's choice

"Oh wow!" An Lin's heart was penetrated and a blood spit out.

This is the power of Shinto, and it is an extremely powerful force of Shinto!

A blue spear penetrates Anlin's body and even runs through the blue stones behind him.

The black rune appeared on the spear, and the power of the horrific suppression was so great that Anlin could not use the slightest power.

The heart was broken, and blood dripped down the ground with a spear, and the vitality was rapidly passing.

The first reaction of Anlin was to look at Lan Xiao Ni, but found that Lan Xiao Ni looked at himself with the same look.

Not her?

Who is that?

With the strong knowledge of Anlin, it is impossible to perceive where the enemy exists.

At this moment, the diamond-shaped black crystal presented by Gu Yu on his chest suddenly burst into a very powerful life force, flowing into his body, resisting the Shinto power of the spear, preventing the spear from further destroying the body!

Have you been saved?

No... not!

Anlin can feel it, his body is getting weaker and the blood is constantly losing.

The black crystal of Guyu is just the time to delay his death!

If he goes on like this, he is still a pill.

A force suddenly converges on the finger, and his squad is slowly falling off.

"No...!" Anlin shouted and shouted.

The sorrowful shouts are even more savage than being stabbed in the heart.

In the ring, he is carrying hundreds of millions of dollars! That is his life! !

However, the Naduan really flew.

Flying out of the altar, flying over the poisonous scorpion and the sea of ​​fire, crossed the hot Yan River and came to the opposite side of the Yanhe River.


A space crack suddenly appeared.

It was a white space channel that radiated a soft glow.

An Lin’s Nayong was floating in front of the crack in the space and no longer moved.

"Anlin boss, are you okay?" Lan Xiao Ni exclaimed.

An Lin: "..."

I am like this, like someone who is ok?

Anlin said with a hard time: "I have something, I feel dying..."

Lan Xiao Ni: "..., I will save you!"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded.

"The descendants of the spiritual fish family, you took this human martial art and left the space channel to complete this black ball world trial."

"My treasures are all in the ring, you can take the treasure of Nayong to revitalize the spirit fish, this is your mission, you can achieve it now!"

The sound of Xihaizi echoed in the space.

Both An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni were stunned.

Lan Xiao Ni turned his eyes to the ring next to the crack: "I... I took the ring of Anlin boss, and then I can leave..."

"Yes, this will complete the mission given to me by the entire spiritual fish family. In this way, all the treasures are mine..."

Lan Xiao Ni's breathing became heavy and his eyes gradually became hot.

Anlin is a cold heart, and the whole person is not good.

This is a great opportunity for Lan Xiao Ni! This is completely lying and winning!

Everything is clear.

No wonder Gu Yu will say that Lan Xiao Ni is his biggest enemy. It is no wonder that the high priest of the spirit fish family is not a fish, so he will trust Lan Xiao Ni.

It turns out that Lan Xiao Ni does not need to be strong enough to go against the sky. The advantage of only the blood is enough to crush all the external forces!

There is a ancestor of the spiritual fish family, here to open the back door for her, what else should she fear?

The last black ball world was just a passing show.

Everything that Anlin worked hard before was just a wedding dress for Lan Xiao Ni.

I am so angry!

In the face of this completely unreasonable trial, he gnashed his teeth, but he could do nothing.

The horrible power of the blue spear not only destroys his vitality, but also blocks the meridians, the spirits, the sea of ​​air, and if there is not enough strong external force, it is impossible to break through this imprisonment.

Anlin is desperate, and if he goes on like this, the enemy will not have to do anything next, he will die because he has too much blood loss.

Lan Xiao Ni will leave this ancient tomb with his treasure before he dies.

Are you dying here?

"Hey...ah...!" He reached for the spear and tried to pull it out, screaming hard, but he couldn't make any effort, as if pulling a deep-rooted nail, it didn't move.

Lan Xiao Ni heard the snoring of An Lin, and the Jiao body trembled gently, and the blue eyes gradually recovered.

She turned her eyes to Ann Lin, looking at the man who wanted to break free, and asked: "If... If I take the ring, he, what will he do?"

"This is not something you should worry about? He is your competitor, you are just acquainted with the tomb. How is he, what are you doing with you?" The voice of Xihaizi came again.

"He will die?" Lan Xiaoni whispered.

Xihaizi is silent, and the answer is obvious.

As long as they let go, Anlin, who was pierced by the heart, will die slowly even if his vitality is stronger.

"Anlin boss." Lan Xiao Ni snorted, blue and blue eyes staring at An Lin, tears in his eyes, with reluctance and struggle.

Anlin never thought that Lan Xiao Ni would look at himself with such a look.

Indeed, from the beginning, the two were competitive.

It’s understandable that Anlin has taken advantage of its powerful strength.

Similarly, the situation is now turning sharply. Lan Xiao Ni relies on the origin of blood and forcibly hangs up. This also blames nothing, all of which are based on their own skills.

Therefore, Lan Xiao Ni now puts this kind of look ~www.readwn.com~ to make Anlin very surprised.

Anlin’s heart ignited a hope, can she say that she wants...

"I'm sorry!" Lan Xiao Ni wiped his tears and ran towards the Naduan.

An Lin: "..."

Ok, this is the cruel and **** reality.

He was planted in the hands of the builders of this rude cemetery. In addition to shouting a few words, he did not seem to be able to do anything powerful.

Lan Xiao Ni took An Lin’s Nayong ring and took out the white jade fingers and carefully dressed them.

She looked at the ring on the finger and was fascinated for a moment.

In the end, she took a deep breath and the struggling eyes gradually became firm.

Lan Xiaoni turned around and quickly rushed in the direction of Anlin!

"Hey!" A horrible dragon, a screaming claw, screaming at the blue figure that crossed the Yanhe River.

"Blue Lingbing Bridge!" Lan Xiao Ni Qing sighed, white beads flashed, and an ice bridge with a very cold breath crossed the two ends, as if to freeze everything.

The dragon slammed on the ice bridge, causing the ice bridge to tremble violently, but it never melted.

Lan Xiao Ni turned into a blue rainbow and successfully crossed the Yanhe River and continued to rush toward Anlin.

Anlin looked at the figure that suddenly turned and flew toward him. He saw the resoluteness of the face of Lan Xiaoni and the momentum of the past. He forgot his own situation for a while and asked: "Are you crazy?"

Lan Xiao Ni clung to the pink lips, her eyes stayed on the spear in the chest of An Lin, and firmly said: "I am not crazy! I just think that the setting of a treasure of a light ball is correct, then There is no treasure in this world."

She smiled and said: "So, I think that this spear that can pierce your body is so extraordinary that it must be the treasure of this world. I have blue Xiao Ni who has good things but does not take it. reason?"

"This spear, I have to fix it!"

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