I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1055: I cover you.

Lan Xiao Ni looked at the **** soul jade and some awkward Anlin, pleading: "Anlin boss, I am now your savior, can you return the ring to me?"

An Lin smiled happily: "Blue brother, is it not a matter of righteousness to save the boss?"

Lan Xiao Ni’s mouth was pumping, and it seemed that he was used to Anlin’s shameless face. He didn’t mention it anymore, but he was somewhat distressed.

Even she didn't know why she made that choice.

She simply didn't want to see Anlin die, and then she did it. She didn't think about the consequences at all, and she didn't think about whether she would die.

As for the previous dialogue, she chose to ignore it.

Both of them fell silent and silently recovered their injuries.

The cave world has become quiet.

I don't know how long it has been.

"Blue brother." An Lin suddenly said.

"Well? What happened?" Lan Xiao Ni opened his blue eyes and looked at Anlin, only to find that Anlin was still obeying his own agreement.

"Thank you." An Lindao.

Lan Xiao Ni glimpsed a little, and his heart rushed into a certain sense of accomplishment: "You will say this sentence, then how do you want to thank me?"

Anlin looked at the ground of the altar not far away, a long blood mark mixed with faint fish scales, as if connecting the bridge between **** and heaven.

He whispered: "As the boss, you will cover your business in the future."

Anlin’s tone is very determined, as if he had made a very important decision.

Lan Xiao Ni smoked his nose, tears in his eyes, and he cried in tears: "Thank you boss."

The younger brother officially turned positive, and now there are people who have a big hood.

This is what Anlin can do for Lan Xiao Ni. His life was saved by her death. When she was bullied, he would never stand by.

After an hour, Anlin’s injury recovered almost.

He stood up and looked around and found that except for a flaming river that kept rolling and flowing, the surroundings were extremely quiet, just like before.

An Lin took another look at Lan Xiaoni in the coffin.

Under the dual treatment of the blood jade soul and the elixir, Lan Xiaoni’s burns have already smashed and shed, reappearing the white and smooth skin, and new scales appear on the fishtail. It is no longer the appearance of decay before, and the ugly fish changes again. Go back to the beautiful fish.

The burn of the mermaid is basically cured, but the poison that goes deep into the bone marrow still takes a lot of time to be completely removed.

Lan Xiaoni noticed An Lin’s gaze, and he glanced at him with a glance at the beautiful smile. He asked: “Anlin’s boss is going to continue to act? My injury is almost as good as it can be. ""

An Lin heard the words immediately shook his head: "No, the toxins in your body have not been completely cleaned up, or take a rest here, let me go and see the situation around."

"No, I want to go with you!" Lan Xiaoxi struggled to climb from the coffin. "If Xihaizi is going to target you, I am blocking you. He should not mess."

An Lin looked at Lan Xiao Ni, who volunteered to act as a human shield, and fell into silence.

At this time, Lan Xiao Ni has jumped out of the coffin, and turned lightly, laughing: "Look, Anlin boss, I said that I am fine... vomit!"

She is another **** blood spit out.

An Lin: "..."

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

"If I say... This is a natural detoxification phenomenon, do you believe it?" Lan Xiaoni looked at Anlin with pity, and said with a small mouth.

Anlin’s mouth was slightly pumped, pointing at the coffin, loudly: “Now, immediately, right away, roll me back into the coffin!”

Lan Xiao Ni Jiao body trembled, forced by An Lin's arrogance, had to face a grievance and lay back to the coffin, squatting to treat the injury.

Seeing some of Anlin’s angry look, I don’t know why, there is a hint of sweetness in her heart.

Anlin also released Dasan and the enchantress from the Nayong, and ordered them to protect Lan Xiaoni. This began the exploration of the world.

After Xi Haizi rescued An Lin from Lan Xiaoni, he never appeared again.

Even so, Anlin did not dare to take it lightly, and the gods fully released it, while holding the Zhuque and the bricks in their hands.

Yes, for this kind of power beyond his ability, only the external objects can be effectively blocked. Zhuque and brick are the best choices.

In front of the blue rectangular square that Anlin first came, he stroked the crack of the square. This thing was pierced by a spear of Xihaizi, but the fluctuations were still very strong.

Shen Jianshu!

A series of messages began to emerge in my mind.

Haixinshi, in the depths of the West Sea, the earth and the force of the sea gather together the natural crystals formed, is the top containment of the weapon, the god-level material.

Anlin's eyes are bright and it is a god-level material! And still cultivate weapons, a rare rare treasure in the world!

Now, the material of the forged artifact seems to have been basically raised.

A strange feeling rose from the heart of Anlin, as if the treasures obtained in this ruin were to give him a chance to forge an artifact like it~www.readwn.com~ He shook his head and made this weird Thoughts are thrown away.

This may be just the collection of the owner of the cemetery. I like to let the testers understand the kind, and collect enough treasures to summon the strange feelings of the artifact...

Anlin did not hesitate to raise the sea stone and earn income.

He thought about it and took the blue spear in the ring with great care.

This spear is made up of the power of the Shinto shrine of Xihaizi. It is a terrible thing that can be easily pierced even by his body and sea stone. It is no exaggeration to be careful.

To be honest, this spear is really a simple power of Shinto. It can't be kept as it is for so long. Even if there is no change in the Naduan, it is too weird.

Anlin is also worried that the emergence of this spear will be alarmed to Xihaizi.

He was tight all over, and looked nervously at the void not far away. After seeing that there was no movement, he was relieved to use the magical technique for the spear.

Soon, the information that was identified emerged.

The Sundering Spear is made by the power of Shinto and the true meaning of the Shinto. It contains the supreme understanding of Xihaizi's attack on the water system, and it can absorb the power between them for enlightenment.

Anlin got the information and gave it a slight sigh.

This spear is really not a simple energy body, but it also contains the feelings of the West Sea Son! This is a rhythm that has lost him a heritage!

Although the method is somewhat rude, the result is always good...

Anlin was facing the void not far away, and he shook his hand: "Thank you!"

The self-defeating of Xihaizi makes Anlin feel very refreshed.

Anlin’s face was satisfied, and he was about to take the spear back into the ring, but his eyes turned to the coffin not far away, and he was thinking about it.

He still remembers what he said at the beginning, is it better to practice the previous promises now?

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