I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1063: The big dilemma of this world

The starry sky map can be said to be one of the top attacks of the Starfire battleship.

Its power is positively related to the strength of the controller.

In order to kill Anlin, the dancers raised their strength to a peak in a short period of time. The starry map she used was arguably her strongest killer.

However, it was the ultimate killing that she had placed high hopes on. Now she has turned her direction and swept in her direction.

Instead of attacking the warship that she is manipulating, it is attacking her where she is really!

Within a golden energy crystal, the mermaid of the pink fishtail is stunned with a pair of eyes.

"How is it possible that he is just a **** monk, why do you know my position?!"

The star of the dancer has changed greatly and can no longer maintain calm.

She hurriedly mobilized the energy defense enchantment.

But a bare-handed commander who did not help, rushed to build up the defense, where can resist the attack of the starry sky map?

With a burst of crisp sound, the defense was broken.

The Galaxy was ruined and eventually collided with the golden energy crystal.


The energy was released, and the whole hull trembled fiercely, and the blue light gradually faded.

Lan Xiaoni's eyes were closed and he was ready to be pressed by Anlin. However, he found that Anlin stood in front of her unscathed, and the stalwart seemed to stand on the mountain.

"Even this terrible technique can rebound? Good... great!" Lan Xiaoni opened his eyes and stared at the scene in front of him, and could not help but marvel.

Anlin smiled lightly: "You first find a place to hide, I will go back!"

After all, the man opened his wings behind him, and the water blasted and rushed toward the center of the explosion at a very fast speed.

Anlin went all the way from the ruined passage that was blown up. After the explosion center, he held a victory sword against the front, and a strong sword gas smashed the violent turmoil.

He saw a cracked golden crystal in the ground and took a long breath.

"Gambling is right, this is really the core of the ship's mother. One person operating such a large battleship, after all, it still shows a big flaw..." Anlin smiled with a smile.

If the core is more subtle, his situation will be several times more dangerous than before.

"Just, where did the dancers go, was it smashed into slag?" Anlin looked around for the traces of the mermaid, but could not find a fish scale.

He picked up pieces of golden energy crystals from the ground. These things have a high energy density and they can be useful.

Anlin looked around carefully and finally found a deep blue blue wood sculpture below a gravel.

This sculpture is only as big as a palm. It looks like a star of the dancers. It looks like a cold and proud face with two folding fans.

Not only are the shapes similar, but the residual breath is very similar.

An Lin: "..."

I was almost killed by a woodcarving?

"Blue brother, come over!" Anlin shouted.

Lan Xiao Ni, who was hiding in the distance, heard the words and immediately flew to Anlin: "What is it, Anlin boss?"

"What is this woodcarving?" Anlin threw the woodcarving to Lan Xiaoni.

Lan Xiaoni took the woodcarving with a blank look and looked at it. The eyes gradually brightened up: "Wow... beautiful wood carvings, looks like a predecessor of the dancing star, is it a gift for me?"

The mermaid princess holds wood carvings in his hands and his face is filled with a happy smile.

An Lin: "..."

"I am letting you analyze, is this thing related to the dancers?" Anlin didn't speak very well.

Lan Xiao Ni returned to God from an unspeakable state, and his face turned red. He turned his eyes to the wood carvings of the dancers and carefully looked at them.

After a while, she said: "This wood carving is made of the **** of the spirit fish family, the Mongolian altar. It seems that it should be the carrier she used to deposit the legacy. The legacy of the dancing star was broken by you. This thing naturally loses its meaning."

Anlin heard a glimpse of it, some surprises, and some were difficult to channel: "So, the spirit fisherman has been defeated by me?"

"From the current situation, this is indeed the case." Lan Xiao Ni nodded.

Anlin nodded with some emotion.

Winning is too simple and rude, making his heart unacceptable for a while.

He thought he could fight three hundred rounds with the ship's mother who had left the battleship.

Anlin thought for a moment, an excitement, and smashed a high-level **** spirit.

"Wait! I have another problem!" An Lin suddenly panicked.

"Well?" Lan Xiaoni looked at him.

"The dancer star is the top talent of the spirit fish family, and is the master of the Spark ship. She is the big boss of this world." An Lin slowly said.

"That's natural." Lan Xiaoni nodded and nodded. Some doubts, "So, what do you want to say?"

Anlin frowned deeply and said: "According to the practice of testing the world in the past, it is not the elimination of the big boss, can we be sent out? Now now..."

Lan Xiao Ni opened his mouth and scared his little hand to shake. The woodcarving almost fell to the ground: "I, can't we go back?"

Anlin sighed: "There are only two possibilities. The first one may be that we still have big bosses not playing. The second possibility is that Tianchen Ji and Xihaizi have been shameless and arbitrarily changed the trial rules... ”

Both know ~www.readwn.com~ The first one may be almost zero.

The dancers who manipulate the Starfire battleship are already the limits of the world.

Tianchen Ji said that he would use this world power to deal with them. In fact, even if they can't kill them, using the world will always trap them, and they seem to be able to suffocate them alive.

An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni felt desperate...

Lan Xiao Ni couldn't help but swear directly and shouted: "Hey, use the powers, set up the difficulty of hell, even if you kill the enemy, you will be arbitrarily changed after being sent back to the rule... Are they so shameless? The face of the priest's title!!"

"I also said that we broke the rules. They now break their own rules. Why don't you say it? This is a naked double standard. They are a miscellaneous fish! Stinky sea urchin! Waste sea cucumber!"

Regardless of her own position, she is continually reprimanded against her ancestors.

Say, don't forget to take the woodcarving to the ground.


With a burst of sound.

The woodcarving was smashed by the angry blue little Ni.

Then, a golden key appeared in front of An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni.

Anlin was shocked, and the eucalyptus carved new equipment?

Lan Xiao Ni took the golden key and looked confused: "Is this something?"

Anlin reached for the key and excitedly said: "Is this nonsense? This is definitely the key to unlocking the shipwreck!!"

"Onepiece, I got it!"

Lan Xiao Ni: "???"

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