I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1134: Early ancient dragon domain

When Anlin thought of this possibility, the whole person was not good.

It is said that there is a dragon statue on the top of the dragon turtle mountain. Where is the statue of the turtle family that day?

Does Anlin have a relationship with the Tiangui people, and will not be the ancestors of the Bailong people?

He searched around, but did not see where there were turtles. At the top of the mountain, there is nothing but a magnificent dragon ancestor statue and a blue cherry forest.

"The descendants of the dragons came to worship the dragon ancestors and asked the dragon ancestors to bless my family!" Yimeng at the forefront of all the dragons, he made a strange handprint and took the lead to the dragon ancestor in front.

All the dragons in the rear followed the salute.

At this moment, Xiao Ze and Xu Xiaolan also became extremely solemn, learning the fingerprints of Yimeng and saluting the statue of the blue dragon.

At that moment, the cyan dragon seemed to have a vitality. Like a living thing, overlooking the dragons worshipped to it, the blue light particles radiated from its body and rose to the sky as a stream.

The thick black clouds suddenly split.


A blue light column tears the dark clouds and falls on every member of the dragon family.

Xiao Ze and Xu Xiaolan also suffered the baptism of the light column.

In addition to An Lin.

Yes, Anlin is like a huskies who have been mixed into the wolves and accidentally exposed their identity.

All the dragons were baptized by the blue light column, and he was alone in a silly stupid, and he did not know what to do. He always felt a little embarrassed.

He also learned the appearance of Xu Xiaolan and tried to seal the ceremony. As a result, the dragon ancestors did not even bird him...

"Is this the atmosphere of the dragon ancestors? How pure is the feeling, as if the source of everything, as the ultimate of the Tao..." Xu Xiaolan's eyes are bright, the lips are light, and muttering, "I understand, the real dragon blood is really looking for the way……"

Xiao Ze seems to have realized what is happening and is closing his eyes and thinking.

Obviously, this ritual of worshiping the ancestors is not only a simple worship. It has great benefits for every dragon powerhouse!

Anlin looked irritated, where is his big turtle?

The cyan column of light began to dissipate, and all the dragons had some gains.

The most happy are Xu Xiaolan and Xiao Ze, who seem to have realized what is extremely important.

Anlin knows that this is not the end.

From the information provided by Beilian, there is still a real test, waiting for them!

The cyan dragon statue twinkles with a flash of light, and the vermilion doorpost rises up. Between the two gantry pillars, there is a water-grained light door that does not see the internal scene.

Yimeng turned to face the dragons behind him and said: "The ancient dragon field has been opened in the early days. Remember, there is no unsure battle in it. In any case, to save your life, wait for the recall two days later!"

At this moment, the Dragon King of the East China Sea did not say anything about the grandiose battle declaration. Instead, he urged the dragon's strongmen to save their lives first. This is because the place is really dangerous.

As for why it is so dangerous to go, it is natural that there is something worthy of the dragons to fight for their lives!

"In the early days of the ancient dragon field..." An Lin smiled and turned his eyes to Xu Xiaolan and Xiao Ze, and asked, "Would you like to go?"

Xu Xiaolan and Xiao Ze nodded at the same time, without any hesitation.

Ann Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I will accompany you."

There are a total of twenty-eight dragons who participate in the ancestor worship.

But the dragons who choose to enter the Guangmen are only twenty.

An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, and Xiao Ze all chose to step into the light door.

"An Lin, you are not a dragon, what do you do inside?"

A crisp voice sounded in my mind, apparently using a voice.

Anlin turned and saw a beautiful dragon woman, carrying her hands and looking at herself with a smile.

An Lin recognized this woman, she is the silver fish princess, is the only sister of Beilian.

Speaking of it, An Lin also saved her, a good friend.

In order to avoid the Dragon King's awareness, the two had a tacit understanding before.

Now that the Dragon King has gone in, the silver fish can't help but talk to An Lin.

Anlin said: "I am curious, go inside and have a long experience."

Silverfish princess can not help but say: "You really haven't changed."

"You don't go in?"

"I am so weak, forget it, it's good outside. I hope you will return safely."

"Do not worry, I am so arrogant, I am sure to return safely."

The two ended a brief conversation when they met again.

Anlin’s figure did not enter the light door.

The early ancient dragon domain.

I'm coming!

In the early days, the ancient dragon domain was actually the area where the dragons lived and multiplied in the early ancient times!

The opening hours of the ancient times in the early days were once in a hundred years, once a month.

However, the early ancient dragon domain is quite special. It is exactly a back door left by the dragon ancestors to the younger generation, once every five years, once every two days.

This area is far from the starry outer domain in the ancient times of the early ages. It has a terrible array of enchantment and enchantment. Even if you understand the power of the Shinto, you can enter the world at ~www.readwn.com~ The counterattack.

Do not think that this is a blessed land.

On the contrary, it is a place of killing!

The dragon dragons of the West Longlin, the dragon strongmen of the East China Sea Dragon Ting, and the strongest of the evil dragons of the early ancient times, the battlefield of the three parties killed here!

This place is cursed by some kind of regular power.

If a dragon kills another dragon here, it can absorb the strength of the other party's certain probability, and even improve it.

Listening to Bei Lian, she was in the East China Sea Longting's six sisters, Yue Yue, when she went in, she was in the middle of the gods. After two days, she was already the peak of the gods. This promotion speed is simply a rocket.

This is precisely why, in the early days, the ancient dragon domain was so dangerous, the dragon strong people still went on and on, and took great risks to enter there.

In this world, it will either fly to the sky or become the nourishment of other dragons.

Anlin felt a dizzying spatial transformation.

In the next moment, he appeared in a strange world.

There are no traces of Xu Xiaolan and Xiao Ze around.

The transmission of the early ancient dragon domain is the same as that of the early ancient times. Each creature is randomly located in different places on the mainland.

Anlin stood on the top of the mountain, and the cold wind blew. The earth is a continuous mountain range, and the sky is an endless starry sky, so vast that it makes him feel small.

"Next, find Xiaolan first."

"This place is too dangerous, I want to be her flower protector."

An Lin’s mouth rose and smiled slightly.

He began to fall into the bricks and flew in a certain direction.

As for why it is that direction.

That is actually the direction that An Lin has chosen.

He believes that Xu Xiaolan and his heart have a spirit, as long as the fly, will meet each other!

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