I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1158: Battle of the Dragon

Among the ethnic groups of the evil dragons.

A yellow-eyed boy is still pulling his mother's sleeves.

"Mother, why do I have to fight? Isn't it possible to play in the breeding season?"

The woman smiled and caressed the boy's head, and softly comforted: "You blame this for our future. Don't worry, you will use a special array with other uncles, even if it is a god. The alien dragon can also fight."

While talking, the dragon strongman of a team began to vacate and flew to the distance.

More than 30,000 evil dragons, two thousand powerful evil dragons rise to the sky, the scene is extremely spectacular.

"Will you come here?" The boy looked at the dense dragon shadow and nervous.

The woman nodded her head and said: "Yes! He wants to go to the New World with us, how can we leave us."

The leader of the evil dragon family, the ancient dragon emperor, stood at the top of the dark round area at this moment, looking up at the stars of the sky, quietly waiting for the last moment.


Beyond the stars, there is a terrible power again.

There was a tremor in the world,

Among the mountains, 30,000 dragons are dignified or staring at the stars.

Fear comes from the unknown. No one knows what is happening outside the starry sky. Even the ancient dragons have no way of knowing it. They only know that this is an opportunity for them to break into the new world.


The collision is getting more and more fierce.

The hearts of the dragons are also hanging.

At this time, even the dragons in the far distance of the Gulong area were noticed.

Yan Qingyu looked at a certain direction and showed the color of contemplation: "Listen to its voice, feel its breath, is it the existence of the outside?"

Long Aotian, who is thinking about flying in the opposite direction, suddenly turned in the direction: "Hahaha seems to be very lively, you can find a good opponent!"

In the dark jungle.

I was lurking in the dark, looking for a place to fight around, and planning to carry out the knife-making career all the way to the end of the month, after hearing the terrible sound in the distance, the whole dragon is not good, flying away in the other direction.

She knew that at that level of events, she was not qualified to intervene.

A huge opaque ball is jumping on the mainland.

Beside it is a small little dragon, holding a dragon bone in his hands.

"Apollo, there seems to be a lot of fun to watch over there." The ball opened.

Xiaohuolong heard the bones swallowing the bones and looked into the distance. He said: "Don't go, we have lost two top dragons and can't afford any loss. Hades, we are still good. Think about how to endure the anger of the emperor!"

The black ball is awkward, there is no speech, and attention has been concentrated on the distant starry sky.

Their conversations have not continued for a long time, and there is a very loud roar in the distance.

Then, it is the sound of the broken earth!

It is not something that is broken, but something that is supposed to be broken in the dark.

In the center of the ninety-nine mountains, the starry sky began to twist and collapse.

"Hahaha, I finally came here, I finally came to this world!" The dark claws, scratching the torn sky, the horrible atmosphere sweeping the world.

A pair of golden eyes, spying on the mainland from the cracks.

More than 30,000 evil dragons, feeling the horrible breath, the body is involuntarily shivering.

The ancient dragon emperor under the starry sky looked up at the golden eyes, suddenly smiled and said with a pleasant but full of vigilance: "You are weaker than I thought, you are returning home, you don't know your hometown." Will be destroyed by what you did today."

She spread her hands and a double-headed spear with a Vientiane star appeared in front of her.

It is a collection of stars and creations. When it appears, it will distort the void, and it seems that it must run through the two worlds!

The eyelids outside the starry sky shrank slightly.

Gu Longdi's palms were shot, and ninety-nine mountains suddenly trembled, followed by a powerful light column that rushed straight into the starry sky, forming a huge array of large towns.

"You are the returning person outside the starry sky. It is the strongest person in this world. It is the most suitable person for the blood of this continent. Because of this, you can qualify for the broken wall."

The cracks in the stars continued to crack, and a huge black body began to appear.

"Mixed, what are you doing?"

A thunderous sound, carrying the endless dragons to the world.

Gu Longdi said with no expression, he continued: "The dragons we live here are cursed races, sad creatures imprisoned in prisons, and we have to pay a higher price to escape from this world."

"Hey!" The black dragon above the sky, extremely impatiently spurting a purple breath of the burning of the earth to the ancient Dragon Emperor, wherever it passes, even the void will be distorted!

The ancient dragons face no fear, and the light beams released by the ninety-nine mountains are rising again, turning into a colorful barrier of hundreds of miles, blocking the sky above all evil dragons.

Breathing falls off the barrier, and the ray of destruction blows away, such as the big day burning.

But even with such a terrible breath, the barrier just trembled, and even the cracks did not appear!

Gu Longdi continued her ceremonial statement:

"Fortunately, in the early days of the mainland, once again, there is a time for the trial of the ancestors of the Dragons. It is the weakest moment between the two barriers. Your advent is coincidental and inevitable."

The slender and flexible hand began to paint a rune in the void.

"To get through the passage of the cursed dragons to escape, you need one of the greatest pioneers. I don't have that qualification yet. After all, I am a hybrid that I dare not even dare to help me today. Waiting for the wall to break again, escape from this cursed land!"

Gu Longdi finally finished talking.

In front of her, there is already a vain charm, and there is an endless light.

The gods rose into the sky, instantly penetrated the defense of the huge black dragon, branded on the huge body, the inexplicable force of terror suppression began to erupt.

"Hey! What is this?"

The Black Dragon released the power of Shinto and attempted to shatter the charm.

Gu Longdi smiled slightly: "It’s the Dragon Dragon!"

She waved with one hand, the double-headed spear that flashed the Vientiane star, and instantly burst into the gods that broke through the two worlds and penetrated the body of the huge black dragon!

The screams of the Black Dragon ~www.readwn.com~ sway between heaven and earth.

The black dragon that gave more than 30,000 evil dragons a strong sense of oppression and fear fell from the sky and fell directly into the dark round hole in the center of ninety-nine mountains!

The suffocating sense of oppression disappeared and everything was restored to silence.


Gu Longdi’s voice trembled, and his red eyes kept his eyes on the darkness under his feet.

Her face was difficult to cover the excited look, waiting for the final result.

Between the mountains, tens of thousands of evil dragons could not help but cheer.

Somewhere in the early ancient dragon domain.

"An Lin, there is a fight! There are holes in the stars!" Xu Xiaolan exclaimed.

"Don't panic, let's wait and see, it's not the time to intervene." Anlin was calm.

It didn't take long.

"This black dragon is defeated like this?" Xu Xiaolan muttered.

Obviously it is the big boss playing style, but the result is killed by the other side!

This contrast is a bit unacceptable.

Anlin shook his head. "It seems that it is not our business. Let's go far."

Just then, the ring in his hand suddenly flashed.

"Well? How did my space box move?" An Lin looked blank.

This thing has always been quietly lying in the ring, and now I feel?

He was a little curious to take the space box out of the ring.

at this time.


Move the mountain to shake!

The space box suddenly exploded!

Both Anlin and Xu Xiaolan were stunned by a terrible explosion.

A huge black shadow appeared in the sky and smoke.

Both An Lin and Xu Xiaolan both had wide eyes and unbelievable faces.

"What the hell?!"



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