I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1181: All beings in ruin

Everyone is about to die with the world, but there are individuals who are beside them, telling others with joy, he can be resurrected!

Surprise, not unexpected?

I am so angry!

Also especially envious!

Anlin quickly stabilized his mind and asked: "Xiao Tu seniors, have you not been roaming the stars before, breaking the barriers to come here, can't you return the same way?"

Everyone heard that the eyes are bright. If you can continue to roam outside with Xiao Tu, and then find the way back to the mainland, it is not impossible, at least live first! ”

Then, Xiao Tu shook his head with regret: "If I can escape from this world, I still have the leisure to sneak with you here? The cracks in the sky, the rules collapse, the power of chaos is raging, full. The energy that is enough to destroy the world, I will be broken when I am close."

The little dance looked up at the sky: "They are like a fire that burns everything, and will soon cover the whole world. We will be with the world to nothing."

At this time, Gu Longdi has already rushed to the scope of the big array.

As the king descended, she released the colorful Shinto power, and repulsed Athena, Hades, Poseidon, Yimeng, Yuqingyu, and five top powers.

"For the evil dragons, the killer!"

The voice of Gu Longdi echoed between the heavens and the earth, and all the creatures who were fighting the evil dragons were born, apparently shocked by the sound of this terrible dragon.

"Oh, it’s really domineering, and in one sentence, it ended the scuffle."

Anlin saw this scene, and he was amazed.

"In fact, this is also related to the fact that Gu Longdi has just repulsed five top talents. After all, no one here wants to be killed by Gu Longdi." Xu Xiaolan said.


As soon as the words were finished, the big array continued to be engulfed by powerful methods.

"Mom, both are dead and fight!!"

"Everyone is together, kill the girl!"

"Ha ha ha... It is better to die in the hands of Gu Longdi than to be crushed by the sky!"

"Kill... can drag a back is a..."

The battle only paused for a few seconds and it broke out again.

There are also many strong people who are not afraid of death, choose to rush to the ancient Dragon Emperor.

Xu Xiaolan Zhang had a small mouth, and his face was shocked and unbelievable.

Some people really don’t care about Gu Longdi...

Anlin smiled and said: "Look, the proud dragons, can't be so reluctant to stand in the same place and die." I am the ultimate BOSS.

"The world is going to be destroyed. Everyone feels that they are going to die. What can't they do? At this time, what actually happened is understandable." The little dance stretched out his fingers and pointed to somewhere, laughing: "Look at that place."

Anlin and others turned their eyes to a place where there was a blue-colored oriental dragon, which was on the back of the western lizard dragon, rhythmically one after the other, one after the other...

The western lizard dragon is blushing and making a painful sound.

The battle between the two sides is very intense.

Everyone: "..."

"Ethic sorrow, the dragon is not old!" Xiao Tu angered.

"Xiaolan, what are you doing with my eyes?" Anlin said angrily.

Xu Xiaolan is blushing like an apple: "Don't look at that picture, it's too dirty!"

"Isn't it true that the Oriental Dragon and the Western Dragon are deadly enemies? Is this a feeling that transcends race and class?" Xiao Ze was horrified in his eyes.

Xiao Yan shook his head and shook his head: "Maybe just want to be cool and cool."

Everyone: "..."

As the scorpion of the East China Sea Dragon Court, is it really so good to say such a descriptive thing?

Just when everyone's thoughts were complicated, Long Aotian walked out of the queue.

"Long Aotian senior, where are you going?" asked An Lin.

"I am going to fight, this will make me die more!"

The dragon's upper body half of the body has been covered with blood-stained muscles, and the powerful force spread like a scorpion, seemingly domineering.


A burst of sound bursts.

Long Aotian fell on the battlefield and began to attack the evil dragon!

Anlin did not stop Long Aotian’s behavior and could not stop it.

One by one, the strong dragons entered the space channel, and outside the big array, they gathered many strong dragons from the West Longlin and the East China Sea Dragon Court.

The gap between the strengths of the two forces has greatly increased the pressure on the strong back of the evil dragons.

Gu Longdi stood in the void, one person resisted thousands of horses, five surviving emperors seven war dragons, three had been seriously injured and could not fight again, but also entered the aperture.

Therefore, only three of the evil dragons can be played, and they are all stationed next to the core array. The rest of the evil dragons are coming in one.

"The ancient dragon, the prison dragon, the rose evil dragon, are old faces." An Lin said with some emotion. Emperor's levy nine days

"The ancient dragons have experienced so many battles, the combat power is still so shocking, one of them has blocked the attack of the three dragons in the West." Xu Xiaolan looked forward to the future.

A dragon-female emperor, who is arrogant and arrogant, has convinced Xu Xiaolan.

"She has paid far more than you think." The clear eyes of the little dance reflected the figure of the dragon female emperor, faintly speaking.

"My good daughter..."

"big sister!"

Yimeng and Yuqingyu began to fly to Xiaosha.

The dragons of the West Longlin have a temperament, and they only want to fight in the end of the world.

The East China Sea Dragon Court is much more stunned. When it comes to fighting, it makes no sense, and I want to do something else.

"Little dance, how do you mix with Anlin?" Yimeng's eyes are round.

It came to Anlin as soon as he saw it.

"Temporary strategic alliances, they can be more reliable than you." Xiao Xiao danced a look at Yimeng and Yu Qingyu, his eyes seemed to be looking at two pig teammates.

Not to mention Yimeng and Yuqingyu, even Anlin and others can feel her deep resentment.

The biggest boss was dragged by the little dance, and the result was that his teammates had five hits and two, but they didn’t win... Anyone who has this will have resentment!

"Haha, don't mention this thing first, saying that you don't think of any means of living." Yimeng transferred the topic.

Xiao Dance shook his head and said: "No, according to the speed of the world's destruction, up to half an hour~www.readwn.com~ We all have to die here."

Xiao Ze looked up at the starry sky, and condensed a defensive crystal in his hand, constantly changing: "We are like a humble microbe trapped in a cage by a destructive force. When the destruction covers the entire sky, when the earth falls apart, it is the rule elimination. Oh, when everything is annihilated in nothingness..."

He observed that the world was shattered and his perception of defense was deeper and deeper. It is a pity that all this is over, and his defense is still unable to withstand the destruction caused by the destruction of the world.

"When you hear the news, you can die..." Xiao Ze was filled with emotion. He really feels that the Shinto is not enough for one day, he must die and die...

But he can't do those monks who are free and easy, he still wants to live!

It’s a thunderous explosion.

With the laughter of the West Longlin powers.

Anlin and others looked in the direction of the big array and saw a woman lying in the ground with blood.

Gu Longdi was defeated by the top talents of three Western Dragon Forests!

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