I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1215: 1st confrontation

Anlin found a corner position, slowly showing his body shape, and the people around him did not notice this scene, as if he was a normal monk with zero sense of existence.

"The auction begins!" The host shouted.

The voice just fell, a landlord of the land name, shouted out 600,000 Lingshi.

Then, even the herringbone monk began to bid, and the fare increased to 650,000 Lingshi.

The monks have been increasing their prices, and neither Anlin nor Huangfu have spoken.

The price has slowly increased, and it has been added to one million Lingshi.

At this time, few people bid for the price.

A mysterious item suspected of being a fairy, a million Lingshi has been the limit of most monks, and it is likely that the price increase will not be worth the loss.

"One hundred and one hundred thousand!" Anlin finally spoke.

As soon as he spoke, he attracted countless gaze and even a few exclamations.

There is no other reason, because he is a monk of the rox, the monk of this level, almost did not dare to bid more than one million Lingshi.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, I haven't been snoring before."

"It’s quite ordinary, I didn’t expect it to be so rich...”

At the auction site, many monks secretly talked about it.

"1.2 million!"

At this time, there was a sound coming from the Tianzi.

Everyone turned their eyes to the heights, and the price was the emperor of a blue robe!

An Lin also glanced at Huangpu Wen, his heart was dark, and this is the like to raise the price of the money, special toxic!

As a last resort, he had to continue to bid: "1.3 million!"

The monks were again exclaimed.

"God, this unknown monk, dare to pay the price of the monk of the day? Is it crazy?"

"The man seems to be called Huangpu Wen. It is a very powerful monk who has recently risen in Tianhe Prefecture. It is said that it is the second princess of the Yanhe royal family, and there is a battle to repent of marriage!"

"This is a son of destiny... The monk of that person is too ignorant of the heights of the people. If you get this kind of person, don't you be afraid of being wiped out by the other's aura?"

Sure enough, Huang Fuwen’s face sank completely.

The monks on the field did not recognize the item. Can the monk recognize it? impossible! This is clearly not with my emperor!

"One hundred and fifty thousand Lingshi!" Huang Yuwen continued to bid.

Now, his bidding price has exceeded the starting price of one million Lingshi. This scene has even changed the face of the woman who presided over the auction.

Reasonable, a fairy-tale mystery item, it is not worth the price so high, it is hard to be... What do the two monks know?

Some monks began to move around.

"One hundred and six hundred thousand Lingshi." Anlin continued to shout.

Huang Yuwen glared at An Lin, and his voice was like a beast. "This Taoist friend, you are playing with fire..."

An Lin rolled his eyes and didn't have a good air. "I raised the price of the madman. I really took this piece of wood. No one can take it. You are careful that the price is too high, but you have no money to buy it."

Huangfu was so angry that he shivered and shouted: "One hundred and eighty thousand Lingshi!"

Anlin faintly raised his hand: "Two million Lingshi!"

The monks at the auction house have sucked a swig of cold. Is this money blown by the wind? Two people even tried to get to this point for such a fairy material?

Huangfu Wen is about to raise his hand to bid, the light of the black beads flashed, and the voice of the old man came: "Don't argue, don't forget what we are going to the auction house, don't have time to bid for that piece. article."

Huang Fuwen took a deep breath and looked at An Lin with an angry look, and finally slowly let go.

"One time, two times, three times... the deal!" The beauty who hosted the auction, officially finalized, Anlin became the owner of that strange item.

Anlin’s face showed the color of victory.

The original source of the true dragon leaf saves the sky, the god-level material, not to mention two million Lingshi, even if it is 20 million Lingshi, it is worth fighting for!

Huang Fuwen's face is gloomy, and he looks at Anlin. In the heart, he makes your kid proud for a while. It is mine, it must be mine, and no one can take it!

He is bound to gain the essence of the true dragon.

At this time, there is a beautiful female repair to Anlin.

There is a faint smile on her face: "Hello, because the amount involved in your auction is large, can you show your assets? Our Tianbaoge needs further confirmation."

Many monks began to look to Anlin, with a gloating effect on his face.

Huang Fuwen also excited, and looked at An Lin with a burning gaze.

If Anlin is a person who maliciously raises the price but has insufficient assets, then in Tianbaoge, he will not even know how to die!

Anlin is not surprised, and does not mind, open the ring, faintly said: "Look at it yourself."

The beautiful female repairer puts consciousness into the ring of An Lin.

Then she was stunned by the spiritual stone of Anlin's mountain!

"Oh my God..." The female trainer stepped back a few steps~www.readwn.com~ The face was horrified, and at the same time, she became awed by the look of Anlin. She hurriedly bowed her head. "Sorry, this friend, I have been offended before, offended you, and I have to pay you first!"

The monks who had been gloating in the auction house were watching at the moment.

Is this special... Is the attitude so fast? !

This is too real!

In the heart of Huang Fu’s literary thoughts, he was shocked and looked at An Lin with a shocked look.

He knows why the attitude of women's repairs has changed so much. It is because the monk of this character seat is very amazing!

So rich, but willing to sit on the slogan, can this shop be a pig to eat tigers?

Regardless of the change of the monk's look on the field.

Anlin just waved his hand and said faintly: "It doesn't matter, just go after it."

"Yes." The woman repaired her head and left.

Although Anlin has already given a billion baht, there are still 55 million Lingshi in the Nayong.

This kind of financial power, he has not seen any power to return to the virtual world, and there is no doubt that the attitude of female repair will change so much, it is really she can not afford it!

The auction will continue.

Huang Yiwen did not participate in the auction, and seemed to be waiting for something.

Soon, the last item, the fairy treasure Xuan Xue Tian Hangen began to auction.

Starting price, 1.5 million Lingshi!

This is an extremely precious medicinal material, which is worth more than many high-ranking elixir, but even so, the auctioneers are still in a constant stream, and the monks of the Tianzi are even more enthusiastic about this. The fare increase is called A crisp and neat.

Anlin’s gaze moved up in the middle of a group of monks, trying to find out the flaws of the enemy.

The Nether Real Source Mine has not been auctioned, which proves that the other party is not selling things, but buying things. This shows that the enemy has a high probability of being among the monks who have captured the treasures!

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