I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1252: Meet again

The beast of the beast, the beast of the beast.

Only one dark yellow eye grows in the center of the face, and is covered in pale gray. The cow **** with a thunder and roar is screaming, sitting on the ancient jade chair.

It has a purple-golden thunder wrapped around the body, glittering and fascinating, as bright as the sun and the moon.

That thick one-legged leg, like a foot down, can level a mountain.

This cow **** is the elder elder of the beastmaster, the yak!

As a famous big power of the name of the earthquake, at this moment it looks at the front with a dignified look.

The front is a very elegant god.

Her feathers are extremely beautiful, with nine different colors, and the tail wings are like long skirts, full of brilliance, like the gods dancing in the sky.

The **** bird is only standing there, it is already the most beautiful picture.

"Yu Niu Daoyou, how are you thinking about it, you have been thinking for three days." The gods are so sweet as the sound of the sky, not too slow to say.

"This...the conditions you gave are indeed very attractive. The two nine-yang true fruit are already close to the two treasures... but the price is to enter the death thunder of the five-color Tianlei pool, take it inside. All the treasures..." The yak's face is tangled.

Shenque laughed and said: "The treasure inside is not necessarily worth two nine-yang true fruit."

"Moreover, you can't get into the beasts of the peaks of the thunder. I have a way to get in. You have two nine-inflammation fruits, and you are not satisfied with this condition?"

I have to say that the yak is moving.

The five-color Tianlei Pool is the top ten Jeju in the Kyushu area.

It usually takes five-color Tianlei pool forged body, but the death thunder is a general existence of forbidden land, even it can not forcibly break into.

There is no other kind of power, and there are ideas for it. But the highest bid, high enough to make it heart, only the gods in front.

The nine-color gods from the South Tianyu Kingdom!

Just as the yak hesitated, there was a loud voice outside.

"The beast of the beast, Bai Xian, ask for the elders of the yak."

"come in."

Hearing the sound of Bai Xian outside, the yak looks a lot.

A mighty white-haired giant dog came in.

The giant dog saw the nine-colored **** bird on the side, his face suddenly changed.

As a very mysterious beast of Nantian Yu, it is rarely seen outside the sun tree. Why is this happening in the beast?

Bai Xian remembers that the only time he saw the nine-colored **** bird was that he visited Nantianyu as a representative of the beast. At that time, the gods suddenly appeared in the world, soaring for nine days, sprinkling a piece of color feathers in the sky, glamorous, proud, and amazing countless orcs.

The colorful goddess can be said to be the goddess among the orcs, beautiful, powerful and holy.

"To introduce to you, this is the beast of Nantian Yuguo, the nine-colored **** bird, this is one of the three kings of our lord's tyrants, Bai Xian." The yak began.

"The gods are good for their predecessors." Bai Xian respects the ceremony.

"Bai Xian Xiaoyou." Jiu Cai Shenque nodded slightly, it was said hello.

The yak is somewhat curious: "Bai Xian, why are you looking for me?"

"There is one thing, the lord of the forty-nine sects, An Lin, intends to use your colorful Tianlei pool." Bai Xian said.

The nine-color goddess eyes were slightly bright, but they did not speak.

"Oh? He wants to come to my colorful sky mine pool? I want to know that it is my exclusive land, what do he want to do?" asked the yak.

The reputation of the Forty-nine Xianzong is very high. The yak also has some understanding of Anlin, so he did not immediately refuse it, or gave a bad face.

"He seems to want to forge, you know, he is also a good hand with Lei, is also very interested in the colorful Tianlei pool." Bai Xian did not want to find the beads to tell the yak, otherwise it is not the equivalent to tell 夔There are treasures in the cow multicolored Tianlei pool, hurry to find it.

The yak is thinking about whether it should be promised.

The five-color Tianlei pool is a very important forbidden place for it. If there is any moth, it will not die.

"This...do you still want to talk about it later, I am now discussing the colorful sky mine pool with the nine-color gods..." The yak thought about it, but he still refused.

"Oh, no." A very sweet voice came.

The nine-color gods suddenly said: "I am still very interested in the legendary sect of the Forty-nine sects. If you agree to let me enter the colorful Tianlei pool, I don't mind going with him. So your treasures are also available. People are sold, why not?"

The yak thought about it, it seems to be the reason.

Anlin is even more powerful, and can only wander outside the colorful sky mine pool. What kind of Mingtang can be made?

The forty-nine sects of the sect are now generally strong, selling the lord's face, and doing things in the future, and then even the nine-color gods and white singers also appeared for him, not let him go, can not say.

Hey... It’s a rare thing to say that the nine-colored gods are so proud and proud that they will be interested in Anlin.

The yak was a little surprised, and finally nodded: "That line, let Anlin come to see me, in addition, nine color gods, I promised you the conditions!"

Nine color gods show Yan Yixiao: "Yu Niu Daoyou, thank you."

Bai Xian also respectfully retired.


Soon, Anlin learned the good news~www.readwn.com~ Under the leadership of Bai Xian, he passed through the avenues of countless beasts and statues, and finally came to a lobby where the bursts of light were released. Among them.

As soon as I came to the lobby, I was almost blinded by the thunder of the sun and the moon.

"The younger generation Anlin, who has seen the yak seniors." Anlin made a respectful gesture.

Then he turned his eyes to the gods.

No way, the gods are too beautiful and too eye-catching, a colorful feather flowing in the sky, the energy fluctuations are mild like the spring breeze, the colorful is like a blooming flower.

He looked at the gods, but now he looks at himself as if he is looking at himself. The two eyes meet in the air.

When God looked at it, he immediately turned his head and was proud of it.

An Lin is somewhat confused. He always feels that this **** is particularly familiar.

"I will tell you about this, this is the nine-color **** of Nantian Yuguo, and this is the Anlin of the Forty-nine Immortals." Yak said cheerfully.

When Anlin suddenly took a big breath, it turned out to be her!

The nine-color **** of Nantian Yuguo, the little tits!

Anlin’s eyes are different.

The nine-color gods raised their proud heads and did not squint. The old-fashioned Qiuqiu said: "You are the Anlin of the Forty-nine Immortals. It looks good and is a good rising star."

An Lin: "..."

What kind of spectrum do you play, do you pretend to play games that you don't know?

"It turned out to be the nine-color **** of the South Tianyu country. Fortunately, it will be fortunate. It is better to see it, and it is the most beautiful beast!" An Lin said with amazement.

The nine-colored gods face is slightly red, and there is no speech.

The yak did not notice the strange atmosphere of the two, and said: "Next, you come with me, I will take you to the colorful sky mine pool."


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